911 Where were you?

As this day comes to an end and we've all taken a moment to remember, I'm wondering how many of us still feel the same way about the event of 911

I was at home with a sick child and my sister called to tell me to turn off the cartoons and turn on any other channel.
I then watched in shock as the second plane hit.

I lost a few friends that day. Like some of you they were friends I had never met face to face but had talked, laughed and conducted business with many many times.
12 people from my friends company were on the second tower that day.

It's been 17 years. I still get a feeling every year akin to anger over the incident. Anger that we still have no real answer to the question "Why"
And anger for the massive changes it caused in our country.

And you?
How does this day affect you? If it does atall'?

Curious minds wanna know.
I was working in the EMS field that day. It was a long day of not knowing what was going on.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
9/11 is just one of those days (the Kennedy assassination was another one for those old enough to remember) that people just remember what was going on the day, and sometimes the moment, everything happened.

I was in the workforce at the time. Wearing a suit every day.

And my secretary was on the computer and I heard her say, "Oh, my God." Then, another person made this yelping sound. Almost like a scream.

The way the office was arranged, I had to walk around a cubicle to get to her.

Got to her desk just in time to actually watch that second plane crash into the second twin tower. Think it was that guy on NBC, the one that just got fired/quit over sexual harassment several months back, who was reporting the first incident and we were watching the news trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

Can't remember his name but we were watching the news and wow ... all of that was a moment in time for sure.

I don't know that each year, I get upset. But each year I am thankful for what I do have and each year, I do think of all of the thousands and thousands (and more) who were so affected by such an act of brutality.

Anyway ... good topic.

  • Dlh
  • 09-13-2018, 06:45 AM
5th grade!
9/11 is just one of those days (the Kennedy assassination was another one for those old enough to remember) that people just remember what was going on the day, and sometimes the moment, everything happened.

I was in the workforce at the time. Wearing a suit every day.

And my secretary was on the computer and I heard her say, "Oh, my God." Then, another person made this yelping sound. Almost like a scream.

The way the office was arranged, I had to walk around a cubicle to get to her.

Got to her desk just in time to actually watch that second plane crash into the second twin tower. Think it was that guy on NBC, the one that just got fired/quit over sexual harassment several months back, who was reporting the first incident and we were watching the news trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

Can't remember his name but we were watching the news and wow ... all of that was a moment in time for sure.

I don't know that each year, I get upset. But each year I am thankful for what I do have and each year, I do think of all of the thousands and thousands (and more) who were so affected by such an act of brutality.

Anyway ... good topic.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Matt Lauer?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Matt Lauer? Originally Posted by PhilLanders69
Gosh, yes. That one.

(How soon we forget, huh?)
It was a gorgeous Tuesday morning, back then I ran a construction crew. We were pouring concrete for Westmoreland county housing authority. Redoing sidewalk to an apartment building. A tenet in the last apartment in the row, a young pretty girl in her 20s, ran out and told me after the first plane hit. I had a wet pour to finish before it set up..I couldn't leave until I finished. I finished and went into her apartment to see the first tower come down.
I was doing a furnace tune-up at a Dr's. house in Fox Chapel, when the first plane hit, he called me up to watch his big screen t v. After the second hit, he said to me "this is what happens when we let just anybody enter our country". After leaving his house I sat in a local ballfield parking lot and watched rush hour traffic go by, as the bldgs. in Pittsburgh were evacuating. Will never forget!
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-14-2018, 02:16 PM
Anybody watch the channel 4 news at noon on 911?

They interviewed a woman in Shanksville who said, the jet flew over low, it exploded, and big pieces like the engines blew off, and then it crashed immediately into the ground.

Try and find a copy of that newscast, I tried, and WTAE doesn't have a copy.

They shot that jet down.
Hey Devo, I heard the same thing about 5 yrs ago. Don't remember who told me that, probably a good thing that I don't remember.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-14-2018, 03:29 PM
One of my workers was with me, and watched the same broadcast.

He jokes to this day, that we are the only two people who know that it was shot down.
bambino's Avatar
Anybody watch the channel 4 news at noon on 911?

They interviewed a woman in Shanksville who said, the jet flew over low, it exploded, and big pieces like the engines blew off, and then it crashed immediately into the ground.

Try and find a copy of that newscast, I tried, and WTAE doesn't have a copy.

They shot that jet down. Originally Posted by Devo

  • swigs
  • 09-14-2018, 04:27 PM
I watched the interview also. The woman was outside hanging clothes on the line when she saw a fireball in the sky.
  • SD78
  • 09-14-2018, 04:48 PM
I worked third shift the night before so I slept all morning, I didn't really believe it when I seen the news right before I left for work that day.

In 2005 I was flying down to Cumberland Maryland for some touch and go's, I ended up flying right over where 93 crashed. At first I didn't know what I was looking at, once I realized where I was it was pretty obvious. I circled a round a few time and went on my way, I haven't been back since. Every now and then I think about it and wonder if you can still see the profile of the plane. I remember it being right near a tree line, the profile was still just a big circle with two lines coming out of it.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-14-2018, 05:37 PM
I also knew a reservist who was on cleanup duty, he claimed there was no debris bigger than your hand, now bear in mind, this was days after the crash.

Now, I watched footage of a jet that smacked the side of a mountain in Europe, and the engines were basically intact, now, many people saw this jet, and it was flying low, likely trying to avoid radar, and, the woman in Shanksville said exactly what you would expect if it was hit with a missle.