"To know me is to love me" is the best I've got

Since I've come back (a couple of months now), I have only gotten ONE new client and I don't meet him for another month. That's not to say I haven't had appts. As soon as I came back, old clients of mine started coming out of the woodwork. I got many emails saying "Yay you're back, I've missed you, when can I see you..." I have appointments lined up for the next 3 months with my old friends. But, for the life of me, I can't seem to make NEW friends.

So, I have to wonder if it's my marketing, where I advertise, my photos, my website in general, or the way I'm coming across in online board post.

I have Webstats and know I'm getting traffic to my site, but no contacts.

I've heard my photos don't do me justice and my repeats already know what I look like, so it could be that. I may be getting the wrong traffic from the places I advertise (they can't afford me or won't pay that much). My website text and my posts on the board may not represent me in the way my old friends know me...

I'm at a loss. Of course I love my old friends, but I still want to make some new friends. I'm not sure what I'm missing. Best I can come up with is "to know me is to love me."
Do you tour often? If you don't normally (or if you hit the same circuit) it might be time to start to expand destinations and your fan base a bit. I think you look great personally I just don't live in Houston...
let me ask you this, why do you need new friends if all your old ones are keeping you busy?
and frankly you are a HDH type and there is a very low % that are in your market to begin with..
and no you should not lower your rates,
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I went to your website and looked at your "considerations". As Ralphie said, you are in a limited market. You are pursuing clients who exist in small numbers. And being a courtesan as opposed to a provider, many men with existing relationships with a courtesan are unlikely to change.

And I agree with Ralphie -- no, you should not lower your rates.
Do you have a "no review" policy?

If so, that may be hampering new client marketing.

BTW, you are a very hot 40-something. Whatever you are doing; keep it up, it is working.

No, don't lower your rates...but maybe offer specials to gentlemen who pay you compliments ?
Gotyour6's Avatar
I would never see you because you come off as a GPS bitch.

I don't mean this in a disrespectful way although I have non idea what other way you could take it.

I have spent up to 1500.00 an hour for a girl in Florida once but she came off as fun, flirty etc.

I look at your post, pics and I see bitch.

I am sure it is not the case. You cant do what you do and be any good at it if you are and clearly by all the appointments from your previous clients you are good at it.

But something just comes out at me of "As soon as she gets on the jet she is going to be a snobby bitch to the pilot"

I think I shared a jet with you and your "Daddy"

Now I know a few white knights will tell me I am an asshole for posting this.
They will say I am rude, I shouldn't talk this way blah blah blah but I don't beat around the bush.

If I were looking for someone like you, it wouldn't be you.
Actually I find this post extremely helpful. If someone reads my reviews they will get a better idea of how I appear to others in person, but if I come across as a bitch on the board and in my website, this is something I need to work on. Thank you for your honesty.


I would never see you because you come off as a GPS bitch.

I don't mean this in a disrespectful way although I have non idea what other way you could take it.

I have spent up to 1500.00 an hour for a girl in Florida once but she came off as fun, flirty etc.

I look at your post, pics and I see bitch.

I am sure it is not the case. You cant do what you do and be any good at it if you are and clearly by all the appointments from your previous clients you are good at it.

But something just comes out at me of "As soon as she gets on the jet she is going to be a snobby bitch to the pilot"

I think I shared a jet with you and your "Daddy"

Now I know a few white knights will tell me I am an asshole for posting this.
They will say I am rude, I shouldn't talk this way blah blah blah but I don't beat around the bush.

If I were looking for someone like you, it wouldn't be you. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I would never see you because you come off as a GPS bitch.

I don't mean this in a disrespectful way although I have non idea what other way you could take it.

I have spent up to 1500.00 an hour for a girl in Florida once but she came off as fun, flirty etc.

I look at your post, pics and I see bitch.

I am sure it is not the case. You cant do what you do and be any good at it if you are and clearly by all the appointments from your previous clients you are good at it.

But something just comes out at me of "As soon as she gets on the jet she is going to be a snobby bitch to the pilot"

I think I shared a jet with you and your "Daddy"

Now I know a few white knights will tell me I am an asshole for posting this.
They will say I am rude, I shouldn't talk this way blah blah blah but I don't beat around the bush.

If I were looking for someone like you, it wouldn't be you. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I can appreciate your point of view and candor. Do I agree with it? No. But this is why we have an open forum and site like this to share all of our own thoughts, opinions and ideas.

I have never met this provider but I see the opposite. I see a provider that has a very good website, has taken the time to take professional pictures and has paid attention to the details of being a provider.

All of us, men have preferences in what type of provider we like to see. And our preferences of who we will see and to that point, how much we will are not just willing to spend but are "able" to spend vary. Some of us like young, others like older, tall, short, thin, curvy, bbw, blonde, brunette, redhead and the list goes on and on.

I don't know if the lack of reviews for this lady helps or hinders. I will add that I travel often and have seen plenty of ladies from either Eros and mostly P411 that do not care for or need reviews as they have enough clientele. The risk/reward of seeing a provider with a higher rate is totally up to us and how much is within your/our budget. I say, if you're not willing to lose the money no matter if it is a $140 hr girl or a $1,400 hour girl it's all relative based on discretionary spending and the ability to do such.

Do I see a bitch as you see? Not at all. I actually see a girl who has some class and is striving to reach that upper 1% or 5% of hobbyists and of course the budgets for spending that goes along with that percentile. I think the misperception with people who either have, have the ability to spend or are in the upper earning class are perceived as a "bitch", "snotty", "high-maintenance" etc. And I'm sure there are plenty of people in that group that are, in fact that way...but not everyone.

My only reservation I would have with this provider is that I tend to never book multiple hour(s) session with a provider I have never seen prior. Not because of the money, but more because 4, 3 or even 2 hours can fly by in a blink of an eye if that ever-elusive chemistry that we as sexual beings seek or conversely, 2 hours can be a very long time where seconds feel like minutes.

Bottom line, I don't knock your opinion and I don't think you are an "asshole" because you stated your opinions and this is what the forum is for - plus she asked in the first place. Opinions can be just like an "asshole" as in everybody has one.
here is another POV from my experience with the 1%, with my job in Finance.

THEY ARE SOME CHEAP ASS PEOPLE!! how do you think they got rich and stay rich??
its not dropping $1500 an hour for Provider with shitty service and looks...

Yes they can afford it but they are not wasting their money they have to have value just as the guy paying $200 hour or $2000 an hour...

if these girls are getting top dollar then more than likely they are worth it...
I'm not sure how this relates to my situation. I don't charge 1500 dollars an hour and I don't give s***** service. [
QUOTE=RALPHEY BOY;1055823169]here is another POV from my experience with the 1%, with my job in Finance.

THEY ARE SOME CHEAP ASS PEOPLE!! how do you think they got rich and stay rich??
its not dropping $1500 an hour for Provider with shitty service and looks...

Yes they can afford it but they are not wasting their money they have to have value just as the guy paying $200 hour or $2000 an hour...

if these girls are getting top dollar then more than likely they are worth it...[/QUOTE]
here is another POV from my experience with the 1%, with my job in Finance.

THEY ARE SOME CHEAP ASS PEOPLE!! how do you think they got rich and stay rich??
its not dropping $1500 an hour for Provider with shitty service and looks...

Yes they can afford it but they are not wasting their money they have to have value just as the guy paying $200 hour or $2000 an hour...

if these girls are getting top dollar then more than likely they are worth it... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
RB - I see you are in Finance. And I am sure you see some of the 1%'s being really cheap. Do you think that they may just being cheap when it comes to certain types of spending? i.e getting the best interest rate, lower points on capital purchases etc. etc.. and maybe when it comes to other things i.e. spending $ on HDH girls (secretly of course) they have no problem with dropping thousands of dollars?

There has to be a reason those premium escort services exist. I'm not talking about Eros. I mean the ones where it's concierge level service booking top model-type girls who are like min $5k.

I could have sworn I saw a link floating around one of the boards recently to a site like that. I just think that those services do exist because there are those people who spend to that level.

One last thing...there is no such thing as saving your way to prosperity. Wealthy people either a)Work hard for it, b)inherit or are born into it or c)win the super lotto. There is no other way...even by penny pinching..
Jessica, all I am saying if you rate is x then you must be worth it.. because rich people are not paying $1000 for the Wal Mart Hooker....

RB - I see you are in Finance. And I am sure you see some of the 1%'s being really cheap. Do you think that they may just being cheap when it comes to certain types of spending? i.e getting the best interest rate, lower points on capital purchases etc. etc.. and maybe when it comes to other things i.e. spending $ on HDH girls (secretly of course) they have no problem with dropping thousands of dollars?
I see it across the board with those types, They beat down the Sellers on price, they beat me down on rate and fees, and normally they win 9 out of 10 times because they KNOW they are the Top Tier of buyers/borrowers, and if I do not, then someone else will....
I just wanted to put this thread to bed. I had actually asked for it to be removed the day I started it before anyone had responded, but the mods said it should stay.

But, things have turned around and turned around rather quickly and my calendar has filled up and has filled up with a lot of new friends that I'm looking forward to meeting.

That said, I feel like an idiot. I've been in this industry for over 10 years and I know, and I always tell the new girls, this job is Feast or Famine.

I go away for a year and come back thinking no one will want me and get all worried over nothing. I forget it takes time to get things back up and running smooth.

But, I should have trusted the saying, "If you build it they will cum."

Well, all's right in my little universe again. Let this be a lesson to the new girls that are worried they are lost in the sea of providers. The famine will end and the feast will come again. Now I put this to bed, goodnight all.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

One last thing...there is no such thing as saving your way to prosperity. Wealthy people either a)Work hard for it, b)inherit or are born into it or c)win the super lotto. There is no other way...even by penny pinching.. Originally Posted by SNL9933
No such thing as saving your way to prosperity?

Have you ever read "The Millionaire Next Door"?
Yes and Yes.