What if the definition of a newbie?

Isn't a new guy, a shy guy, a one timer that will probably be a ns. Is that a newbie? Or is he a rough around the edges but seemingly worthy person that can may be moulded into a few profitable dates a year for you and others as well. Is the erratic way in which they behave alert worthy, can only newbie friendly girls can answer this question, ya know that's part of being newbie friendly right, or is it different, do these people give you a gut feeling that they are a jerk, clingy, ugly, fat, married, (lol,,I always get dubbed as married) or a cop or a pimp, or whatever, I can't even imagine what you gals have experienced, (but that experience is your problem, that's just comes with it) but how do these experiences change you, most girls go reference only (and they cheat on that also, but still) a good portion of gals hang in there with the new guy friendly position, but is a new guy a person who seems knowledgeable but keeps this private or is a newbie a first timer.
I think that is way overthinking it. Easy definition is someone who is new to the hobby and doesn't know his/her way around just yet. We all start out as newbies.
Definition - a newbie is someone that uses the word "if" in the title of his post when he really meant to use the word "is".
pyramider's Avatar
If one is asking what is a newbie, then one is a newbie.
If you start a thread on BBFS, rates, NBA, What's up with pimps, Why tats, etc..you are a Newbie...
Or, check their Join Date.
Agree with Rabbit , you're way over thinking this. The only real thing that might get a little confusing is the gentlemen who don't indulge themselves often and thus, have no usable references. While they aren't newbies, they generally need to stick to seeing newbie friendly ladies as they have no references to give to the ladies that require them as a part of their screening.

Being a newbie has nothing to do with shyness or NCNS. It has nothing to do with worthiness or being molded (unless you're seeing a Domme ). Being a jerk/clingy/erratic and/or acting like a cop/pimp is a red flag no matter how long you've been having fun and the chances of getting a date with a lady plummet. If a newbie is a dick, he's not being turned down because he's a newbie, he's being turned down because he's a dick. 90% of the ladies here won't care about your marital status or your weight. They will, however, care a great deal about your attitude and a lot will be quite pleased with signs of polite intelligence.

Not quite sure what cheating on references is?

We've all been newbies before and 99% of being a newbie is just being aware that you have no idea what your doing, the willingness to apologize for the mistakes you make, and, more importantly, the ability to learn from those mistakes. That and time are pretty much the only ways to crawl out of the newbie hole. I'm really grateful to the newbie friendly girls as not only is seeing newbies risky, it's also a lot of hard work to get them verified. So, when you do finally see your first, be sure to be extra nice to her.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Newbies are simply inexperienced individuals within the hobby. Of course, there are all levels of newbies, just as there are all levels of seasoned/experienced individuals who participate in the hobby. There are newbies who research and discover the in's and out's as best they can, those who ask questions, and those who jump in feet first with no clue.
joesmo888's Avatar
newbie simply means you do not have enough 'credit' in this hobby yet. so you would have to look for 'newb friendly' providers at first.

also if you have been out of the hobby for X amount of time you could also be considered a newbie, or even changing forums or location. many providers will not take references that aren't local or that were off another board. they are providers who are low volume or would rather stick with an established client list

as much as I hate saying it but P411 is a good option to build up creds quickly, although I hate that they are so expensive.. it makes scheduling and getting verified a breeze. giving 6 or 7 references to a provider and then having none of them bother to respond or care to, is something I have went through before. so if that happens to you then you could end up quickly becoming a newbie all over again, it helps to write reviews.. providers will remember you if you do that and you will have the date saved to refresh their memory quicker
If you start a thread on BBFS, rates, NBA, What's up with pimps, Why tats, etc..you are a Newbie...
Or, check their Join Date. Originally Posted by Prolongus
That's what I was thinking also, is you lost your account here and p411---vanished---you would become an instant newbie--right?

And...Thanks for the female perspective and of course rabbitmodtard---Ed the grammar nazi and the one line wonder boy, you turds should be thanking me for the ratings.
...Ed the grammar nazi and the one line wonder boy, you turds should be thanking me for the ratings. Originally Posted by Wanna bone
Insulting people who are trying to help you and being an internet tough guy.....Thank you for the ratings! (whatever the fuck that means)
That's what I was thinking also, is you lost your account here and p411---vanished---you would become an instant newbie--right? Originally Posted by Wanna bone
No. P411 can make screening faster. The fact that you have had sessions with providers willing to report on their experience is what makes someone not a newbie. Not just handles are used in the reference process. Many use contact information so having a dedicated hobby email and phone number would be a good idea. Ask the guys on your local board which girls give references and make sure you see a girl from that list at least once every three months so you KNOW no matter what you will always have at least one reference ready.
Angel, ugh--I get what your saying but and this is true just because it's slow here, what in (if) the reference friendly girls are not someone you want to see regular so I just pass for others that I've been with (kinda utr kinda), (but for instance now) say I'm in SA and PM you from eccie (I do come to Texas, I love a Texas sunrise) would you make that date? Based on my history?

Ed, ED lol,,you insulted me first over the "is" "if" iPhone spell corrector. Ratings=Ur post count. I could say that your post count is what I mean as ratings, you used my post as a tool to up your count, and your comment was useless and more on the edge of trying to belittle me, but I won't say that I don't want to be rude and dis-respectful.
Again, having a session with a legit provider that will respond to a reference request is what makes someone not a newbie.

UTR girls are a mixed bag. Some of them are just semi-retired so they changed their name but they still have a solid history that can be verified. Some have been around so long UTR that they have business relationships with girls that aren't UTR and so can be verified that way as well. Some are just ghosts and there is no way that a provider can trust that the "girl" they are communicating with is even a real provider.

But if some guy tells me "I see UTR ______, She dosen't have any presence online. This is her phone number you can only text her." That's a hard pass. I'm pretty sure that's how episodes of Law & Order SUV start out.

You can spend the majority of your play money on your ATFs. If you aren't attracted to the ladies that the guys recommend remember that a BNG or quickie is not expensive. I think most anyone can come up with the scratch for that every three months. Once every three months doesn't make you a regular honestly.
remember that a BNG... is not expensive.
In my day a BNG was $2.00 and a smoke.
So for someone like myself who had a hiatus how do I get back in the game without paying P411 an unjust amount of money to just call me at work and verify me?? I have never had an issue but am immediately put at the back of the line...seems a bit unfair...EC