men do you think

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-19-2010, 09:00 PM
in your mind a women can ever leave the business? I guess I am trying to ask if you/hobbyist feel in
love with a provider could you truly trust and love her unconditionally and make a marriage or
relationship work or would the thought of her being a provider always be tucked in the back of your mind..
The Beast's Avatar
Change is a matter of how bad do you want it. At any point you can redefine yourself but be ready to struggle. The struggle is how we grow.
Nothing has to be permanent.
Fawn, I know you asked the guys opinion....but I just had to say, I used to be a dispatcher, I am not that A person can walk away from anything that they truly want to walk away from. It may be difficult or even seem impossible, but it can happen.

Your occupation doesn't define you as a person. Even if it did, I would be very proud. A good provider puts so much of herself into what she does. I am Reese....Reese is me.

Anyway, sorry for going on and on... love you, lady!
+1 to the beautiful Reese!
OK I will give my humble opinion on this subject. At some point in our lives we make a choice that greatly alters our future and quality of life. I have to think, if a lady meets a hobbyist or nonhobbiest and they form a relationship whats in the past is best left there. My work does not run my life and I do actually leave my work behind. The guy I suppose fortunate enough to be in a relationship with a provider has a good looking, experienced, and incredibly sexy and uninhibited.

I have had many changes in my life that altered my future and quality of life. The changes I went through were:

1. Joined the army
2. Quit smoking
3. Lost 200 pounds through gastric bypass surgery
4. Last is when I formed my own real estate/restaurant company and walk away from corporate world forever. I determine my own future by my hard work and effort.

So my dear Fawn, the simple answer is you can leave the hobby and enjoy life with one man. But please remember this, simply find the person that brings joy into your heart and commit to your partner. Work hard at the relationship, make new adventures, go places and other things knowing you actually have strong emotional feelings for your partner.
Peanut's Avatar
If the lady truly wants out of the business of providing - She can do it. The hard part is staying out because of the "easy" money. If you are a $200/hr provider and see 3 guys a day for 5 days ($3000 for the week) = more money than working a M-F job for a month in most cases. The down side to providing is that were isnt a retirement plan unless she is putting into something like an IRA.

Getting out depends alot on a support system from home, education level, and the willingness to work at a job for an hourly rate much less than the above rate (the above rate is $75/hr based on a 40 hour week calculation).

Hope no one is offended with my wording.
RoDunn's Avatar
Yes, I do think a woman can walk away from the business and not have it haunt her. It's harder for some women than others. But ladies walk away and never look back all the time. We cross paths with some of them every day without ever knowing it. In the office. At the PTA meeting. In the book store. At a dinner party.
steverino50's Avatar
Fawn, let me answer your question with a question. How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?

Just one. But the light bulb has to really want to change.

You can do whatever you put your mind and heart to do.

But I have to agree with you and Reese. Your occupation does not define you.
The "who you are" as a person has been just fine for as long as I have had the good fortune to know you. Just sayin'.
a women can ever leave the biz? or do you think her past will always catch up to her? Or will she always be the same person? This job does not define her... She is her own person...but some one told her she will always be a you men think a women can ever truly walk away or will this hobby always haunt her? Originally Posted by fawn

Fawn thats the beauty of being American, We can be whoever We want to be.Me. I haven't always lived My life as a model citizen, but there came a point when I realized I wouldn't do well as a guest of the State...
Today, I'm a legit businessman, I vote, pay My taxes,and am truly happy.
Are there times I miss My old lifestyle?? of course...

Being a provider gives You a unique view of Men in general...Us in our most vunerable state...that information can be priceless, and gives You a leg up on the average lady, it gives You a unique perspective.

That said My ex wife was a stripper, and theres a lot of baggage with that, but She was a great mother, My best friend, and the person that made life something to look forward to,

Anyways, You can do whatever You set Your mind to honest with the person You are with...the reaction will tell You what You need to know....
My question is, why ask the question? What difference does it make what others think? If you can find happiness here or anyplace else go for it. Life has no guarantees.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
History is littered with examples of former courtesans, prostitutes, and even streetwalkers who have literally altered the social and political landscape. So, hell yes you can leave it behind. But in those ways that made you a provider, you will always be a provider. Even now you're more than just appointments at an incall, no matter how important I think those services may be. If you decide no longer to be a provider, you'll still possess those characteristics. You just won't manifest them in the same way. Some may interpret your question to presume that being a provider is less than desirable, and I disagree with that presumption. What I'm trying to say is that those things that make you a successful provider are very useful and just as socially beneficial in so many other areas as they are on this board.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-20-2010, 05:35 AM
OK let me say that I know who I am as a person....And the day I ever do walk away from this business I will not have any regrets or look back.... I had a marriage and a job before I ever came her..So when I lost my husband and debt set in I was introduced into this Hobby World as Fawn very late in life..And it has been a blessing to me ever since... My question I guess I was trying to ask is that I have found love again....And there are no secrets between us...Yep he knows what I do for my second job....My question is....Some where in the back of his mind will he ever really be able to forget that I was Fawn?
texasred21's Avatar
Truly forget , no , most memories stay with us forever . Accept , understand , and move forward with an undying love - depends on the person . If it is a true , deep , love , then I believe he will never hold it against you or be threatened by it . Again , I honestly think it just depends on how in love the person is with you and how much confidence he has in himself and how much confidence he has in your love towards him . Just my opinion .
Of course you can...people's needs, attitude, desires, feelings change. Change is a good brings freshness...something new...a new way of thinking. Meet the right person and enjoy the time we all have left.
Braveheart's Avatar

So, the question is really about him and not so much about you. I would think that most men would be able to love "YOU" first and worry about your "therapist" past much later. He apparently has put it in perspective already. So, that's a reassuring thought for you.

Since we have about the same birthday (and some of the personality that goes along with it), I would say don't overthink and don't overworry this one. Remember that you've given a LOT of comfort and pleasure to many...isn't that a good thing?

Wishing you the best always... Braveheart