New in SA

SA-NSAguy's Avatar
New in town and just found out about the site. It's a little confusing and I have a review or two but don't know how to provide. Also not premium so possibly why, but I love the site, reviews and ads it has. Any suggestions are welcomed. Also can I search for specifics? (i.e. BBBBJ, BNG, DATY/DATO)
Welcome to the site as well as SA!mens lounge is a good place to speak with other hobbyists on the how-to's and what-not's!its private and I'm sure topics spoken of more freely!happy hunting!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-05-2017, 01:08 AM
To submit a review use the button at the top of the appropriate review forum in the city where the visit took place. You will be presented with a form to fill out. Fill out all items in the form. Click on the Submit button at the bottom to post it when you are done.

Important! You may want to first compose the ROS part of the review offline in Notepad or Word or something else similar. Then when you go online to post the review copy and paste the composed ROS.

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SA-NSAguy's Avatar
Thank you very much. I'm loving both the area and the site!