NASA Debunks Global Warming

TheDaliLama's Avatar
NASA Debunks Global Warming: Ice Sheets Growing

By Greg Richter | Sunday, 01 Nov 2015 11:44 PM

Recent NASA studies show the Anarctic ice sheet is gaining more mass than it is losing, reports.

In 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said the Antarctic ice sheet had lost large amounts of mass with little or no gain, but new NASA studies say the opposite.

A new analysis of satellite data shows a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001, according to The gain slowed to 82 billion tons per year between 2003 and 2008.

Jay Zwally, who led the NASA study, said his study agrees with others that there's been "ice discharge in the Antarctic Peninsula and the Thwaites and Pine Island region of West Antarctica. But in other areas, such as East Antarctica and interior West Antarctica, there's been ice gain.
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Zwally added that "Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away."

But, he added that if sea levels are rising 0.27 millimeters a year worldwide and the water is not coming from Antarctic ice melt, it has to be coming from somewhere else that "is not accounted for."
I'd like to see the UN try to arrest Buzz Aldrin.
  • DSK
  • 11-02-2015, 09:14 PM
Somehow, somewhere, somebody will "prove" this is a result of global warming, and call skeptics deniers. Ironically, they seem to be denying science.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'd like to see the UN try to arrest Buzz Aldrin. Originally Posted by gnadfly
let them. the UN could use a good punch in the nose.

pretty good right for an old guy! LOL

LexusLover's Avatar
Just remember: The proponents of "global warming' have announced that "global cooling" is caused by "global warming" ... and as a consequence the growing ice sheets are "proof" to them (the global warming "scientists") that there IS GLOBAL WARMING.

When I first saw this headline, I thought that Want-a-be-a-Womb had moved to Wyoming:

Global Warming! The Earth is Expanding!!!!
You're so fucking stuck on stupid it's not even funny. I would advise you to get a clue, but that would require you to have a portion of brains to begin with.
lustylad's Avatar
What does NASA say about the Arctic and Greenland?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just remember: The proponents of "global warming' have announced that "global cooling" is caused by "global warming" ... and as a consequence the growing ice sheets are "proof" to them (the global warming "scientists") that there IS GLOBAL WARMING.

When I first saw this headline, I thought that Want-a-be-a-Womb had moved to Wyoming:

Global Warming! The Earth is Expanding!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover

That's an aerial view of his mother with her legs spread.
let them. the UN could use a good punch in the nose.

pretty good right for an old guy! LOL

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I hope that ole Buzz broke the woomby-wanna-be's jaw ! It wouldn't be a problem for woomby to have a broken jaw and SUCK his dinner for a few weeks !
That's an aerial view of his mother with her legs spread. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So THAT's where they came up with the descriptor of " gaping crevice " ! Who knew that woomby's Momma / SEEster was famous ? !!!!
Would someone explain to me why the Right wing is so stuck on Global Warming. Why is it important to them? Is it because big business is backing them. Could it be that an attempt to slow global warming would also affect the profit margin of some major corporations? I am just asking here because I am independent and I don't have an opinion about it. Seems that the planet goes through cycles of warming and cooling. I remember when I was a kid I read this article about the coming Ice Age. Whatever happened to that.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Would someone explain to me why the Right wing is so stuck on Global Warming. Why is it important to them? Is it because big business is backing them. Could it be that an attempt to slow global warming would also affect the profit margin of some major corporations? I am just asking here because I am independent and I don't have an opinion about it. Seems that the planet goes through cycles of warming and cooling. I remember when I was a kid I read this article about the coming Ice Age. Whatever happened to that. Originally Posted by theotherguy1
I believe it's our president that has made its top priority. In fact I believe that he and the whole left has made it into a religion and they promote it as the most important issue of our times. It's proven to be nothing but a scam and power grab to control you and your money. Obama blindly accepts the theory by accepting big donations from left wing wackos who have money and are dumb enough to believe their own bullshit.

Now you have NASA scientists debunking it.

Somebody has got to call the fools on it.
  • DSK
  • 11-04-2015, 10:14 PM
I believe it's our president that has made its top priority. In fact I believe that he and the whole left has made it into a religion and they promote it as the most important issue of our times. It's proven to be nothing but a scam and power grab to control you and your money. Obama blindly accepts the theory by accepting big donations from left wing wackos who have money and are dumb enough to believe their own bullshit.

Now you have NASA scientists debunking it.

Somebody has got to call the fools on it. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Fuckin hell yes!!
Would someone explain to me why the Right wing is so stuck on Global Warming. Why is it important to them? ... Originally Posted by theotherguy1
It's not. Most on the right would like to see the subject never brought up. In fact most conservatives promote energy conservation. It makes "dollars and sense." They see climate change as what it rightly is: a scam.

It is President Obama that told the military that climate change is the US's number one existential threat, even bigger than the terrorists. Seriously.
It's not. Most on the right would like to see the subject never brought up. In fact most conservatives promote energy conservation. It makes "dollars and sense." They see climate change as what it rightly is: a scam.

It is President Obama that told the military that climate change is the US's number one existential threat, even bigger than the terrorists. Seriously. Originally Posted by gnadfly