The Demographic Who Faces The Most Discrimination On Earth: The Unjabbed

It's not blacks, browns, women or gays who face the most discrimination in today's world. It's the unjabbed. I can't go to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many Western European nations. Doctors and hospitals will refuse me healthcare including organ transplants. Many cruise ships will not allow me to board. Hawaii still, will quarantine me for several days before I can roam the island. There are still entertainment venues that will deny me entry to this day. For a while, I was denied entry to restaurants In New York and D.C. There are colleges and universities that still refuse to educate me. There are still employers that won't hire me. There are grocery stores in other countries that won't allow me to shop. Novak Djokovic can't even play in the U.S. Open because of his health decisions. Did I leave anything out? I'm not complaining. I'm actually very happy. Relying on my immune system instead of succumbing to the poison shot is the smartest thing I've ever done. I wouldn't change that decision for anything in the world.
I've lost all faith in the medical establishment. I trust them about as much as a used car salesman. The Hippocratic Oath no longer has meaning with these people. All they wanna do is prescribe you "Big Pharma" products so they can get a kickback. I'm considering a holistic doctor.
  • Tiny
  • 08-02-2022, 05:01 AM
I’m maybe the biggest cheerleader on this site for the vaccines and believe your fears are misplaced. However, I agree with you that there shouldn’t be restrictions on travel or movement based on vaccine status. You can gain protection through previous infection or through vaccination, or both. You’ve chosen the hard path. But are you a bigger risk for spreading the disease than someone who got the vaccines early on, never got boosted, and never got infected? Maybe so or maybe not. I suspect not.

However if you fight the Man, you’ll only lose. There’s a big, beautiful world out there with Thai soapies, German FKK’s, Colombian freelancers, the Four Floors of Whores in Singapore, and many other options that are better than what we’ve got here. You don’t have to deprive yourself.

Plus there are added benefits. I’ve only gotten one cold since I started getting vaxxed! Maybe the vaccines protect against other coronaviruses besides COVID-19! And I get a rush with each new shot, especially when I switch brands. Going from Pfizer to Moderna was a whole new experience.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Such a victim! But I admire your desire to get educated. Maybe you can get into University of Phoenix.

Time to move on to a new disease, Charlie.

And get vaccinated. The world wants your money.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It's not blacks, browns, women or gays who face the most discrimination in today's world. It's the unjabbed. I can't go to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many Western European nations. Doctors and hospitals will refuse me healthcare including organ transplants. Many cruise ships will not allow me to board. Hawaii still, will quarantine me for several days before I can roam the island. There are still entertainment venues that will deny me entry to this day. For a while, I was denied entry to restaurants In New York and D.C. There are colleges and universities that still refuse to educate me. There are still employers that won't hire me. There are grocery stores in other countries that won't allow me to shop. Novak Djokovic can't even play in the U.S. Open because of his health decisions. Did I leave anything out? I'm not complaining. I'm actually very happy. Relying on my immune system instead of succumbing to the poison shot is the smartest thing I've ever done. I wouldn't change that decision for anything in the world.
I've lost all faith in the medical establishment. I trust them about as much as a used car salesman. The Hippocratic Oath no longer has meaning with these people. All they wanna do is prescribe you "Big Pharma" products so they can get a kickback. I'm considering a holistic doctor. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
consider getting the JJ vaccine if you do change your mind. its a one shot deal and its not based on Mrna procedure.
.... Hmmmm.... So much for "My Body - My Choice!"

All the rage with the pro-abortion crowd... But not so much
when it comes to the vax... Just another sad double-standard.

#### Salty
I’m maybe the biggest cheerleader on this site for the vaccines and believe your fears are misplaced. However, I agree with you that there shouldn’t be restrictions on travel or movement based on vaccine status. You can gain protection through previous infection or through vaccination, or both. You’ve chosen the hard path. But are you a bigger risk for spreading the disease than someone who got the vaccines early on, never got boosted, and never got infected? Maybe so or maybe not. I suspect not.

However if you fight the Man, you’ll only lose. There’s a big, beautiful world out there with Thai soapies, German FKK’s, Colombian freelancers, the Four Floors of Whores in Singapore, and many other options that are better than what we’ve got here. You don’t have to deprive yourself.

Plus there are added benefits. I’ve only gotten one cold since I started getting vaxxed! Maybe the vaccines protect against other coronaviruses besides COVID-19! And I get a rush with each new shot, especially when I switch brands. Going from Pfizer to Moderna was a whole new experience. Originally Posted by Tiny
Well Cheer on Shriner. They admit the vaccines don't work at least not in protecting against Covid-19.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
.... Hmmmm.... So much for "My Body - My Choice!"

All the rage with the pro-abortion crowd... But not so much
when it comes to the vax... Just another sad double-standard.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Apples and oranges, Saulty.

And you know it…allegedly.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well Cheer on Shriner. They admit the vaccines don't work at least not in protecting against Covid-19. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Bitchute admits it, Levi? That’s amazing!

  • Tiny
  • 08-02-2022, 08:58 AM
Well Cheer on Shriner. They admit the vaccines don't work at least not in protecting against Covid-19. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Bitchute admits it, Levi? That’s amazing! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup, Please take 12 minutes out from your busy schedule and just watch this video. You might learn something. I jotted down a few notes:

COVID was invented at Fort Detrick, a military base in the USA. Bill Gates and the new world order unleashed it on the world. They're working with Obama, libtards, corporations and reporters in a massive conspiracy to kill millions. The vaccine is gene therapy, brands us like cattle, and takes over our brains. Some people survived it and some did not.

The vaccines made trillions of dollars for their backers while turning people into a slave class, who eat bugs and work their butts off to get food and shelter.

This new world order with the libtards and the corporations and the reporters is treating this all like the Hunger Games. They're using it for entertainment because they enjoy watching billions of people being tortured. The planet is being turned into a prison. The bastards who are doing this must go to jail.

Then there's the 5G death towers. They've been weaponized, and use beam forming technology to give people cancer. These targeted beams are totally untraceable.

Damn Levianon, you need to watch these things before you post them. This is really out there.
Yssup, Please take 12 minutes out from your busy schedule and just watch this video. You might learn something. I jotted down a few notes:

COVID was invented at Fort Detrick, a military base in the USA. Bill Gates and the new world order unleashed it on the world. They're working with Obama, libtards, corporations and reporters in a massive conspiracy to kill millions. The vaccine is gene therapy, brands us like cattle, and takes over our brains. Some people survived it and some did not.

The vaccines made trillions of dollars for their backers while turning people into a slave class, who eat bugs and work their butts off to get food and shelter.

This new world order with the libtards and the corporations and the reporters is treating this all like the Hunger Games. They're using it for entertainment because they enjoy watching billions of people being tortured. The planet is being turned into a prison. The bastards who are doing this must go to jail.

Then there's the 5G death towers. They've been weaponized, and use beam forming technology to give people cancer. These targeted beams are totally untraceable.

Damn Levianon, you need to watch these things before you post them. This is really out there. Originally Posted by Tiny
Well you took the Vaccine and all the Boosters so you're safe from Covid except for an occasional "Cold", lol. Health Officials know the Vaccine and the Boosters offer no protection. Vaccinated folks will one day understand that.
Bitchute admits it, Levi? That’s amazing!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bitchute just presents information they don't produce it. It's unbelievable that you can't figure that out.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Well you took the Vaccine and all the Boosters so you're safe from Covid except for an occasional "Cold", lol. Health Officials know the Vaccine and the Boosters offer no protection. Vaccinated folks will one day understand that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
If they have any sense at all, they understand it already. They’ll never admit it though, it’s too damaging to their ego.
people stake out positions and maintain them, all for political reasons

in this case, the lefties happened to have been wrong in almost every pronouncement they made

the unwritten rule was, if trump says white, we say black

early on, trump did too much, he was a racist cutting off travel

and the leftist politicians proclaimed the chinese new year to be open, safe and lets have a party

later it was reversed and became trump didnt do enough and wear masks and shut things down, and when trump would mention the high cost of shutdowns, he was lambasted

i could go on

but it was like many other things concerning trump, the left and their news media were wrong about everything
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trump was as wrong as the leftists, then and now, for stumping for the vaccine. Admittedly, there’s no way he could’ve known how ineffective or side-effect riddled it was at the beginning so he gets a pass on that, but should’ve changed his tune now that there’s hard data that it does nothing and risks side effects.
If they have any sense at all, they understand it already. They’ll never admit it though, it’s too damaging to their ego. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
This is another sweet clip. Listen how they go from raving over the Vaccine to oops well maybe we need Boosters, lol. What's really sad is they don't care.