bummed out on VD day!!!

Hawkeye9's Avatar
I hate VD day. where all girls at!!!
My atf blew me off and know one else would answer!!

I Hate this day of love!!
gregory_m2003's Avatar
I understand hawkeye.. I was in the mood for some action this week-end too.. but then I realised it was VD week-end and it would be hard to get any of the girls..
I figured if I booked someone VD eve they would be too pre-occupied with the date with theirs SOs..
If I booked them the next day they would be too knackered with all the exertions they would inevitably have had the previous night..
Only safe option was to go to the asian girls working for some agency.. but i was not really in the mood for asian this week-end.. so i passed it up..
Never fear! Not everyone celebrates VD! Some of us prefer to defy the norm--the hoopla and hype has always been a buzzkill for mr. Besides, Mardi Gras has always seemed like more fun to me. And this week, I'm finding out for myself! Happy Lundi Gras!
Should read 'me', not mr. Gotta love suretype...