10 Other Things That Won’t Create One Job: A Presidential Primer For Herman Cain

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I tried. I really did! I tried sooooo hard to avoid watching or reading this quote. To have a serious contender for the country’s highest office be this happily ignorant makes me absolutely ashamed of the people of this country. Or at least the half that would even think about voting for this clown. Since I couldn’t avoid the pain inflicted by the stupid that is Herman Cain, I think it’s only fair you suffer as well. Shared sacrifice and all that:

CAIN: I’m ready for the ‘gotcha’ questions and they’re already starting to come. And when they ask me who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stanI’m going to say, you know, I don’t know. Do you know?

And then I’m going to say how’s that going to create one job?

I wonder if there is such a thing as mental bleach?

Regardless, Pee-Wee is right about one thing: Knowing who the president of Uzbekistan is won’t create a single job. Then again, there a whole host of things that won’t create jobs but the GOP is doing them anyway. Being the ever helpful soul that I am, I’m going to give Mr. Cain a cheat sheet to carry with him to the next debate. Maybe he can use a few of them as zingers on his opponents!

Things the GOP is doing that won’t create a single job (in no particular order):

1. Banning abortion – What? Are you expecting an explosion of midwives?

2. Shutting down the EPA – Maybe you hope the resulting pollution in our drinking water will create tens of thousands of new jobs in the bottled water industry?

3. Shutting down the FDA – Obviously we’ll need more hospitals and doctors to handle the massive influx of food poisoning that will occur. I suppose funeral homes will be quite busy as well.

4. Banning gay marriage – Perhaps they’ll channel their frustration into home decorating? Our houses will look faaaabulousssss!

5. Chasing all the immigrants away – Technically, this created thousands of jobs in states that rely on undocumented workers to pick produce. Awesome! American jobs for Americans. Of course, no American will do this work for the pittance they are paid. Hell, even prisoners wouldn’t do it to get time off. That should tell you something.

6. “Fixing” Social Security – It’s funny how closely “fixing” resembles “privatizing.” So we channel trillions of tax payer dollars into Wall St. and…. what? They create jobs? Didn’t we JUST try that with TARP? I don’t recall any job creation…

7. Lowering taxes for the 1% – They’re already sitting on a few trillion. How much more do they need before they’ll start being “job creators” instead of “downsizers”? And how come no Republican can ever explain why they aren’t hiring right now without babbling something about “uncertainty”?

8. Filibustering any and all attempts to create jobs – You twits demand that everything be paid for with cuts elsewhere but won’t allow cuts to the military’s VASTLY bloated budget. They ain’t making no jobs over at the Pentagon with that $$. They can cough up the price of few stealth bombers and a submarine or two without breaking a sweat.

9. Trying to let the American Car industry die – I still can’t figure out how letting tens of thousands of American jobs go up in smoke would have helped the country. It wouldn’t have anything to do with making those unions go away forever, would it? Naaaah! You would never put politics ahead of the good of the country, would you?

10. Telling the unemployed that it’s their own fault for not having a job and being rich – I suppose one could make the case that not being born into wealth and unearned opportunity is a personal failing. One could also, possibly, state that being born into crushing poverty and lacking an education isn’t a serious impediment to success. It just might be feasible to argue that not being able to get a job when there is only one available for every 5 people looking is the fault of the other four.

Of course, it might just be possible that the person who says such a thing, like Mr. Cain himself, is so far up in his ivory tower of privilege that he is perpetually light-headed. That would certainly explain much of the gibberish coming from the nominees, wouldn’t it?

And it still doesn’t create a single job. Just like the GOP’s entire economic policy for the last thirty years.

{Thanks a tip of the hat to Addicting Info for providing this info}
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CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not about to defend the GOP, just needs a few clarifications.

1. The GOP can't agree on abortion, and the Supreme Court has already made it a right, so legislation can't ban it. Only a Constitutional Amendment. But the GOP make fools out of themselves regularly on this.

2. No one wants to eliminate the EPA and replace it with nothing. They want to replace a bloated and corrupt agency with, uh, well, another bloated and corrupt agency who favors their side.

3. The FDA is run by Big Pharma and campaign contributions. Don't expect this to go anywhere, but it is one of the most corrupt and useless agencies there.

4. I agree. Like who cares? Get over it, if Bruce loves Steve, it doesn't hurt me in the least.

5. Chasing ILLEGAL immigrants away. Why is enforcing the law as it is written bad policy? If it is bad policy CHANGE THE LAW, but don't punish those who try to enforce it. Americans would do those jobs, but at a higher wage. The jobs would still get done. I am not calling you a racist, I'm sure you are not, but there is a slight hint of racism in the policy that says "Hey, we white folk won't do that, so let the little brown guys come here and work cheap."

6. If SS isn't fixed, it will be gone. I've already stated in another thread what should be done with SS. It would work, just waiting for Obama to call and get the details.

7. Yeah. Hard to defend that. I think the whole tax system needs to be replaced with something that will make the politicians accountable for what they do.

8. Filibustering stupid administration proposals to funnel money to groups like Solyndra is a good thing. Government doesn't create jobs. Government needs to back away, and the jobs will appear.

9. I don't want an ownership interest in GM or Chrysler. They should have filed Chapter 11, like other businesses in trouble. Problem is, that might have harmed the unions. Obama didn't keep the car industry in business, he kept the Unions in business. I'm not opposed to private sector unions, but they shouldn't get special treatment, when other businesses are forced to file bankruptcy.

10. In a metaphysical sense we all create our own reality. However, government adds to stereotypes and programs which are designed to keep people on the dole. It's very hard to break out of those molds. It's possible, but not anywhere near as easy as the Repubs would have one think. Still, government needs to eliminate programs that promote dependency. There is a fine line between assisting the unfortunate, and promoting dependency. But dependency equals votes.

Anyway, we won't solve anything as long as Republicans or Democrats run the show. Anyway, interesting post, Louie. Thanks.