Obama Wanted to Apologizes to Japan for the Atomic Bomb!

Obama Wanted to Apologize to Japan for the Atomic Bomb!

Posted on October 13, 2011 by Bridgette| 5 Comments
Posted by Bridgette

World War II Veterans are Turning Over in their Graves!

Obama bows to Japan's Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko (AP)

Remember Obama bowing to the Japanese in his now renown international apology tour? His first breach of protocol occurred in April ,2009 when Obama bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Then on November 16, 2009, we were aghast to learn and see a photo of Barack Obama bowing a second time, this time to Japan’s emperor. Reports said that first President Obama first shook the hand of Emperor Akihito and then he gave a “deep” bow. To the world, our president’s bowing was perceived as the USA being submissive to the Japanese. While the Leftists were proud of their elected leader, others were ashamed and humiliated by his actions, and questioned his motives and allegiance.
Today, an article reveals that prior to that submissive posture that Obama took for the USA, Obama’s State Department under the direction of Hillary Clinton, sent the Japanese a letter saying that Obama wanted to apologize in person for the USA’s World War II actions when we dropped an atom bomb on Japan! Yes, Obama wanted to present his apology from the USA in person. Japanese officials said NO. No doubt they were astounded at this overture so they politely declined, stating fear of exploitation by other anti-nuclear groups if they did so.
This faux president wanted the Japanese to accept “our” apologies knowing that the Japanese were the ones that attacked us at Pearl Harbor! Was this not the beginning of WWII or have the Marxists changed the historical events to say otherwise? Did Japan ever apologize to the United States for starting the war? In the Marxist’s historical revision, it must be that the U.S. did something to provoke them, therefore we needed to apologize for defending ourselves and our nation.
Where was Obama educated that he thinks our country is ” imperialistic” and that we need to apologize for historical foreign policies and actions? We developed a weapon and used it against an enemy that attacked us. Where was he educated that he believes we need to transform our nation by presenting us as weak and non-responsive to those who disagree with our ideals? Obama’s “I’m Sorry” campaign and wanting to have enemies unclench their fists has gone to far!
In the same article, the Obama administration’s Department of State also apologized to a family for killing their terrorist son! Why would we be sorry for killing someone who was intent on killing our own citizens? Apologize to a Yemeni family who are no doubt supportive of their son’s activities? What kind of diplomatic corp is Hillary running? Who in the State Department is responsible for this?
What is worse? The embarrassment of knowing that Japan refused the apology from this unconstitutional man who occupies the office of president or that Hillary’s State Department’s ambassador John Roos sent the letter in the first place?
Note that the Japanese were not pleased with the nominee that Obama chose to represent the USA because he lacked diplomatic experience and had no ties to Japan.
The California-based lawyer reportedly collected at least $500,000 for Obama’s presidential campaign but was relatively unknown outside fundraising and legal circles.
His selection drew fire from some in Japan who doubt his qualifications at a time when North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats are major sources of concern.
Yet even with criticism from the Japanese, the Democratic U.S. Senate confirmed him anyway by unanimous consent on August 7, 2009. Was John Roos intentionally nominated because he had no diplomatic experience and because he could be used as a pawn by this administration?
These people who are misleading our nation are an albatross around the neck of the United States of America. They have damaged our country internally and externally in both foreign and domestic relations. In the eyes of those in our country who fought during WWII, this knowledge of apologizing to Japan would have them standing up in their graves!
These are blatant signs of anti-American sentiment that runs throughout this corrupt Obama administration. Our country doesn’t need to apologize for its actions to anyone. We are still the defenders of freedom and democracy here and abroad and leaving our country defenseless isn’t going to happen.
Veterans of all our armed forces, take this information with you to Washington when you gather to oust and demand the current administration leave peacefully and that Obama get the hell out of our White House.
Apologies Not Accepted
October 11, 2011
Leadership: Leaked cables show Japan nixed a presidential apology to Hiroshima and Nagasaki for using nukes to end the overseas contingency operation known as World War II. Will the next president apologize for the current one?
The obsessive need of this president to apologize for American exceptionalism and our defense of freedom continued recently when Barack Obama’s State Department (run by Hillary Clinton) contacted the family of al-Qaida propagandist and recruiter Samir Khan to “express its condolences” to his family.
Khan, a right-hand man to Anwar al-Awlaki, was killed along with Awlaki in an airstrike in Yemen on Sept. 30. We apologized for killing a terrorist before he could help kill any more of us.
It’s yet another part of the world apology tour that began with Obama taking the oath of office to protect and defend the United States and its Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, something he immediately felt sorry for.
One stop on his tour was Prague in August 2009. There he spoke of “America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons,” ignoring that before 1945 we lived in such a world and it was neither peaceful nor secure.
Another stop on the tour was in Japan, where Obama in November 2009 bowed to the emperor, something no American president had ever done. It could have been worse if plans to visit Nagasaki and Hiroshima to apologize for winning the war with the atom bombs had come to pass.
A heretofore secret cable dated Sept. 3, 2009, was recently released by WikiLeaks. Sent to Secretary of State Clinton, it reported Japan’s Vice Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka telling U.S. Ambassador John Roos that
“the idea of President Obama visiting Hiroshima to apologize for the atomic bombing during World War II is a ‘nonstarter.’”
The Japanese feared the apology would be exploited by anti-nuclear groups and those opposed to the defensive alliance between Japan and the U.S.
Whatever Tokyo’s motive, Obama’s motive was to once again apologize for defending freedom, this time for winning with devastating finality the war Japan started.
While Obama envisions a world without nuclear weapons, and moves steadily toward unilateral disarmament of our nuclear arsenal, we envision a world without tyrants and thugs willing to use them against us. We do not fear nuclear weapons in the hands of Britain or France, countries that share our love of freedom and democracy.
The leaked cable shows that it was sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in advance of Obama’s visit to Japan. Following is the section where Ambassador Roos refers to a conversation with Vice Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka:
VFM Yabunaka pointed out that the Japanese public will have high expectations toward President Obama’s visit to Japan in November, as the President enjoys a historic level of popularity among the Japanese people.
Anti-nuclear groups, in particular, will speculate whether the President would visit Hiroshima in light of his April 5 Prague speech on non-proliferation.
He underscored, however, that both governments must temper the public’s expectations on such issues, as the idea of President Obama visiting Hiroshima to apologize for the atomic bombing during World War II is a “non-starter.” While a simple visit to Hiroshima without fanfare is sufficiently symbolic to convey the right message, it is premature to include such program in the November visit.
But no American Citizen, much less the President, should ever bow to anybody, period.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's really more complicated than that, but I don't think an apology is necessary. In a war, people are going to be killed. Using the Bomb, we saved countless American lives. Sorry, Japan, you could have avoided Hiroshima and Nagasaki by surrendering. You knew the war was over before we dropped the Bombs. There was nothing to be gained by losing hundreds or thousands of American lives by a ground invasion of Japan. Obama is simply an idiot. But that is not unusual in Presidents.
It is all part of the Obama package; and why Independents won't swing his way in 2012........he doesn't beleive in American Exceptionalism so he bows, bends, kow-tows, and otherwise lowers himself (and America) before other countries.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It's really more complicated than that, but I don't think an apology is necessary. In a war, people are going to be killed. Using the Bomb, we saved countless American lives. Sorry, Japan, you could have avoided Hiroshima and Nagasaki by surrendering. You knew the war was over before we dropped the Bombs. There was nothing to be gained by losing hundreds or thousands of American and Japanese lives by a ground invasion of Japan. Obama is simply an idiot. But that is not unusual in Presidents. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
fixed - You forgot that part.
But no American Citizen, much less the President, should ever bow to anybody, period. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Many Catholics, both US and abroad, "bow" prior to receiving Communion, "period."

Perhaps Jackie should consider sending a letter to the Pope exressing his disgust, "period."

If the Pope fails to act, I suppose we could abolish Catholicism in America, "period."

Problem solved, "period!"
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Dilbert, our concern at that point was for American lives. The Japanese death toll was horrific, and regrettable, but we needed to end the war for our side, as quickly and decisively as possible, regardless of how it started. So I did not make a mistake, I intended to leave out the toll on the Japanese. It would have been so much better if they had surrendered before it came to that.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Many Catholics, both US and abroad, "bow" prior to receiving Communion, "period."

Perhaps Jackie should consider sending a letter to the Pope exressing his disgust, "period."

If the Pope fails to act, I suppose we could abolish Catholicism in America, "period."

Problem solved, "period!" Originally Posted by bigtex
bowing before communion is traditional rite.

FYI, President JFK didn't bow before the pope nor did he kiss his ring.

I do agree with that part where no american should bow before a pope or king.
bowing before communion is traditional rite.

FYI, President JFK didn't bow before the pope nor did he kiss his ring.

I do agree with that part where no american should bow before a pope or king. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I was merely pointing out the lunacy of Jackie S's 'chest-thumping' claim that "no American Citizen".... "should ever bow to anybody, period." I did not detect any room for interpretation especially as it relates to the millions of Roman Catholics in America who regularly "bow before communion!"

We can argue the semantics of bowing at a later time!

Just sayin'
You show your ignorance; Catholics don't think they are bowing before "anybody"..........

I was merely pointing out the lunacy of Jackie S's chest-thumping claim that "no American Citizen".... "should ever bow to anybody, period." As I read it, I did not detect any room for interpretation especially as it relates to the millions of Roman Catholics in America who regularly "bow before communion!"

We can argue the semantics of bowing at a later time!

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex
You show your ignorance; Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirly has cornered the market on "ignorance!" Apparently he is trying to protect his turf! ROTFLMAO

A "bow" is for the lack of a better word, a "bow!" He left no room for interpretation!

We can argue the semantics later!
A bow is a bow, yes....no arguement; it is the "anybody"...Catholics knelling, bowing, genuflecting are doing it to God; not a body..big difference...
A bow is a bow, yes....no arguement; . Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I am glad that we finally agree that a bow is a bow!

We can argue the semantics later!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
why argue the semantics later? why not now? just don't feel like doing it?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-06-2011, 07:24 PM
But no American Citizen, much less the President, should ever bow to anybody, period. Originally Posted by Jackie S
As an American, i find that comment to be embarrassing.

Sorry, Japan, you could have avoided Hiroshima and Nagasaki by surrendering. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yup, and we could have avoided 9/11 by everyone becoming Muslims and instituting Sharia Law.

Funny, but i seem to remember being told that what made 9/11 evil, as opposed to the collateral damage of killing civilians in Iraq was that Bin Laden targeted civilians.

I guess it's different when we do it.