Who is to blame the idiot or the thief?

bb2040's Avatar
My fellow Dallas people - I need some feedback.

The Situation:

I am in Orlando on business from Dallas for 2 evenings. I took a look at Eccie and P411. I quickly realized I am not in Dallas anymore. I found a potential playmate in Angelina Caprise from P411. I contacted her through the website my first night in Orlando. We considered our financial situations and agreed upon a donation for her time the following evening where she would meet me at my hotel after one of her "business appointments" in the general vicinity. The time she estimated was between 8:00pm - 9:00pm "leaning closer to 9:00pm". She called the day of our scheduled appointment (today) 5:45pm and we decided on 9:00pm which was perfect since I would be finishing up a dinner meeting with a legitimate business associate. We spoke again at 8:10pm where directions were provided and she said I will be there at 9:00pm. I told her sounds great, feel free to drive slow in case my dinner is running a little late. She laughs.

The Problem:

15 minutes later (8:25pm) - I receive two phone calls and 2 text messages saying "I am here and am about to leave." I excuse myself to the bathroom and call her. I ask how/why she is there so early and she said she was closer than she originally thought. Fortunately the restaurant I was at was only a 5 minute walk from the hotel so I sneak out of the restaurant and meet her outside the hotel. She is gorgeous (just like her pictures). I ask her to wait until our scheduled appointment time (9:00pm).

The Mistake:

As an act of good faith...and poor judgement I give her half of the agreed upon donation as an act of good faith. She said she would wait until 9:00pm.

Trying to Solve the Problem:

I rush back to the restaurant where I speed the dinner along at a lightening pace. At 8:59pm I send her a text letting her know I am in route to the hotel. She responds by saying she left 15 minutes ago. I call her and we talk on the phone where I ask her to come back since she is still "in the area" and remind her our agreed upon time was 9:00pm. She provides excuses like ("I am tired...you have to give me an incentive "i.e. more $") After 10 minutes of pointless conversation she makes her intention clear that she is not coming back.

You be the judge:

So who is really in the wrong here. The idiot - Me for making a "good faith gesture" which was obviously misplaced? Or the girl that took the money and ran?

My thoughts:

Of course, I realize my stupid contribution to the situation but ultimately feel like the victim here. Maybe I got swept up in the Disney World Hype...is there not an honest working girl in the Orlando area? If so it apparently was not this one.

Take care all and stay safe. Please feel free to PM or respond to this post with your comments. Obviously I will now be available the rest of the evening...ha I can't wait to get back to Dallas!!!
Ok... not to be rude...
You are in Orlando, and complaining in Dallas.
I know, they have Florida boards, who could really, use this info.
However I'm not one, of your Dallas people, so what I say, matters none.
Sensei's Avatar
I'd report it through P411 and remind myself to NEVER prepay for anything. So I guess I would give it a 60/40 split in your favor.
You both are. You for being dumb enough to give money to a chick in a strange town, and her for being a bitch and stealing your money.

w900l's Avatar
  • w900l
  • 03-17-2010, 08:34 PM
Call Gina at P411 first thing in the morning!!! She may be able to do something about that girl.
Stolen from : http://twitter.com/Shitmydadsays

"A parent's only as good as their dumbest kid. If one wins a Nobel Prize but the other gets robbed by a hooker, you failed."

You knew better but are a gent. Some times we have to re-learn a lesson. I know I occasionally do.

A true escort would have followed your directions, her schedule allowing, and time would not have been an issue. You ran into a "hooker" who was thinking short term and took a few bucks the easy way. Now you have learned or re-learned a valuable lesson.

a) Write the review on her so all of Orlando can know about her.

b) Contact Gina at preferred411. Her philosophy is that P411 is for "preferred" ladies and gents. Yours may not be the only complaint she has pertaining to this gal in Florida. People do get removed from P411 if there are multiple complaints justifying the action.

All you can do now is warn others of her through the regular channels and let Karma do its thing. No need to stalk and continually trash her, either. It will make you look the the weirdo.
That's horrible and inexcusable !!!

Report her no-good a**!!!

I hope her dumb thoughtless action didn't ruin it for the next provider you see.
Boltfan's Avatar
Definately report her to p411. If she has a history Gina will have it and make sure she doesn't use p411 to dupe anyone else. If she doesn't, yet, Gina will have some info in case this becomes a pattern.
  • T-Can
  • 03-17-2010, 10:19 PM
I couldn't find her P411 account.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
doggie is good sex position, and getting dinner in a container for later.

pussy is there, get it!!! give cash see ya.

you think she did not know you were from out town
bb2040's Avatar
I just double checked P411 and her profile is gone. I figured she did a reverse block, but wow. Maybe the scam artist closed down shop after her last score. I appreciate the feedback. Not sure what Gina can do at this point, but will send it her way regardless. Thanks for the advice. CPI, sounds like all I need to do now is win the Nobel Prize to redeem myself. Hawkeye - I told her I was from out of town...hence the urgency to get together tonight....I see now how that was probably counter productive. Definitely feel shafted on this deal.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
She's the type of escort that gives all of us a bad name.

You did NOTHING wrong. So you're not to blame.


These are the type of situations that happen that do cause me to shake my head. Sorry it happened to you.

Don't beat yourself up. (It is more fun for us to do that for you).

Many of us, myself included, have been there and done similar things, especially when traveling. It will always be part of the game.

Info like this is what makes review boards valuable. Thanks for your contribution.
gregory_m2003's Avatar
you pre-paid her.. just because you met her at a parking lot and she was gorgeous...?
If I go by that principle.. I'll be a bauper within days... paying all the cutie pie teens I see in the shopping malls here in dallas..
travelling_man's Avatar
We've all had to learn, but someone once told me that a provider's ultimate goal is to get your money. If she has to fuck you to get it, then so be it. But the goal is to get your money. Her job is NOT to fuck you, that's just a side consequense of something that she has to do in order to attain her ultimate goal...to get your money.

If a girl is local then she has to deal with the repercussions of her actions if she takes the cash and walks. That will hurt her ability to get someone else's money - thus it's not likely to happen.

Now think of the out of town girl with the same goal....to get your money. She drives up and you give her money. Considering that her job to begin with was to get your money...her job is done and she leaves. I fault the person that gave her the money in the first place. The girl was just doing her job and in this case she did it without even having to fuck anyone. Now furthermore you gave her instructions to meet 9...she got there early and thus did not follow your instructions. She has already proved to you that she has no care and no regard for you since she knowingly showed up early even when you told her that you would be eating dinner until 9pm. Having showed you already that her attitude is one of contempt for your requests and total disregard for you, somehow you still chose to give her money for services that had not been rendered.

Can you fault the ant for biting you if you stick your hand in an ant mound? Can you blame the bee for stinging you if you stir up it's nest? This girl was just doing what is in her nature to do - take money from guys in any way she can. You just made it easy for her.