
Guest121917-1's Avatar
I'm thinking about making a trip up to Killeen/Temple area before christmas....

I would like to set some things up prior. Does that work in this neck of the woods
Guest062716's Avatar
WOO HOO! I mean howdy, beautiful! It has been too long!

Killeen is a great area to visit and I know one these guys read your reviews and showcase, you will have no problem booking appointments (Gents, Daddy's Girl is absolutely one of the most beautiful ladies I have ever met.)

As to how this works around here. Here is what I have seen in the past few years.

For the most part, the ladies that post they are thinking about coming will only come here if they have one or two guaranteed appointments. (Otherwise there is no business case in shelling out the money for gas and incall here or the travel time it takes)

Guys, for the most part, will NOT commit publically to agree to an appointment. They WILL say such things as "you should come see us" or "you should come to xxxx town instead or as well".

Most of the ladies that reported back to me, said that they had little success when contacting those gents for an appointment.

Here is what I see that works.

Lady says she is thinking about coming to city xxx.

Gents take a look at her profile and reviews and try to decide if they want to see her.

If yes, then they will fall into two categories: Gents that will PM you and guarantee an appointment and those that will wait and see if the lady actually comes to the area.

There traditionally has been little discussion on these threads, other than "come see us, too!"

To the gents: IF you want a lady who posts " I am thinking about coming to your city" to come, then I recommend you send the lady a PM.

PMs should fall generally into 1 of 3 categories: 1) Dear beautiful, I DEFINITELY want you to come here and I am COMMITTING to xx hours, here are my two recent references. 2) Dear beautiful, I hope you can make it, and IF YOU DO COME, I will definitely commit to xx hours, here are my two references. 3) Dear beautiful, I hope you make it, if you do, I may come and see you. I hope it all works out.

In case you guys have not figured it out, these quality ladies cannot afford to leave their regular clients, spend the time and money to come to another city, unless ONE or TWO gents steps up to the plate and COMMIT to a pre-booking.

Even then, it is hard for the ladies to judge the "fence sitters" from just the thread posts. What helps the ladies make an informed decision (and helps us to get visits from some great out of town ladies) is for those of us who wont'/can't pre-book, to let the lady know our level of interest.

So, Daddy's Girl, I hope your PM box fills up and you are able to visit us soon.

Gents, I hope you do some research on DG and if interested, send her a PM expressing your level of interest, so she can make an informed decision.


Swordmaster69's Avatar
Cum to swordmaster you hott lil mama !!!!