SECURITY PROBLEM: Google and Facebook connected?

Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
I got a friend suggestion on Farcebook for a provider, the only connection between myself and her is that I had googled her number looking for reviews.
Am I being paranoid?
Or just followed?
want2c's Avatar
The original cross tracking algorithms developed by Google the NSA uses. So if you use your phone to access eccie, search BP or contact a provider on any android app. It cross references that info and submits it to all 3rd party vendors, facebook included.

The way to get around all of this. Get a burner phone, do not tie an email that can be tracked back to you. Never ever get on any social media that can be tracked back to you. Don't sign in to your FB on that phone. Spoof number apps still have the ORIGINAL sim card # associated with your phone. In some ways google is a bigger spy then the NSA. Do not swap sim cards with a phone you use, in real life. Get a separate phone, get a email, that cannot be track back to any real life info. The better option, do not activate an email associated with your burner phone. If you get a spoof number app, download it onto a laptop with bitcoin, using TOR. Then load it onto your phone. I recommend you change your IP before loading any apps. I use a windows base phone that doesn't have an email, doesn't have my real life info and is a lot easier to configure with a dark laptop. I don't have an email, I don't have FB or any social media with that phone. Most apps are disable, no wifi, no bluetooth and no GPS.

I usually buy a burner phone six months in advance before I ever activated it. I try to buy from swap meets and flea markets if at all possible. Not Walmart or any other chain that stores with stores video for 18 months