Veteran Anchor Bill Kurtis Says Bialek Was Former CBS Employee With a ‘Track Record’: Hers and Cain‘s Roles May Even ’Have Been Reversed’ In Car

Veteran Anchor Bill Kurtis Says Bialek Was Former CBS Employee With a ‘Track Record’: Hers and Cain‘s Roles May Even ’Have Been Reversed’ In Car
On his radio program Tuesday, Mark Levin aired a clip of veteran journalist and CBS anchor Bill Kurtis on WLS saying that Herman Cain’s accuser, Sharon Bialek, is a former CBS employee with a “track record.” Given her checkered past, a chuckling Kurtis posited that Bialek‘s and Cain’s roles in the alleged car-incident could even have been reversed.
Some of Kurtis’ observations on Bialek were as follows:
“She has a history.”
“There is a lot more to this story.”
“I can assure you that there will be far more to this story.”
“Let’s put Herman or Sharon in the car and say their roles may even have been reversed, given her track record here.”
Bialek worked for CBS radio station WCKG from 2006-2007.
Listen to the clip below:

Levin brings up a point worth considering: Why is this story not making its rounds in the mainstream media, and why are voices like Kurtis’ being confined to select talk radio stations? Kurtis’ segment aired on Monday and thus far, precious few news outlets are delving into Bialek’s questionable history.
of course, liberals know this woman is telling the truth because all liberals know that black men can't control themselves sexually.........

Jobless & shameless gal going for gold

Last Updated: 9:14 AM, November 8, 2011
Posted: 2:29 AM, November 8, 2011

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Andrea Peyser

Gold diggers -- unite!
Sharon Bialek is 50, out of work and, according to one who knows her, she’s a smooth operator living way above her means. From the look of her heavily painted face, she’s also soon to be in acute need of a new tub of eyeliner.
Enter Herman Cain.
Bialek pranced into the Friars Club yesterday with lawyer -- who else? -- Gloria Allred aboard patent-leather do-me pumps. She proceeded to spill a dirty little secret she claims to have harbored these last 14 years -- presidential front-runner and fellow Republican Herman Cain made a pass at my junk!

With that, she became the fourth woman to accuse the GOP presidential front-runner of sexual harassment -- and the first to proudly show her face.
She did so with the breathy giddiness of a gal who’s read too many bodice-rippers. Bialek, who had her bleached-blond hair set in waves for the occasion, recounted with a broad grin the night back in 1997 when she flirted like a tart with the “inspirational” Mr. Cain.
“Mr. Cain sat next to me at that luncheon [in Chicago] and spoke to me extensively . . . He was incredibly inspirational,” she said. “When he sat down I said to him, ‘When are you running for president?’ ”
At the time, she was employed for a year and change at the National Restaurant Association’s Educational Foundation, doing “industry relations” or something. Cain was the association’s CEO.
But then she was fired, “devastated.” On the advice of her “boyfriend,” she proceeded to stalk Cain to Washington, ostensibly to hit him up for a job.

Bialek said she arrived at her hotel to learn Cain had magically upgraded her to a suite. They had drinks, plural. They ate Italian.
“During dinner, Mr. Cain looked at me and said, ‘Why are you here?’ ” Good question.
Then, said Bialek, Cain, who she remembers wore a suit jacket, no tie -- I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast -- drove her to the offices of the National Restaurant Association, which, as far as I know, were closed for the night. In the car, she said, he went caveman.
“He suddenly reached over and put his hand on my leg, under my skirt and reached for my genitals,” she said. “He also reached for my head and put it toward his crotch. I said, ‘What are you doing? You know I have a boyfriend.’ ” She said she was shocked and told Cain it wasn’t what she came for.
Cain responded, she said. “You want a job, right?”
She refused his advances, and he drove her back to her hotel.
Now, I love a good romantic farce as much as the next bored housewife. But the question remains: Why sit on this seeming sexual assault for 14 years?
According to someone who knows Bialek: “She has a very infectious personality. It’s easy to see how she won [Cain] over. But the reality of her situation is -- she’s a complete gold digger. It’s all about the money.”
The friend said she comes from a lower-middle-income family, but lives in a posh apartment running from bill collectors. “Most of her jobs ended in termination. It’s always the employer’s fault, not hers.
“This is a lady who lives off the system. She is hellbent on finding a way of never having to work and living the lifestyle she wants to live, a very affluent lifestyle. In my next life, I want to come back as her.”
The sad part is that Bialek has a 13-year-old son who must live with the shame and media scrutiny.
Fourteen years after the incident, an untraumatized Bialek said she approached Cain at a Tea Party conference last month in Chicago -- and was smitten again.
An “uncomfortable” Cain remembered her.
“I wanted to see if he would be man enough to own up to what he had done . . . During his speech, he had the same infectious presence and command as he did when I had heard him speak the first time.”
The last decade and change haven’t been so good. Bialek is unemployed, has a son. Her boyfriend’s long gone.
The gold rush is on.

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CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Marshall, you need to check your source. We all know that liberals are smarter, more empathetic and more highly evolved than the rest of us. There is NO WAY a liberal would make up such a story for their own gain. They are too pure for that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Bialek comes across as an opportunistic charlatan. How many years has it been since the alleged incident, and she's just now mentioning it to anyone - and that anyone is the "press"?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The Dems want to destroy Cain so that they can go back to calling everyone a rascists
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You guys are just pissed because you paid big bucks for autographed copies of "My Journey to the Whitehouse".

Isn’t it great when life is one big anecdote? You don't have to wait until the facts are known because you already know what the facts are. Everybody who is anybody knows that anybody you don't like did what you say for the reason you say they did (Say what?).

You can describe anybody and everything without really knowing shit about them or it and use your opinions as facts.

Most people (Real Americans, Patriots, Christians) don’t use anecdotes. They all make more money, get more women, and are more politically astute than people who do use anecdotes……Heavy fucking sarcasm for you rich, studley, pundits out there…..double dose for you 1% of 1%ers.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Kind of reminds me of a story . . . Oh. Wait. Nevermind.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Kind of reminds me of a story . . . Oh. Wait. Nevermind. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I like good first-hand-experienced stories.

I don't like stories about stories.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I bought this property. It was a unique, fixer-upper-as-is-special and the owner was eager to sell. I flipped it in 30 days for $175 million.

I can afford Maria now.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You guys are just pissed because you paid big bucks for autographed copies of "My Journey to the Whitehouse".

Isn’t it great when life is one big anecdote? You don't have to wait until the facts are known because you already know what the facts are. Everybody who is anybody knows that anybody you don't like did what you say for the reason you say they did (Say what?).

You can describe anybody and everything without really knowing shit about them or it and use your opinions as facts.

Most people (Real Americans, Patriots, Christians) don’t use anecdotes. They all make more money, get more women, and are more politically astute than people who do use anecdotes……Heavy fucking sarcasm for you rich, studley, pundits out there…..double dose for you 1% of 1%ers.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Christ used parables to teach, and, per the Bible, he was among the 99%.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I bought this property. It was a unique, fixer-upper-as-is-special and the owner was eager to sell. I flipped it in 30 days for $175 million.

I can afford Maria now. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
And this is one of your "stories" you so admire?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-10-2011, 06:00 AM
The Dems want to destroy Cain so that they can go back to calling everyone a rascists Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

That's it Lama, you are the smartest Honkie I know
Iaintliein's Avatar
Considering that she apparently lost the job she wanted to talk to Herman about getting back because she had lodged a false claim of sexual abuse, he did show poor judgment in ever letting himself be alone with her (if he ever actually was).

As more things come to light, her son's apparent connection to Politico, one of her fellow accusers working in Obama's treasury department and, of course, her place of residence, Corville will need to change is famous adage to,"you'd be surprised what you can find if you drag a $100 through David Axelrod's apartment building."
And Cain accusser Kraushaar has a history of filing lawsuits for unfair treatment against her employers;