College Chancellor's Sex Dungeon

RickForFun's Avatar
Damn, the news is interesting tonight. I think I'll major in ........

Investigation Leads To Discovery Of College Chancellor's 'Sex Dungeon'
By David Schepp, Posted Aug 2nd 2011 @ 3:40PM

It's not everyday that a federal investigation into fraudulent student visas leads to the outing of school official's sexual exploits.
But that's exactly the scenario that has played out in northern Virginia after immigration officials began investigating the for-profit University of Northern Virginia and discovered the school's chairman and chancellor, David Lee (pictured), also leads a vibrant sex life, made all the more replete by a sex dungeon in the basement of his home.

According to The Smoking Gun website, Lee, 64, and his girlfriend recently sought "attractive submissive" women who "wish to be part of our poly family," through an online advertisement.
"Ideally you will consider yourself a slave or a sub with slave tendencies," said the ad, which appeared on, a site dedicated to those who enjoy a dose of bondage, discipline and pseudo masochism to along with a roll in the hay.
The couple's ad also featured several photos, some lurid, including two pictures of Lee placing a flame near the body of a naked woman wearing a bondage mask.
In another photo, in what has become standard fare among middle-aged men seeking anonymous sexual encounters (thank you, Reps. Anthony Weiner and Christopher Lee), a shirtless David Lee is shown flexing in a mirror.
Lee isn't speaking to the press about the ad or the investigation into the university's recruitment efforts.
Investigators are seeking to determine whether some students attended classes or just used enrollment in UNVA as a method of gaining entry to the U.S., Smoking Gun reported.
Lee did, however, post a statement on the school's website, which noted that Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigators, executing a search and seizure warrant, removed "computer hardware, equipment, and paper documents."
Lee was, as Smoking Gun notes, to meet Monday with "concerned UNVA students and faculty."
No word yet on what Lee -- or students or faculty, for that matter -- wore to the meeting, or whether a good time was had by all.
LilRed's Avatar
I have been in this lifestyle for many years now and I actually know people with sex dungeons in their house. You would be surprised at their occupations... many are in the upstanding " Who's Who " type lists . The groups I belong to require a LOT of screening, (almost like seeing a provider) in order to protect everyones identity. I know to an outsider it can seem VERY strange.
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto with Red!

I know alot of "upstanding' citizens with kinky side lifes!

I always say,whatever you do in this life,do whatever makes you happy!