$1.5 billion

What would you do if you have the winning tocket?
cavtrooper's Avatar
Two girls at the same time.
Anyone I wanted
PresleyPassion's Avatar
Two girls at the same time. Originally Posted by cavtrooper
Only 2 girls?? come on, you could handle every girl on eccie at once lol
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
I would retire. Move to Costa Rica. Buy up a lot of coffee bean plantations and live as El Jefe growing beans for Juan Valdez. I would also have a new Costa Rican girlfriend every week.
Help a lot of people!!!! & animals!!!! I'm a giver !!!! But I would be wise with it too !!! No- buying an island - !!!!
I would open a chain of $0 profit grocery stores and farmer's markets
I'd build my dream home on private land somewhere beautiful and a new car.

Build a FS sex room with everything imaginable.

Set up accounts for my children to access later in life. Meanwhile, helping them reach their dreams.

Set up and invest in my photo studio. With my photos help women realize how beautiful they are. Incorporate that into self esteem groups.

Get training to perfect my TM skills and pass them on.

Invest in agencies that can save as many women and men as possible from human trafficing.

Become a Ninja

Travel the world and other bucket list items.

Get certified as a master Yogi.

Feed hungry people here in the US

Start a non-profit rescue for animals in need. I'm a sucker for them.

Invest carefully
knotty man's Avatar
Id give it to that Nigerian prince on the internet
Knotty man I think that's the funniest response yet!
I would travel the world and do other things