Sorry's been crazy!!!

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Hi everyone!

I want to say sorry to those who have called, pm, e-mailed or otherwise. I have been going through the craziest and longest move in my life!

My dang landlord did NOT do a thing to this place and I have been stuck with the painting and cleaning (yes, he took money off the rent...but not worth it...I would have rather paid the full rent).

So give me a little time to answer your e-mails and pm's.

Oh...and I didn't have internet until about 30 mins ago. Now...if I only had my cable. LOL
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Hope things get better for you! It's been a long time since I seen your smiling face.
Sounds like you could use some good lovin?
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Awww...poppy...thanks. And Midlyfecrysis51...yes I do. But it is going to be a bit before I can get some. My new apartment LOOKS AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!
netman's Avatar

I am not one one the ones who have tried to get in touch with you, but I certainly know what you are going through since the same thing happened to me a few years ago, but not nearly as bad as your situation (at least my place as painted). Moving simply sucks!

Sounds like you could use some good lovin? Originally Posted by midlyfecrysis51
+1... Kaylee, I am here for you.

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Awwww...thank you. The upside is that I'm in a super fun area. Try the Bishop Arts District! If you haven't heard of it or been here,'s a cool spot to have din din or buy a new piece of art.

As far as my new looks like a crack house!!!! Ugh! Granted, it will look dang cute when I'm done with it. But right now, it is so yucky, I wont even eat here.

My bedroom was so gross, I wouldn't sleep in it or put any of my personal things in it. I moved in Sunday and my landlord just got the carpet replaced in the bedroom YESTERDAY! He said he would be here today to replace the gross ass blinds but of course he didn't show up. I finally took them down (I have A LOT of windows) and the tinfoil (I did say it looked like a crack house) and hung up sheets and towels for privacy.

I'm hoping I can get this hell hole in half decent shape by Monday. I even had to replace a missing tile in my shower (I couldn't take a bath and not be grossed out by it). And I discovered that I do a shitty job grouting (lol) but a bad tile job with bad grout is better then a looking at a old wall. Thank goodness it was only one tile that was missing.

Man, I really need some wine after all this stress...but I can't afford to buy any.

Boo hoo.

netman's Avatar
And I discovered that I do a shitty job grouting (lol) but a bad tile job with bad grout is better then a looking at a old wall. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Strange you mention that... my bathtub could also use a grout job and I was thinking of doing it myself but I am too afraid that I will royally screw it up.

Man, I really need some wine after all this stress...but I can't afford to buy any. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Awwww... if you need someone to bring you some wine (or beer, or Vodka... and chocolate ) just let me know.

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Well....You can bring wine and chocolate anytime babe.