Gentlemen, what is your go-to hobby site?

GayleMeyers's Avatar
Other than here, of course .... and which sites do you mistrust?
CKJAmore's Avatar
I trust P411, ECCIE, OH2 (barring the technical issues) and PP.

TER, at a national level, just to cross check on the reviews, but it has no meaningful discussion forum.

I also like to cross check Tryst and PD, but never felt comfortable seeing someone just based on them.

EROS looks attractive (great quality pictures like Tryst) but I generally deem it less trustworthy.

The ones I trust the least are RR, LC, SS, and Mega—too much noise (fake) and hard to find a real signal. I know guys have had good success with them, but it seems too hard for me to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I have never ventured into SA (Seeking) and AM (Ashley Madison) territory and am wary of engagements that are not limited-transactional (meaning each meet to be transacted by itself, and not a Sugar situation). Again, people have had success with them and may be one day, I’ll try.

When out of town, occasionally, I found TNA to be reliable.

I know my answer is broader in scope than what you had asked for, but hopefully it helps. All this is my opinion of course.
GayleMeyers's Avatar
I trust P411, ECCIE, OH2 (barring the technical issues) and PP.

TER, at a national level, just to cross check on the reviews, but it has no meaningful discussion forum.

I also like to cross check Tryst and PD, but never felt comfortable seeing someone just based on them.

EROS looks attractive (great quality pictures like Tryst) but I generally deem it less trustworthy.

The ones I trust the least are RR, LC, SS, and Mega—too much noise (fake) and hard to find a real signal. I know guys have had good success with them, but it seems too hard for me to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I have never ventured into SA (Seeking) and AM (Ashley Madison) territory and am wary of engagements that are not limited-transactional (meaning each meet to be transacted by itself, and not a Sugar situation). Again, people have had success with them and may be one day, I’ll try.

When out of town, occasionally, I found TNA to be reliable.

I know my answer is broader in scope than what you had asked for, but hopefully it helps. All this is my opinion of course. Originally Posted by CKJAmore
Fair enough... I value your input!
TER has a lot of discussion, but seems to have fallen out of the status it once had with hobbyists. PD is a pretty good resource, IMO, because either party can see the reviews and reach out to members who have seen someone interested in meeting. Glad to see you slam the scummy sites ....
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
To be honest, when it comes to all aspects of the hobby, I feel that there is not one site that I would trust explicitly. Everyone knows, or should know, that every board that has the ability to have real-time discussions, those sites do not treat all members of the site equally.

On sites which you can do a review on, there are just too many pimp, promoter and provider "approved" reviews that those review forums are all nothing but BS for the most part.

And last but certainly not least, too many members on these sites are all about their agendas and vendettas, most of who rarely if ever participate in P4P, yet are members of a hobby review board.

I want to say of all, p411 is my go to because there is no BS, no agendas and most of the providers can see what you like as well as there are references for them to check right there without them having to ask or a guy making up the references to get around a provider's screening.

There are too many other ways to find providers than on hobby boards, and those ladies do not have inflated prices for deflated services nor are they indifferent/jaded and have a disdain for guys who chose to pay for a service.
TinMan's Avatar
Eccie is my main site, followed by p411, oh2 and PacePro. I’ll check in on the paid advertising sites from time to time, but I’d never see a woman based solely on those ads.
E-Harmony is my go-to. I mistrust all others.
GayleMeyers's Avatar
To be honest, when it comes to all aspects of the hobby, I feel that there is not one site that I would trust explicitly. Everyone knows, or should know, that every board that has the ability to have real-time discussions, those sites do not treat all members of the site equally.

On sites which you can do a review on, there are just too many pimp, promoter and provider "approved" reviews that those review forums are all nothing but BS for the most part.

And last but certainly not least, too many members on these sites are all about their agendas and vendettas, most of who rarely if ever participate in P4P, yet are members of a hobby review board.

I want to say of all, p411 is my go to because there is no BS, no agendas and most of the providers can see what you like as well as there are references for them to check right there without them having to ask or a guy making up the references to get around a provider's screening.

There are too many other ways to find providers than on hobby boards, and those ladies do not have inflated prices for deflated services nor are they indifferent/jaded and have a disdain for guys who chose to pay for a service. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Well, okay. I don't know of ANY of my colleagues who disdain their clients. The exact opposite: nice clients are blessings!

The okays on P411 ARE referrals ....

And lastly, inflation caused by the world wide pandemic affected us, as well as you guys. It is somewhat delusional to think that provider donations shouldn't rise with the CPI just like everything else.
GayleMeyers's Avatar
Eccie is my main site, followed by p411, oh2 and PacePro. I’ll check in on the paid advertising sites from time to time, but I’d never see a woman based solely on those ads. Originally Posted by TinMan
But Eccie doesn't allow ads.... we cannot offer information here to aid you in making choices.
GayleMeyers's Avatar
E-Harmony is my go-to. I mistrust all others. Originally Posted by slubby
I guess if you take enough time, the results are the same. I had a gay landlord in CA who was straight ( or pretended to be ) while attending UCLA.He said it was real cheap to take a girl to the discount grassy tip top of the Hollywood Bowl for a concert with a picnic basket and then walk on the beach and his success rate was pretty high..
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Well, okay. I don't know of ANY of my colleagues who disdain their clients. The exact opposite: nice clients are blessings!

The okays on P411 ARE referrals ....

And lastly, inflation caused by the world wide pandemic affected us, as well as you guys. It is somewhat delusional to think that provider donations shouldn't rise with the CPI just like everything else. Originally Posted by GayleMeyers

I do not know who your colleagues are, but they are not anyone I have had sessions with or had conversations with on the boards. If a provider puts continually puts down hobbyists on the boards or goes through the motions and mentally checks out BCD, then IMO, that shows a disdain for guys who chose to pay for a service.

The prices are higher for everyone on everything, I do not have a problem with that (well, I do, but that is another subject for another thread). What I have a problem with is the deflated service that comes with the higher donation price.

Each hobby site has its pluses and minuses. For instance, all but this site allows ads, this site allows you to review providers even if they have a NRP. The minuses for the real time discussion boards are that since they all relatively have the same players, therefore, the drama also follows. P411 allows a guy to be able to let a provider know what he is looking for from a session he pays for (not all guys just want to get a nut). Plus, you can connect or not your handle on the discussion boards, leaving the BS drama that wrongly gets associated with you out. That is why P411 is my number one go to.
corona's Avatar
But Eccie doesn't allow ads.... we cannot offer information here to aid you in making choices. Originally Posted by GayleMeyers
The most important information here about providers comes from the other people that have seen them. All the Ads show us is that you're possible available.
nookiebandit's Avatar
for TX, I use Tryst then immediately cross check here and TER.
tnaboard when its really slow.

used to use OH2 before it was a shitshow.

privatedelights is hot garbage since it doesn't delete ads of girls who are touring, here-today-gone-tomorrows or retired.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 01-21-2024, 11:20 PM
P411/ OH2 when working/ Eccie to check is the best tryptic.
I watched Eros but not much information and GPS is big there.
I’m sure I’ll get ripped to shreds for this but I rely mostly on RR. Navigation is easy, I can like ads I’m interested in, and it’s free to have an account. I also rely on Eccie here for reviews. I have an OH2 and PD accounts but don’t use it as much because I’m not comfortable with the interface. I can barely justify the money I pay in this hobby, paying for p411 is not in the cards for me. I’ve looked at ads on LC but I’ve never seen anyone there I’m remotely interested in meeting.