What if......question to ponder

travelling_man's Avatar
OK - so I just saw the Nick Cage movie Knowing over the weekend and it got me thinking......

SPOLIER ALERT - do not read further if you care about seeing the movie one day

For those that haven't watched it - the basic premise is that some alien race knows what is going to happen in earth's future (doesn't really explain how they know) and that they can communicate with children (doesn't explain that either) to prepare them to be taken off the planet right before the world ends to start life new on another world. So all of the conversation as to the plot of the movie aside, here is my question to ponder...

If you had one week's notice that the world was going to end - what would you do in that week? Spend if with friends and family? Go and fuck everything in sight regardless of the consequences? Venture into some questionable/illegal activities because you know that there are no consequences?

I also thought about this - what if you are the ONLY one that knows the world is going to end in a week vs what if everyone knows? You would have to think that if you were the ONLY one that knows you could max out all of your credit cards, cash in your IRAs and 401ks regarless of the penalties and go out and do whatever it is that you want to do. But if EVERYONE knows it could make things different? Why would an people want to keep working no matter how much money someone offerred? So that might limit what you could do if no one would accept your money for doing whatever it is that you want.

Your thoughts.....what would you do if ONLY you knew the world was going to end in a week? I'll tell you what I'd do after some of you comment.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
In the first place 401-K money can not be accessed that quickly...you would have to quit your job and it would be at least a month before you could get your hands on it...

With a limited amount of cash on hand and credit cards i would pack up a bag with shorts and t-shirts and sandals and rush out to the airport and catch the next available flight that would take me to Bali.

Once there I would get a room on Kuta Beach and try to find the same taxi driver who used to bring me all the girls when I went there on R&R's during my petroleum consulting days...

No way could I spend all my money and max out all my credit cards in only a week but it would be fun trying!!!

Now if I had a couple of months and could get the 401-k funds that would be a whole different story.