Bad Client

I was just informed about a session that ended poorly when the client was caught sneaking in the drawer containing the providers donation. If the money was not taken, should this be an alert? Bear in mind, that I have not ascertained whether or not he actually stole the donation once his actions were discovered. Honestly, though, I think the john is in the wrong for rummaging through the providers things when she wasn't looking.. It seems like a no-brainer to me, but the provider was contemplating the ramifications of revealing the info. Not wanting to make waves and all that. Some advice on the matter would be helpful. Thanks

I do have the john's info if any providers need it.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Do you go to someone else's crib and go through there shit? It's bad manners at a minimum. Out the prick.
Htowner's Avatar
They call it attempted robbery when it fails.
Raphael's Avatar
I'd like to know who is the provider is who gives information relating to one john, to another .

This, however (from the Assassin's profile), is funny:
My thoughts exactly. Thanks, guys.
This was already in a post by a provider on this board. She caught him doing just such a thing.....never gave the handle.