"Wrong, timmytard... SEE3772 is a 9/11 truther."

SEE3772's Avatar
From the lustylad....

"I'll give you credit when credit is due... Your %100 correct!"

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Richard Gage talked about his group, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which claimed that the World Trade Center was brought down by explosive demolition on September 11, 2001. The group was founded in 2006 and said its mission was to “expose the official lies and cover-up surrounding the events of September 11, 2001 in a way that inspires the people to overcome denial and understand the truth.” Mr. Gage spoke via video link from San Francisco, California.

Censored information implicates Saudi Arabia in 9/11 attacks

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Oh Gwad... Just when your posts were starting to get good ya went and did this.

Come and join us Racist Birtheres, Sexists and Climate Change deniers.

Got any good pics?
From the lustylad....

"I'll give you credit when credit is due... Your %100 correct!"

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Richard Gage talked about his group, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which claimed that the World Trade Center was brought down by explosive demolition on September 11, 2001. The group was founded in 2006 and said its mission was to “expose the official lies and cover-up surrounding the events of September 11, 2001 in a way that inspires the people to overcome denial and understand the truth.” Mr. Gage spoke via video link from San Francisco, California.

Censored information implicates Saudi Arabia in 9/11 attacks

Originally Posted by SEE3772
You and the admiral ought to be locked in the same ward at the squirrel tank.....fucking whacko.
SEE3772's Avatar
Oh Gwad... Just when your posts were starting to get good ya went and did this.

Come and join us Racist Birtheres, Sexists and Climate Change deniers.

Got any good pics? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Have you done any reading... etc on this subject?
Or do you just go along with what is politically correct?
So you thought my other posts where starting to get good?
They totally contradict (like this post) what our so called
elected and non-elected leaders want you and everyone else to believe.
One more thing... It's hard for me to join what you've been told to
call someone who questions Obamas natural born citizenship because
I'm Black, White and Spanish. Bobby Jindal, John McCain technically
according to the US constitution are in the same boat as our Con-mander and chief....
lustylad's Avatar
Not sure why SEE has to start a whole new thread here?

Oh wait - maybe it's because he is full of shit and knows he can't substantiate what he put in his last thread about "John McCain admits meeting with ISIS"?
SEE3772's Avatar
You and the admiral ought to be locked in the same ward at the squirrel tank.....fucking whacko. Originally Posted by timpage
Again?... you also have nothing intelligent to say or have nothing
to contribute... Do you? You respond like a 5 year old. Go read all the NIST
revisions when they were proven wrong... for starters. You have nothing because
you know nothing.... therefore you only know how to call people names.
Like I said... like a 5 year old. People like you... the soul reason why America is
a indebted broke fascist police state.
SEE3772's Avatar
Not sure why SEE has to start a whole new thread here?

Oh wait - maybe it's because he is full of shit and knows he can't substantiate what he put in his last thread about "John McCain admits meeting with ISIS"? Originally Posted by lustylad
Cause when Juan says "I'm in contact with these people all the time"
I guess you thought he was talking about some other western funded terrorist organization. Cause there is more than just one.
lustylad's Avatar
Again?... you also have nothing intelligent to say or have nothing
to contribute... Do you? You respond like a 5 year old. Go read all the NIST
revisions when they were proven wrong... for starters. You have nothing because
you know nothing.... therefore you only know how to call people names.
Like I said... like a 5 year old. Originally Posted by SEE3772

At least timmytard can put an argument together using his own words, however weak and unconvincing. All you do is post whacko drive-by cut-&-paste jobs, adding no thoughts of your own. Then you disappear as soon as someone calls out your bullshit. Plus you're in the bush leagues when it comes to insults.

lustylad's Avatar
Cause when Juan says "I'm in contact with these people all the time"
I guess you thought he was talking about some other western funded terrorist organization. Cause there is more than just one. Originally Posted by SEE3772

So dipshit, how do you make the leap from "these people" to ISIS? He was referring to the Free Syrian Army. If you want to make fun of the FSA as a credible fighting force, go ahead and be my guest. But don't conflate them with ISIS.
SEE3772's Avatar
So dipshit, how do you make the leap from "these people" to ISIS? He was referring to the Free Syrian Army. If you want to make fun of the FSA as a credible fighting force, go ahead and be my guest. But don't conflate them with ISIS. Originally Posted by lustylad
Most of the Free Syrian army are al-Qaeda.
And this whole public circus with the talking points...
We need to arm them to fight ISIS is a cover up because
America and our so called allies armed them years ago.
It's all in my posts from last year. Just cause you say they don't exist
does not mean they're not there. Al Qaeda is ISIS...
Even Anthony shaffer who ran able danger is saying that.
And many military higher ups... You do know what able danger is, right?
Anthony shaffer ran it...
As far as running away... I do have other things in my life that come first.
Not saying you don't. Just saying... I'm not going to spend all day here.
That's the reason why I post with little comment. If you don't like or find the things I find interesting or things that people should be aware of then keep
responding with nothing to add but insults. Your really brave behind your computer screen. I'm sure most of you would never have the balls to say the things you say to someone standing in front of you. So you jump online and...
Guess it makes your dick hard or something? Makes you feel like a man...
And in no way am I advocating violence! Shit, I haven't been in a fight since the 5th grade! Think I might have wasted 40 seconds of my life.... Again.
Have you done any reading... etc on this subject?
Or do you just go along with what is politically correct?
So you thought my other posts where starting to get good?
They totally contradict (like this post) what our so called
elected and non-elected leaders want you and everyone else to believe.
One more thing... It's hard for me to join what you've been told to
call someone who questions Obamas natural born citizenship because
I'm Black, White and Spanish. Bobby Jindal, John McCain technically
according to the US constitution are in the same boat as our Con-mander and chief.... Originally Posted by SEE3772
Dear idiot:

What was it necessary to fly planes into the buildings if they were going to bring them down with explosives? Wouldn't it have been easier to simply say that terrorists had rented offices and planted the explosives?

How do you explain the plane that hit the Pentagon? What was the purpose of that?

How do you explain the fourth plane that crashed when the passengers revolted? What wired building was that headed for?
People like you... the soul reason why America is
a indebted broke fascist police state. Originally Posted by SEE3772
Perhaps our lousy education system, which produces people who write "soul" reason, proves there isn't a "sole" reason?

Also, I think the 16th Amendment (income tax) and the 17th Amendment (direct election of senators) also share a big part of the blame.
SEE3772's Avatar
Perhaps our lousy education system, which produces people who write "soul" reason, proves there isn't a "sole" reason?

Also, I think the 16ht Amendment (income tax) and the 17th Amendment (direct election of senators) also share a big part of the blame. Originally Posted by ExNYer
It's like that on a smartphone sometimes...
I've been corrected before once or twice.
So do you think the audit the fed bill that passéd in congress will make it thru and be passed in the senate?
Do you support the bill?
Since you brought up the income tax.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Back to the OP. Even the 9-11 Commission isn't satisfied we have all the facts. I do not believe the government had any part in this. But I also think the government is hiding information we should know. Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth are not a bunch of crackpots. They are educated professionals who understand the physics behind situation. It doesn't add up.

Why do you not want to know the whole truth? What is wrong with demanding honesty and transparency from government? This event is the excuse for the largest wholesale restriction of liberty in the history of the US. I want to know why.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
From the lustylad....

"I'll give you credit when credit is due... Your %100 correct!"

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Richard Gage talked about his group, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which claimed that the World Trade Center was brought down by explosive demolition on September 11, 2001. The group was founded in 2006 and said its mission was to “expose the official lies and cover-up surrounding the events of September 11, 2001 in a way that inspires the people to overcome denial and understand the truth.” Mr. Gage spoke via video link from San Francisco, California.

Censored information implicates Saudi Arabia in 9/11 attacks

Originally Posted by SEE3772

Here is your fatal flaw. This group was founded to expose the "official lies and cover-up...". A biased beginning. I would prefer a group that is formed to look at all the evidence and get to the bottom of what happened. Find out what happened before deciding what happened.