
Hi everyone, you all know who I am. I rejoined this site now just to make a clarification because I am aware there is a lot of trolling and other stuff going on.

I wanted to just to clarify that I am not the Peanut Butter troll. Right now on the other site, there is a troll using at least two accounts (I believe Elephant Ear and Handyboy85, it might be more, who knows) making peanut butter fetish posts and most recently began posting about wanting gay sex with other mongers. That troll is not me and I am equally upset by it. Loki was correct with his post, but others than began doubting him.

The same troll I think was on the other site also spamming up this site. No that was not me either, I had actually left both sites since early October. I rejoined the other site recently to try to stop the peanut butter troll, but my posts went no where. I made the 3-month old review about Saratoga Sky from August cuz I just wanted to hopefully bring the attention away from the peanut butter troll and towards me, the real me. And then the stuff with the Saratoga UTR Victoria happened, she really did fake being pregnant to swindle me for money and other stuff. That is the real reason why I have not made any reviews and why I haven't been around, because I was exclusively seeing Victoria and she was UTR, but now we are over (this time I am the one blocked and blacklisted her, after her pregnancy scam - so see I don't always end up being ditched by providers, sometimes its the opposite).

In fact my final post on the other site I said "with peanut butter" I was being sarcastic because I was sick of all the false accusations - but that only again backfired as WarrenJeffers falsely thought I was confirming that I was the Peanut Butter troll. I then scrambled my password so I couldn't get back on my account and left the other site.

I rejoined here specifically to make this post and explain. I am sick of the false accusations and want everyone to know I am not the Peanut Butter troll. I have received harassing and threatening texts over this in my real life and even had to delete my facebook because of this. I want all of this to stop and of the Peanut Butter troll is seeing this, ask that he stops. It has come to this, I don't know what else to do.

PS Its kind of ironic because I don't even like peanut butter, it makes me gag, so seriously why would I be obsessed on it. A grocery item I never buy and honestly have not even eaten since I was like 9 years old.
Mr.Random's Avatar
There's really no way to say this without any offense.. but holy fu#*... enough is enough.. i literally only read 2 or 3 sentences of ur literary dribble b4 ending my misery.. i'm guessing i'm speaking for the majority when i say "NO ONE CARES!!".. no one on here is going to be ur therapist or friend..99% of the girl's talked about on here care nothing about you or anyone else on here... only your money... and they would rob their own mother to pay for their habits! Get help from a certified professional and get your mental health on track.. and when i say "good luck".. i genuinely mean that.. i won't resond to anything else you post on here.. or to this response.. won't throw away anymore valuable time on the matter.. bad enough i bothered with
Hey Scoot, I can't read what you wrote because I do not have premium status. But I am going to assume you are going to as usual say I am lying and that every troll account on both sites is mine, including the peanut butter troll.

That is something I wanted to point out. I have noticed whenever someone comes on making a bizzare post or trashing a provider, you automically assume its me. That is not the case. I have nothing to hide and I am honest about everything good and bad.

In fact you add fuel to the fire by responding, I have noticed. Look as I explained, I wanted to clairfy I am not the Peanut Butter troll. As hard as you find it to believe, I do have a life and a job and don't waste my time engaging in childless toilet humor with the sole intent of being banned, I have better things to do.