Ditched by *Sensual*Cindy

What a shitty day yesterday.

I was working from home and wanted some fun. At 9:30 am the following ad was posted:


Wrote this lady and she told me she was available near a certain part of town. I asked her if she had cross streets and she told me just to call her when i get to a certain mall area. We agreed on 1230.

12:25 comes i call her (from my private cell number) and she answers. Tells me to meet her someplace near there for the appointment. Being confused as i thought i was going to an in call, she tells me she needs to get an in call and will do it in the vicinity of where i was. I tell her to settle in and ill call her back.

12:40 I call her again and she tells me to meet her at the xyz hotel on xyz street. She does not have the money to get the room and I will give her the money, allow her to get the room and then come on up. She has 14 good reviews and know i can trust her.

12:50 I call her back and tell her that there is no street called xyz street and she tells me I'm going in the wrong direction and she's still 15 minutes away.

1:05 I call her back and tell her I'm sitting in the XYZ parking lot and she says " I'm right near there, just meet me at the XYZ restaurant parking lot and follow me"

1:10 I'm now circling the parking lot and don't see her. I have not had lunch and i have now called back to work telling them I'm going to be late. I call her cell, she doesn't answer. I call again, no answer. I call 8 times in fact, she doesn't answer. I turn around and drive all the way back.

2:30 pm or so, i call this provider and she answers. Not a care in the world . says she's sorry but gives no reason. I ask her point blank "why on earth would you not just pick up the phone and tell me you aren't going through with the appointment?" She has no answer but says she will make it up to me today if she doesn't go out of town. I ask her to at least let me know and I've written her 3 times today to no avail.

Admittingly i called from a blocked number but I'm not quite sure how that fits into this equation as i was screened and she was answering the phone the entire time. Then radio silence.

I honestly cant say I've ever been stood up by a provider like this before, I explained to her that i didnt want to write this, i just wanted to see her. Her response was in the tone that she didnt care if i posted this, she just wanted me to be happy?

The end.
fletch's Avatar
sorry this happened, but any provider who uses this shit •*¨¨*•- ¦:-• in her ad you should think twice prior to booking. don't spend too much time begrudging it, you are probably better off saving your money...good luck next time
yeah.. just pissed me off because i lost some overtime work and drove around like a moron for an hour. I wish there was a regular provider near me in lewisville/ the colony that i could see that i didnt have to deal with this crap.
Cage, AngelaS is up there and she is super professional.
Give her another shot cage, she got some gooood cookies! Js
Give her another shot cage, she got some gooood cookies! Js Originally Posted by cush
The ball is in HER court to make it up, and she's got a LOT to make up after that lil' game of hide n seek.

A generous "make up" offer would be pretty good PR right about now, SC.

So, whatchya gonna do?

All of this assumes, of course, that things went down as reported.
pmdelites's Avatar
thx for letting us know what happened [from your point of view] in a pretty straightforward fairly objective manner.
..... [as eccienewbie said, assuming that's how it went down]
sorry that there were no delites for you in mudville today.

no matter how super-deliteful *Sensual*Cindy's cookies are,
if that happened to me, i would just move on and find delites elsewhere.

run around on location.
run around on timing.
run around on the restaurant parking lot.
dead silence.
no "sorry" or even a b.s. excuse for the dead silence.
she'll "will make it up to you today if she doesn't go out of town" b.s.

all that sounds like she just didnt want to meet with you, for whatever reason.
and she could have just told you that.
but she didnt, for whatever reason.

it sounds like you did all you could to be ready and on location.
she made her decisions. and that's on her.
..... BOO-HISS!!
you made yours. and that's on you.

now time for you and all of us to learn and apply this lesson in the future.

[paraphrasing from my sigline...
dont hate her or she will have won]
pmdelites's Avatar
Cage, AngelaS is up there and she is super professional. Originally Posted by pfmtony
i recommend abby nicole, who's also up in nw dallas county.
I hate it when Providers tell you to go to an "intersection". I've done it a couple times and got lucky. Guess they were super paranoid or like you said, didn't have the incall yet.

Not taking a chance anymore. If I can't get a street address I won't be seeing you, ladies.
love_jones's Avatar
Sorry to hear that bruh. I have experienced that in the past too from another provider. I just chalked it up to she was having a bad day/off day. The most frustrating part is that we live up to our part of the bargain but get let down by some and the same can be said about us. The good thing about this is that you were able to keep your money even though you lost a lot of time. There are a lot of REAL ladies in the hobby that has an impeccable track record and they practice what they preach...I am sure there are ladies in your area who would love to make it up to you bro... keep swinging the bat...eventually you will hit a home run. Be safe!
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 02-05-2014, 04:10 PM
The ball is in HER court to make it up, and she's got a LOT to make up after that lil' game of hide n seek.

A generous "make up" offer would be pretty good PR right about now, SC.

So, whatchya gonna do?

All of this assumes, of course, that things went down as reported. Originally Posted by eccienewbie
And this too assumes things are as described......even if she did offer some sort of make up would you trust her to show up or risk the possibility of wasting another 2 or 3 hours.
aubie79's Avatar
Damn shame..she was on my TDL.
macbeth1000's Avatar
hmmmmm Sensual Cindy is still on my TDL and will always remain so, (Come on, look at those sexy eyes and body)
Sorry you got stood up, it has happened to many of us in this game one time or another, I recently got played/stood up/ monkey business/ caught jacking off - call it what you may - by a visiting provider, Not Once but TWICE by this same provider. Both times she said she forgot and would see me when she came into town and make arrangements and then NOTHING, Crickets and then when she leaves she is pming to say she is sorry - I finally told her to take a walk. Moral of the story, this lifestyle is one big ass game. Treat it as such and you wont have to come venting. Simply say your peace to the female and move on, I dont see the need to post Stuff like this, thereby attempting to ruining her business.

Also with People like Ludar vouching for her, its worth giving her a second or even third chance.
bored@home's Avatar
Also with People like Ludar vouching for her, its worth giving her a second or even third chance. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
I have to disagree. If the story played out with the run around as described by the OP and no real apology then that bridge is burned.
The "makeup session" would have to be structured in way that was too good to refuse and even then I would hedge my bet with an alternate plan.

Maybe it's just me but once the "connection" is soured even a pretty picture won't change my view.

In either case; I doubt this hurts her business, more than likely it will help it.
playerplano's Avatar
I think it's up to you if you want to try again with or without some make up special. I always enjoy some make up sex. Have you looked at jessica UTR she is in the colony area and a serious good lay.
