A Modest Immigration Proposal

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Everyone sez that immigrants help this country, we are a nation of immigrants, etc. One way we can guarantee that every immigrant that is here truly does help us is through taxation. Let's figure out the cost of running America, say 3.6 trillion a year for FY 2012.
Divide that by 300 million people, that's 12000 dollars per year per person. (Basically, we as citizens average out to that, or at least we should)
So, each immigrant who comes here and "helps us" should pay us $231 a week in taxes for us to break even, just on the Federal costs of running this country. Presumably, local taxes like sales tax, property taxes, etc get paid through rentals of apartments, purchases at Wal Mart, etc. Roads are paid for with gas taxes, medical costs with cigarette taxes, etc.
If they file income taxes, they can take payments made as a credit if they owe more taxes through higher income.
Roguejet's Avatar
Hmmm .... let's see ..... $7.25/hour (current minimum wage), scooping horse shit out of stalls in a barn, X 40 hours a week = $290.00/week (gross), less $231.00 (Jewish Lawyer's tax) = 59.00/week, or $255.67/month, or $3,068.00/annually. Guessing we'd just have to learn to live with the horse shit.
ManSlut's Avatar
We're still in the shitter because a significant percentage of this over 300 million population (my guess-timate 20%) is below the income wage earning age. You need to re-do your math JL, it's worse than you think.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
We're still in the shitter because a significant percentage of this over 300 million population (my guess-timate 20%) is below the income wage earning age. You need to re-do your math JL, it's worse than you think. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Well, if you bring in a dependent, you have to pay the tax on them, too. So, if you have a wife and two kids, that's $924 a week in costs to us, and taxes for you.

Roguejet - we may have to shovel our own shit!
NuruGuru's Avatar
@Roguejet There's a legal and illegal way to come into the U.S. and if you're going to come here illegally, just deal with the $59.00 a week or get out.