Glass Houses...

HDGristle's Avatar

Bitching about 60 Min making your opponent look good with selective editing when Fox is making you look good with selective editing is a stone that shouldn't be thrown.

Too bad he already threw it
Everything they do is projection. Every single thing. Once or twice, odd coincidence.. but when they start to make one crazy claim out of the blue, then days later there is a news story saying that they have actually done the thing... it's happened too many times.

Perhaps if they considered that their guy was going to look poor no matter how they cut it, and that he's up against someone who is running circles around them... the outcome would had been different.
bambino's Avatar
Yeah well, calling someone a Fascist when you haven’t received one vote in a primary is lack of self awareness. Too bad the Left already shot their wad on it.

You can hang your hat on Brian Stelter. He’s already been shamed as a fraud.

Nice try Mr Gristle.
HDGristle's Avatar
Strikes me that you don't understand the conversation. Not surprising. But the bump is appreciated.
bambino's Avatar
It’s no suprise you would say that Mr Gristle. It’s you that live in a Glass House. Nice try Mr Gristle, but you failed.

Anything you can do I can do better.

HDGristle's Avatar
Still missed the point. No one said it was or wasn't frivolous. Or whether they should or shouldn't release the transcript

Thank you for the strawman, valued poster
lustylad's Avatar

Bitching about 60 Min making your opponent look good with selective editing when Fox is making you look good with selective editing is a stone that shouldn't be thrown.

Too bad he already threw it Originally Posted by HDGristle

Looks like poor Gristle has no sense of nuance.

Editing is unavoidable in the news business. It can be neutral and reasonable, or it can be outrageous and partisan.

Replacing the answer to one question with an answer to a different question isn't a normal editing decision. It crosses the line into brazen, outright journalistic fraud.

As bam's link noted, the FCC is investigating this. No wonder. Good to see someone has a sense of nuance.
HDGristle's Avatar
Plenty of outrageous editing that keeps Donny from looking like an even more out of touch thundercunt touched by dementia Lusty

The discussion isn't illegal help. But you both know that and soldier on down the path anyway. We see your nuance, it's just blustery bullshit.

Let's remember other things the FCC has said

Donny hates free speech when it's not talking about how great he is