Damn, I need to hire this chick (Topnotchmassage) to do my marketing. Who needs to get verified, you can just ad the word provider to your signature and you're set. You can also post 10 pictures of yourself to tempt the guys into seeing you.
You're either a provider or not. If all you offer is topless massages, then put that in your signature line and leave it at that. Its not fair to all the ladies who bust their asses to keep these guys happy, get verified and are ACTUAL PROVIDERS!!!!!!!
If you're just a member on this site and NOT a provider, like say for instance Bottomlessfilth, you shouldn't have a signature line with any information on how to reach you or your business.
Now, for those white knights who think they're going to come a runnin' and defend her honor, don't even try it because you don't have a leg to stand on. I know its been covered in discussions before, but the self promoting by Topnotch needs to stop. If one of the VP's were to do that, we'd get points or a vacation. She's received warnings before, how hard it is to play by the rules that apply to all???
Also, don't start bashing me in this thread or in your locker room. I'm not jealous of her nor do I wish I had her clients. I'm not in KC that often, I have my own clients so I don't care who she sees or what she does. I'm speaking up because no one else wants to do it.
I will say this........I'm NOT the only one who feels this way, female and males alike feel this way.