Marvel's Agent Carter

Guest010619's Avatar
So who else is a fan of this show?
I'm glad her story was picked up and I'm looking forward to buying the blu-ray.
I also wouldn't mind being interrogated by her.
I once dated a girl who dressed in the 40's style.
40's style era. Spies. Hot!
TrailBlazer's Avatar
Hayley Atwell -----yum!!!
TrailBlazer's Avatar
Hayley Atwell has some awesome tits. Nuff Said! (Points for that reference).
I'm glad the 8 episode season started with clips from CA:TFA and made it feel like it started right after Cap's "disappearance".

They got the look and feel of a post WW2 1946 down perfectly as well. From the way men treated the women to the accents to the style. Wish it had more action like Agents of SHIELD though.

Did I mention Agent Carter's tits?
Guest010619's Avatar
Bet at age 96 she can still kick ass. Assuming she survives. Yeah
Yssup Rider's Avatar
She beats the fuck out of everybody. I'd pay her to beat me with those yabbos.

You have to watch all of the series, though, or you'll get lost. The plotline seems to move pretty fast.
Guest010619's Avatar
She beats the fuck out of everybody. I'd pay her to beat me with those yabbos.

You have to watch all of the series, though, or you'll get lost. The plotline seems to move pretty fast. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I have to agree with Yssup (for once).
It's a great plot and a good action story should move fast. It has a theatrical quality production.
I watched it again on Hulu today to refresh my mind.