Facebook sharing copied links

BigBamboo's Avatar
Not sure if anyone has notice lately but if you copy a link in your browser it somehow ends up in Facebook pending your approval to post it in "what's on your mind" to ALL your friends. Caught it before an ECCIE link was broadcast to everyone. Would have been totally fucking embarrassing and hard to explain.

Thanks Facebook! Why don't you mind your fucking business please?!?!

Just an FYI in case anyone has copied a link you prefer to keep private. This happened on my tablet. Not sure if it would happen on other devices but probably so being that Facebook is so invasive.

But if your SO opens your Facebook and sees the link then could also cause issues. Looks like I need to go dig around in settings and privacy and cut that shit off.
Woah... not cool. It identifies my friends in photos who do not have a Facebook page but are in my private albums. FB is notoriously nosy as f*ck
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Thet ain't happened in mah browser.
Precious_b's Avatar
^what he said^

OP must be surfing the wrong way.
Yeah, it sucks. But the reality is FB has raised or rather lowered the bar for invasiveness and disregard for privacy. It might help to use an incognito window. But even then, I noticed while using Chrome, there is cross-over.
Surf eccie with "incognito" capability on Chrome or "Private" with MS-Edge. No shared links and clears cache and history when browser closed.

I have also has some providers I know showing up in my Facebook list of potential friends. Somehow my email/phone numbers are linking to there's. It is their real-world Facebook information being shown to my real-world Facebook.

This is dangerous. It would be nice if someone could provider more definitive guidance on how to preclude this from happening.
BigBamboo's Avatar
I recommend opening your browser, going to a normal site, copy a link then jump to Facebook notifications page and see if the link appears in your "what's on your mind." It will read: "Add recent link to your post?" And the link will be listed. You have the option to delete. But it is easy to accidentally share it.

I'm using Safari as my browser.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I rarely even log into my Facebook account.
Do you have to stay logged in to Facebook for it to try to attach links? Or does it happen even if you are logged off when surfing?
Michael_Loomis's Avatar
Yep I almost posted a link to DanielleXOXO's escort website today because of that. ��
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah use Chrome on a Windows desktop, Windows laptop an' Android tablet. Ah copied a eccie link. Went ta fb. Thet thar "Whut's onyer mind" prompt only shows up on mah Home and pursn'l timeline pages' status dialog boxes. An' thar ain't no prompt 'bout tha copied link. Thar ain't no menshun o' tha copied link ennywhars on ma Notifications page neither. Now, Ah did go back an' put mah privacy settings up purty high a long-ass time ago. Mebbe thet's why. Cos' Ah dew get "Whut's onyer mind" prompts in thet status dialog box when sports teams Ah've liked on mah profile is a-playin' (shee-yit laik, Tha Cincinnati Bungles is a-playin' that Philly-delphia Iggles, Whut's onyer mind?) but thet's tha only time.
BigBamboo's Avatar
I rarely even log into my Facebook account.
Do you have to stay logged in to Facebook for it to try to attach links? Or does it happen even if you are logged off when surfing? Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
I do stay logged in... You should experiment or check your privacy settings and browser settings.
I know it does it for photos you take with your phine , if you open Facebook it will prompt you to post them, so having a simple visited copied URL show up on Facebook wouldn't surprise me.

Facebook will sync to your contacts (even if you didn't stored as one, just sent SMS ) and Facebook will poll those numbers and thus connect to your account and show list of those people you've sent SMS or called to and be on your friends suggestions like BugleBoy mentioned. If you think that's awkward imagine seeing that provider suggested friend as a mutual friend with some one else in your friends in Facebook lol.

Fortunately, at least you can block people in Facebook so you can avoid problems.
JohnnyD321's Avatar
I use Virtual Machines (VirtualBox will do nicely) ...

Everything done for hobby is only done on that throw-away virtual machine. (Hobby Gmail, Google Voice, ECCIE, P411, BP, etc)

Everything done for my real-world life is done in another virtual machine. (real email, FB, etc)

Data, of course, doesn't mix between machines.
Bob McV's Avatar
I can't get it to populate, how strange.
Little Monster's Avatar
Maybe getting permabanned from facebook was a good thing after all.