It's about time.
either way, its worth getting the idiots to STFU about the entire scenarioIt's expensive to deal with criminals. You can't blame congress for the cost. Holder should be in jail. He should have to pay for any cost related to the investigation.
look at all the $$ its costing taxpayers for Issa to prove a point OR not .. fucking right wingers bitch about spending until its time for them to buy something, then theyre all in with everyone elses money, cost be damned Originally Posted by CJ7
And was impeached.actually, the documents requested date back to the the day the program started, and that was during a republican tenure, and yes I feel exactly the same way regardless.
So if it is a democrat crook it is ok with you to let it go.
What if it was a Republican crook, would you feel the same?\
Clinton committed a crime, not of getting blowjob but off lying under oath.
I do not care what political party affiliation a criminal has; they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and nobody, including the AG or the President is exempt. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You're wrong again, CBJ7. Issa wants the documents pertaining to just "Operation Fast and Furious." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
so what if this civil suit overturns EP and theres nothing in the documents thats of a criminal nature?You're an idiot and a liar. Clinton was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of his office. If his only transgression was adultery, he would not have been impeached and you know it. You are a liar.
what if there is something criminal in them?
what if Obie pardons holder like Bush did his pals?
justice has been served and youre satisfied no matter the cost to yourself, kids neighbors etc .. that about it?
makes sense since the right wingers in congress spent $100 million bucks proving clinton got his yang sucked and lied about it. Originally Posted by CJ7
Project Gunrunner was ended before Fast and Furious. And Project Gunrunner was run in cooperation with the Mexican government. F&F was not.
F&F is solely on the plate of Obama and Holder. Sorry, CBJ7, I know this interferes with your "Bush is at fault for everything" mantra, but not this time. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy