
hookem69horns's Avatar
Just how important is LFK/DFK in a session? And who is the best kisser in DFW?

My preference ... a heavy dose of DFK, if she is a good kisser, sets the tone.
It's important to me...I like the intimacy of LKF/DFK. And i have not experienced a lousy kisser here. Haylee Valentine will suck your tongue down her throat!
texastee's Avatar
very imporant to me
i like the make out before finish
Guest091314's Avatar
It is a must for me in a visit, if there is no kissing then I might be a little other words highly YMMV.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-03-2011, 10:28 AM
waving hand... I love to kiss... kissing can be such a turn on if you find someone who really knows how to will get your juices flowing......Now I have been told I'm a pretty good kisser..... Ummm I did win a kissing contest...
MuffinMan's Avatar
I have to give it to Fawn on this one! Although it's been awhile. I still vividly remember how great her full lips and warm embraces were.
true_whatever's Avatar
I've been told I'm a decent kisser, but as always I'll let the ladies be the judge of that because everyone kisses differently. I have soft lips which the ladies seem to several areas

LFK is very important to me. DFK is great but not a requirement for me to get into the session. I kinda go with whatever the lady prefers.

Honestly, some of the best make out sessions I've ever had barely involved the tongue at all. For me personally, sensual extended kissing starts to stir my aggressive side and my brain goes into animal mode...
elgato111's Avatar
Kissing is utmost important for a really great GFE experience. Helps get the juices flowing.
Kissing it HOT!

I love to kiss and be kissed....ALL over!

Definitely gets the juices flowing....

You better kiss me if you want me to ____ your _____! LOL
TBONE's Avatar
  • 06-03-2011, 11:14 AM
waving hand... I love to kiss... kissing can be such a turn on if you find someone who really knows how to will get your juices flowing......Now I have been told I'm a pretty good kisser..... Ummm I did win a kissing contest... Originally Posted by fawn
fawn beat some pretty tough competition too!

Depending on what you are looking for.
Some guys want to be disconnected and have the conveyor belt feel where they know whats coming and in what order...

Personally, LOVE when I can lose myself just making out like two kids in the back of a rated 'R' movie. Sorry bad kissing or lack of is a deal breaker in my dating life, here I tend to follow the lead....but better believe if I LOVE kissing her I'll see her again.
Kissing is a must for any really good GFE session. I really hate the LFK/DFK labels for rating kissing, however. I don't care much for vigorous, tongue wrestling. I much prefer sensual kissing. To me, the important distinction is whether it's passionate or non-passionate kissing, and it's possible to have non-passionate DFK and to have passionate LFK. Good kissing is more an attitude than an act.
waving hand... I love to kiss... kissing can be such a turn on if you find someone who really knows how to will get your juices flowing......Now I have been told I'm a pretty good kisser..... Ummm I did win a kissing contest... Originally Posted by fawn
Yes you are, Yes you did.............
Kissing is one of my favorite things to do, and I too like the slow sensual, get lost in the moment kisses. I can spend 30 minutes just kissing my favorite lady. My last three ladies (in my reviews) have been great kissers. Once I figured out that that's what I've wanted most out of the hobby, I've actively sought them out. I would highly recommend MissMeghan, MissMisty, and Justice4Fun.
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
Kissing is the best! And Fawn.. I remeber that contest too... I came in second against you