This is interesting

Wile E Coyote's Avatar

Anyone else think so?

Didn't over 200K people die this year of covid-19? It has never happened in the history of voting that it takes this long in multiple states to count the votes. Surely everyone got the memo the election day was Nov 3rd. I would not be surprised if other mail in ballots are going to all of the sudden be found in another swing state or two so that Biden wins the election.
Grace Preston's Avatar

Anyone else think so?

Didn't over 200K people die this year of covid-19? It has never happened in the history of voting that it takes this long in multiple states to count the votes. Surely everyone got the memo the election day was Nov 3rd. I would not be surprised if other mail in ballots are going to all of the sudden be found in another swing state or two so that Biden wins the election. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

It actually takes this long every year-- its just normally the margins aren't this thin.. making it easier to "declare". Even states that have declared a winner are not done counting yet. Texas is only at 85%. Plus.. there has been an unprecedented crush of mail in ballots this year. Moreover, the image you cited is incorrect.... I've been watching that race closely as I live up here. Much like the posts about Wisconsin.. its.. as your guy likes to say "fake news".

You can’t inform the stupid with knowledge.
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 07:42 AM
Look in a mirror at that post - 0b0!
Grace Preston's Avatar

You can’t inform the stupid with knowledge. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Respectfully-- I prefer to be kept out of petty squabble statements. When I attempt to post reasonably and with logic-- its because I don't see the point with the petty back and forth of it all. Its not "stupid" to have not paid attention to the process in the past. A lot of folks take it for granted. I've been a poll worker for a number of years so I've always paid really close attention to things.

Right now-- the only states that may ultimately end in a question worthy of recount are Wisconsin (depending on their state law), Nevada (pending the final count), and Georgia (pending the final count).

I think Trump is going to hold on to Pennsylvania. I'm confident he's going to hold NC. Michigan is outside the margin of error to call for a recount-- as is pretty much every other state.

Assuming Nevada holds-- we've got a new President in January.
I think Biden will win PA and NV. He’ll lose NC shoulda been called already.
GA will be interesting for several reasons including the senate impact. AZ has a lot of outstanding votes so it’s hard to call. A better understanding of the type of votes outstanding would make it easier to understand what may occur.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-05-2020, 08:09 AM
It actually takes this long every year-- its just normally the margins aren't this thin.. making it easier to "declare". Even states that have declared a winner are not done counting yet. Texas is only at 85%. Plus.. there has been an unprecedented crush of mail in ballots this year. Moreover, the image you cited is incorrect.... I've been watching that race closely as I live up here. Much like the posts about Wisconsin.. its.. as your guy likes to say "fake news". Originally Posted by Grace Preston

Respectfully-- I prefer to be kept out of petty squabble statements. When I attempt to post reasonably and with logic-- its because I don't see the point with the petty back and forth of it all. Its not "stupid" to have not paid attention to the process in the past. A lot of folks take it for granted. I've been a poll worker for a number of years so I've always paid really close attention to things.

Right now-- the only states that may ultimately end in a question worthy of recount are Wisconsin (depending on their state law), Nevada (pending the final count), and Georgia (pending the final count).

I think Trump is going to hold on to Pennsylvania. I'm confident he's going to hold NC. Michigan is outside the margin of error to call for a recount-- as is pretty much every other state.

Assuming Nevada holds-- we've got a new President in January. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I only disagree in that I think Biden wins the vote count in Pennsylvania.

Trump holds on to Georgia and North Carolina.

Biden holds on in Arizona. Trump shouldn't continued to fuck with McCain.

Not sure the deal in Nevada....someone must have a hot pair of Dice at the Crap Tables!
Grace Preston's Avatar

I only disagree in that I think Biden wins the vote count in Pennsylvania.

Trump holds on to Georgia and North Carolina.

Biden holds on in Arizona. Trump shouldn't continued to fuck with McCain.

Not sure the deal in Nevada....someone must have a hot pair of Dice at the Crap Tables! Originally Posted by WTF

Nevada is literally 50th in education. Maybe counting is hard for em?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-05-2020, 08:18 AM
Nevada is literally 50th in education. Maybe counting is hard for em? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Counting is their strong suit....fuckers gotta count all those tourists cards for them at the Blackjack table.

In NV they don’t do interim updates. They only do full tabulation then report.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Water pipes bursting in GA, Green Bay, WI ran out of ink??? and the Mayor had the ballots moved to another location, then Milwaukee has a 200% voter turnout, all for Biden?....3 days before election day, PA started sending out letters telling people that they have been exposed to covid19 and must quarantine for 14 days. The letters specifically say that they are not to vote in person and if they break quarantine they can be arrested.....Nevada suspending counting until Thursday...I guess they are waiting for some magical mail in ballots to appear suddenly to turn the tide to Biden.

You cannot convince me that a guy who could not get even 50 people to show up at a rally that he has that many people (over 71M) that actually voted for him!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Water pipes bursting in GA, Green Bay, WI ran out of ink??? and the Mayor had the ballots moved to another location....Nevada suspending counting until Thursday...I guess they are waiting for some magical mail in ballots to turn the tide to Biden.

You cannot convince me that a guy who could not get even 50 people to show up at a rally that he has that many people (over 71M) that actually voted for him! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

I'm 43 years old and I've never gone to a political rally in my life, nor will I. But I've voted in every election, even the off year ones. Mussolini had huge turnouts at his rallies-- just sayin'. I don't fly a candidate flag on my property- -I fly an American flag.

In my personal social media... every Dem I know-- voted Biden. Some Reps I know.. stayed with Trump... others stayed home, and a surprisingly large number, flipped their vote to Biden. They still voted Republican down ballot-- but they wanted Trump gone and if 4 years of Biden was the only way-- so be it.

I think you really discount how many moderate voters do NOT like Trump. A lot of em didn't like him in 2016-- but hated Hilary more (I would be in that camp).
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
If Biden wins, then America got what they wanted...not Trump.
Proving the media to be the greatest tool to manipulate the ignorant here to think with their emotions and not their brain.
Now we can go back to sucking Chinese cock. Waiving goodbye to our GDP. Saying hello to high gas prices and higher taxes. And rev up the war machine and put down the olive branches.
Oh well, we get what we deserve.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Didn't over 200K people die this year of covid-19? ... Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Nope. CDC says ~9,640 people died with COVID-19(84) listed as the single, probable, cause on their death certificate. The rest of that 200K had listed COVID-19(84) as well as, on average - 2.6 other comorbidities.

But if'n you are looking for a graphic that appears to show over night election fuggery:

Net-Net is: They found ~130,000 votes overnight and all of them were for Joe-mentia Hiden. What would an actual actuarial say the odds of that happening are?
Mail-in ballots must never again be allowed to be used in a public election ..... the states that insist on using them can find a way to use voting machines like other states do as there is a much less chance of electronic votes being miscounted/fucked with ..... as long as mail-in ballots are allowed, Dumbocrats will find ways to abuse the counting of them to their advantage, plus it is the easiest way for a non-qualified/illegal or dead voter to cast their vote(s) .....