Fucking Fecal Pond Diarys !!!

normalguy21's Avatar
Have you ever found yourself at Gray,s Lake walking in circles around turd,s in a pond ?

Was it packed that day ?So busy you were hard pressed to find a parking spot ?

Did you drive down 235 to get there ?

possibly right by the photo enforcement traffic cameras you know the one,s that were ruled not legal by a judge not to long ago but the city is appealing the judge,s decision .

Our esteemed council member stated in a interview that 235 was

To dangures for specially equipped specially trained officers to patrol because it was out dated not properly designed to narrow with to sharp of curve,s

That the cameras were needed to keep it safe

The Iowa board of tourism i bet just loved that .

Come to iowa and drive through the heart of the city were not even our trained officers feel safe on our roads .And where people from out of state with the new 10 cent gas tax have to pay to fix our roads .

Six years ago 235 was redesigned and the city council approved the plan that is now the redone 235.

What the hell

DO NOT Respect authority .

Tell them to FUCK OFF the city council did !!!

If i was the judge they didn't respect the decision of i would dig more fucking dirt up on the commie bastards then dirt had dirt .

What a great example they are for grade school kids learning how the system works and setting the way that they might think is the right way to govern when it comes time for them to step up and run things .

What a bunch of greedy pricks !

They really care about the people that live in Des Moines by lying making shit up half assing things and going against a district judges ruling .

$$$$$ is all its about

Safety ?

Turd Ponds ?

Fucking stickers to pay to throw away branches after a god dam storm !.

Leed by example ?

If Only We had Johnny Pat Dorian Back

He didn't put up with fingers in there ass city employees waiting for people to call and complain about shit that could of been handled by doing the fucking job they were suppose to be doing already .He didn't fucking day dream about being the fucking mayor of San Diego and that he could smell the salt air of the harbor from beaver and urbandale ave .

The council does not respect the judges decision on taking down the cameras and simply wants to make up fucking lies as to why they need to be there .

Why the fuck should i listen to are respect them at any level and make all kinds of lies and point out every fucking little thing that they are not to code with ?

Curb height matters

Has the street in front of your house been re surfaced ?

Is the fucking curb almost non existent now because the asphalt cap put on it is inches deep ?

There is a curb there for a fucking reason and the reason is safety .

A car could roll over the curb and hit a person walking and there is a code for curb height 80 % of the streets in Des Moines that have been Capped do not comply with there own fucking code .


The speed cameras they are claiming for safety

the streets in your residential neighbor hood dont meet safety standards that they are responsible for and they could give a shit less .For that matter they are so fucking concerned with going to society functions and naming shit after there own ass,s that i doubt they even fucking know this fact .
normalguy21's Avatar

Turds at Gray's lake

A pond

A pond full of shit

A city council

A city council that is full of shit.

I see a pattern

Drop a duece this Friday at Gray's lake

At 4 pm at Gray's lake this Friday lets all meet at the boat rental office and let's all drop a duece .

Fecal content

Fecal content for the lake

Why break tradition?

Drop a duece and start the spruce .

Spruce up are city parks do your part
normalguy21's Avatar
I know that no one really gives a fuck about civic matters here on a hooker board do they?

If us hobbyist stood our ground and came out from behind our screen names to exercise our rights and also prove to the world that the stigma associated with the hobby is false

I think it's time we stood and showed our love of sexy providers

God bless the women that let us fuck them and to hell with the cock blockers

If us hobbyist stood our ground and came out from behind our screen names to exercise our rights and also prove to the world that the stigma associated with the hobby is false

I think it's time we stood and showed our love of sexy providers
Originally Posted by slickahhughs
Always love your posts, Slick. But you go first, I'm riiiiiiiiight behind ya
livn2do's Avatar
If us hobbyist stood our ground and came out from behind our screen names to exercise our rights and also prove to the world that the stigma associated with the hobby is false Originally Posted by slickahhughs

Personally, I think half the fun is the whole illegal aspect of it. Granted the laws currently in place that make selling/buying pussy illegal are antiquated at best as are the attitudes of the hypocrites who hide behind the guise of "human trafficking" in order to advance their agenda and destroy the lives of those us who enjoy the "finer" things in life. Screen names aside, the whole "outlaw" thing associated with the hobby is better then boner medicine for me. And truth be told, although I have hurt people that I have grown to care deeply about within the hobby (can't we come up with a better word), the people I hold closest to me are all associated with this lifestyle. I have meet some the smartest, most genuine, most caring, most upfront, no BS people in this lifestyle. People I would do anything for because I know without question they have my back...and I have theirs. So while I do agree that the illegality of this choice of lifestyle is currently frowned upon, I also know that it is temporary. Hard cocks and wet pussies will ultimately prevail in the end as will the illegality of certain types of substances with a proven track record of things such as curing cancer, depression and controlling seizures. In the meantime enjoy the flavors of the local ladies that are here to take care of you.

“If you're honest, you sooner or later have to confront your values. Then you're forced to separate what is right from what is merely legal. This puts you metaphysically on the run. America is full of metaphysical outlaws.”
― Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

“Like anybody can tell you, I am not a very nice man. I don't know the word. I have always admired the villain, the outlaw, the son of a bitch. I don't like the clean-shaven boy with the necktie and the good job. I like desperate men, men with broken teeth and broken minds and broken ways. They interest me. They are full of surprises and explosions. I also like vile women, drunk cursing bitches with loose stockings and sloppy mascara faces. I'm more interested in perverts than saints. I can relax with bums because I am a bum. I don't like laws, morals, religions, rules. I don't like to be shaped by society.”
― Charles Bukowski, South of No North
normalguy21's Avatar
Personally, I think half the fun is the whole illegal aspect of it. Granted the laws currently in place that make selling/buying pussy illegal are antiquated at best as are the attitudes of the hypocrites who hide behind the guise of "human trafficking" in order to advance their agenda and destroy the lives of those us who enjoy the "finer" things in life. Screen names aside, the whole "outlaw" thing associated with the hobby is better then boner medicine for me. And truth be told, although I have hurt people that I have grown to care deeply about within the hobby (can't we come up with a better word), the people I hold closest to me are all associated with this lifestyle. I have meet some the smartest, most genuine, most caring, most upfront, no BS people in this lifestyle. People I would do anything for because I know without question they have my back...and I have theirs. So while I do agree that the illegality of this choice of lifestyle is currently frowned upon, I also know that it is temporary. Hard cocks and wet pussies will ultimately prevail in the end as will the illegality of certain types of substances with a proven track record of things such as curing cancer, depression and controlling seizures. In the meantime enjoy the flavors of the local ladies that are here to take care of you.

“If you're honest, you sooner or later have to confront your values. Then you're forced to separate what is right from what is merely legal. This puts you metaphysically on the run. America is full of metaphysical outlaws.”
― Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

“Like anybody can tell you, I am not a very nice man. I don't know the word. I have always admired the villain, the outlaw, the son of a bitch. I don't like the clean-shaven boy with the necktie and the good job. I like desperate men, men with broken teeth and broken minds and broken ways. They interest me. They are full of surprises and explosions. I also like vile women, drunk cursing bitches with loose stockings and sloppy mascara faces. I'm more interested in perverts than saints. I can relax with bums because I am a bum. I don't like laws, morals, religions, rules. I don't like to be shaped by society.”
― Charles Bukowski, South of No North Originally Posted by livn2do

I understand a respect your perspective .

Like anything in life people have different reasons for doing the same thing .

I find like you stated above the hobby to be therapeutic and a way for me in which other ways did not work to decompress .

The band of the hand is a great movie made in the late 80,s where a group of people in a situation get assembled together and become life long friends with each others welfare more important than there own .A shared life experience and a stigma attached that uniquely makes a place in time more significant than others to stand out in learned behavior and is systemic to a band of the hand .

Personally the reason i find my self needing to decompress is from lets call it PTSD from thinking still every single thing i,am involved in is a 35 lima [counter intelligence ]operation mission behind the iron curtain with my cyanide capsule still in my hollowed out molar in case KGB [LE] catch me trying to get laid .

I still desire not to even be around Coca Cola memorabilia are 10 oz bottles are look at third world countries on maps and there current events .I would probably get some hair brained idea that i could get a soda and go fix everything they are having problems with .
Having had to grow up around family members and others associated with soda pop and showing others new ways the 10 oz bottle could and would be used in humanitarian education efforts which to this day have long lasting retentive values to those that were exposed to soda pop vending machines .

So although i understand and know soda pop came in 10oz bottles and how to run a vending rout education program with top notch corporate results i still chose not to gain employment there full time and did not want as my my career .

The company was very large but this was a subsidiary vending education start up program and not publicly traded in the stock market.

Lots of stress and mental issues can be associated with the feeling no direction in life and the lack of noted accomplishments especially when dating and today every single dating hook up site is just a resume of your charmed are un charmed life .

Somethings cant and wont and should not be exposed just to gain a date on a dating site like the secret to the Coke recipe.

I mean how the hell would i feel if i gave away the flavored sugar waters ace in the hole that only a few people who trust each other know to get a date resume .

I would feel like shit and have to hobby more .

Operation Just hobby and its not a state secret commence .........

[To think is to have a unfinished thought there for i,am not] me
normalguy21's Avatar
See Nay Sayer,s

Look whats getting fixed ------

Grays lake !

Fucking fecal pond diaries work,s !!!!!!!