Biden is incapacitated

berryberry's Avatar
We all know he is a dumb senile old fuck with dementia. But The Commander-In-Chief is in hiding while Kabul has been overrun by the Taliban.

Any functional President would have addressed the nation by now.
We are a nation without a leader.

Want more - State media updates us on the cognitive capacity of our dear leader.

NEXT FEW DAYS ????? Ask yourself why that is? The man is mentally incapacitated. That's the only legitimate reason for him not to address the humiliating catastrophe unfolding in Afghanistan. Why must we wait "a few days" for the president to respond?

there are no public events on Biden’s schedule tomorrow.

There's no doubt that every one of Biden's advisors and members of the media have been begging him to address the nation over the last 48 hours. The only explanation is he is mentally incapable of doing that or he would have done it already. They are waiting for a "good day" for him.
berryberry's Avatar
Not only that, The WH Press Secretary is also missing in action this week just like senile Biden

Senile Biden and now his Press Sec both going into hiding this week. Biden doesn’t even think he owes the American people an explanation after this disaster.

So either they are really bad at their jobs (hell we know that is a given for senile Biden) that on the day of one of the worst humiliating defeats ever abroad - they either decided:

1. Fuck the American public
2. They have no clue what to say
3. Biden is physically incapable of speaking publicly today without drooling and rambling incoherently
berryberry's Avatar
But wait, there's more:

An empty room, a man without a plan, and a world on fire.
This is the weakest photo of an American president I’ve ever seen
American Decay

OK THAT IS BAD ENOUGH. And I am not typically one for conspiracy theories but saw a lot of this info floating around and well, decide for yourself

Look closely at that picture. Is it photoshopped to hide the incapacitated senile Biden? Why do the clocks above the television show Standard Time rather than Daylight Savings Time? Moscow will not be three hours different than London until November 7, 2021. This isn't a pre-March picture that's Photoshopped, is it?

London and Moscow are currently only two hours apart because of Daylight Savings Time. The clocks in the picture the White House tweeted out today show they're three hours apart.

Senile Biden is "in Camp David" with no scheduled events until at least Wednesday. We've heard nothing from the VP. And the White House Spokesperson is "unavailable" through the week. Our government is literally MIA. To say nothing of the fact that Kamala Harris is NOT in a secure facility if she's not Photoshopped into this national security meeting (which would not be protocol). And of course, the TV screen in the picture exposes CIA and other assets' locations (assuming they are legit and not photoshopped).

So *best case scenario* they Photoshopped screens on that television from when Biden was there in March. Worst case scenario they had a meeting discussing high-level national security issues with at least some members outside a SCIF. And in either case, they outed assets.

Also, why are the mic's not on? The black screens with the silver bezels either side of the monitor illuminate with a large sign to alert the resident that he is live.

berryberry's Avatar
I mean, the senile bastard goes on a 5 day weekend, shows up at the WH for a day, gets lost in the bushes, then disappears for another week.

This is more than just some political decision to stay out of sight until things calm down.
bambino's Avatar
I mean, the senile bastard goes on a 5 day weekend, shows up at the WH for a day, gets lost in the bushes, then disappears for another week.

This is more than just some political decision to stay out of sight until things calm down. Originally Posted by berryberry
It’s a movie. Sit back and enjoy the popcorn.
bambino's Avatar
And then there’s this
bambino's Avatar
Public beheadings in the streets of Afghanistan, people falling to their deaths from retreating airplanes, and:

Joe Biden - hiding

Jen Psaki - skipped town

Gen. Milley - still trying to understand "white rage"
berryberry's Avatar
And the liberals on this board are in hiding as well. Notice how they all avoid posting in any of these Afghanistan related threads when the shit hit the fan. Is gutless the right term for that?
berryberry's Avatar
Turns out a visibly declining dementia addled President with “pronoun in their bio” advisors around him making the real decisions about national security is a bad idea for America

Who knew

Well everyone who did not vote for the senile bastard !!! If you voted for Biden, this clusterfuck is ALL ON YOU
berryberry's Avatar
"We have a hider-in-chief, who for 6 days has stayed silent as Afghanistan has fallen...As people are hanging from planes. As little girls and women are facing horrible circumstances. The interpreters who are being left behind."
berryberry's Avatar
Calls for the 25th Amendment start !!!

Senator Rick Scott - Inflation is raging. The debt ceiling expired & U.S. debt is headed to $45 TRILLION. Kabul is falling to the Taliban & encounters in the #BidenBorderCrisis just hit a 20 YEAR HIGH.

Democrats control the House, Senate & WhiteHouse. What in the world is Joe Biden doing?

After the disastrous events in Afghanistan, we must confront a serious question: Is Joe Biden capable of discharging the duties of his office or has time come to exercise the provisions of the 25th Amendment?