Encounter: Nikki gots what Nikkiwants

Date: 2/4/2019
Name: Nikkiwant1
Phone: 929-280-5566
Email Address: mailto:Nikkiwantstoplayyy@gmai l.com
URL / Website: http://nikkiwantstoplay.com/
City: Rochester
State: New York
Address: Henrietta
Hair Length and Color: Long/Brown
Age: 30’’s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Mixed
Physical Description: Nikki looks just like in her pictures. She is not a spinner but definitely not a bow either
Recommendation: Yes
lilylivered's Avatar
I have texted with her several times. She seems nice and friendly. But the no full service......
rooster's Avatar
From some of the stuff she's posted "elsewhere"...she sounds like a good enough time to get away without FS.

May I ask the rate? (christ, it is massively stoopid that this field was deleted in the "new" review form)
