Staying Anon on the web

So this week I was surfing Eccie and noticed people talking about all sorts of great stuff. Then something stuck out like a sore thumb to me. I'm a car guy and you all might remeber Tara wanting a vette for her photo shoot. In this thread we have guys posting what they drive and even pictures of their car in some cases.

I'm not going to give specifics but given some of that information it was very easy for me to find information people might not want known. This type of information leaves a trail miles wide that anyone who knows this person could follow. Also of note anyone who knows much about the given topic could potentially find out information about you.

Here are a few things you should all be doing to ensure your anonimity.

1. Don't share any information about your job, car, house, etc.

2. Use a different login name for every forum and ensure that they are all very different from one another.

3. Do not post pictures of any kind that are related to you, aka you took them, are in them, etc.

4. Use a free anonymous email account and ensure it does not give away personal information not even the town in which you live should be listed.

5. Keep your hobby name and your real name/nickname completely different. Basically you want nothing of who you are to be within the name. Not even the sports you played in highschool or your jersey number. People who know you well could very easily identify those things.

6. Be paranoid as hell because everything you say could very well lead to your getting busted. AKA that phrase you have used since you where eight should never be used. Often people identify a person by his pattern of speech.

That should be a good starting point. Everyone please feel free to add additional thoughts and constructive criticism.