California politician advocates assassination of Obama and family

BigLouie's Avatar
Facebook faux pas: California libertarian and Tea Party darling Jules Manson is caught calling for the assassination of President Barack Obama and his children.

On Sunday, many Facebook users were greeted by the shocking spectacle of a California libertarian and Ron Paul supporter by the name of Jules Manson advocating for the assassination of President Barack Obama. Manson, a failed politician, recently ran for and lost a seat on the City of Carson’s City Council last March.

The following is the text of Manson’s racist, treasonous, deplorable post:

“Assassinate the (expletive deleted by examiner editors) n*** and his m**** children” And further edited by Eccie mods, CC
Manson posted the disturbing and openly racist call to assassinate Obama and Obama’s children on his own Facebook wall, which was open to the public. Manson, a Ron Paul libertarian, was angry with Obama over a policy matter.

Manson removed the obnoxious post, but numerous Facebook users, outraged by the despicable threat, captured an image of the threat before Manson had the good sense to take it down.

Two hours after making the offensive post, and after being bombarded by hundreds of Facebook users outraged by his racist call to assassinate the leader of the free world, Manson made a bizarre Facebook post, presumably in the hopes of justifying his unjustifiable rant. There Mason argued that using the word “nigger” does not make him a racist. However, most reasonable people would disagree with Manson’s assertion.

One Facebook page, Americans Against the Tea Party, posted a screen capture of the offensive remarks and recived over a 100 angry and outraged comments in a little over an hour. The following is a small sample of those remarks:

I sure hope the Secret Service and FBI get this creep, he is dangerous to everyone! We can thank the Republicans for this brand of extremism.

reported to secret service...who seemed interested enough to ask for the url and a screen shot

‎"And his monkey children" smfh. That part bothers me the most.

I'd like to see how Fox News will defend THIS!

I hope the FBI has seen what he has said and will be showing up at his door soon.

The best way to stick it to idiots like this is vote to re elect Obama and then Warren in 2016.

At the time of posting this story, Manson’s Facebook page had been removed, no doubt as a result of the numerous Facebook users reporting Manson’s vile, disgusting and illegal call to assainate President Obama and his children.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I hope he has a nice long talk with the Secret Service. That has no place in a civilized society, and it may be criminal.

I checked the FoxNews website, and didn't see a story on this. They will probably ignore it. There's no way to defend it. I didn't see anything on CNN or the others either.

Anyway, the Libertarians are better off without that guy. How stupid can one be?

I kinda hope his Facebook account was hacked, I'd hate to think someone who ran for office and has outspoken political views would say anything like that. Either way, it's reprehensible.
I hope he has a nice long talk with the Secret Service. That has no place in a civilized society, and it may be criminal.

I checked the FoxNews website, and didn't see a story on this. They will probably ignore it. There's no way to defend it. I didn't see anything on CNN or the others either.

Anyway, the Libertarians are better off without that guy. How stupid can one be?

I kinda hope his Facebook account was hacked, I'd hate to think someone who ran for office and has outspoken political views would say anything like that. Either way, it's reprehensible. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This is the 2nd time I have agreed with one of his posts. There is hope for COG yet!
BigLouie's Avatar
Main stream Republican Party leaders have created the groundwork for this. It doesn't require crazies, when the leader of the US Senate has said his party's highest priority is defeating the freely elected President. The first African-American President. The message is not hidden below the surface, McConnell and Boehner need to speak up, but my bet is that they will not.
You made a great point, then just had to go the next step, which ventured in to the usual stupidity.

Anybody that advocates the bringing of harm to the President should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law. That is all that needs to be said.
  • Laz
  • 12-19-2011, 07:16 AM
The guy is an idiot and not representative of the TEA Party. TEA Party members would be first in line to stop an assisination of any politician. They want them defeated at the ballot box. The consquences of any other action are far worse than the temporary damage they can cause while they are in office.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Unfortunately, there are many more psychopaths like this character, Manson, but are in deep hiding and plotting their deranged attempts.

Personally, I find many of the qualities of President Kennedy in President Obama and the first time I realized that I prayed that he does not meet with the same fate.

. . . My hope is that The Secret Service has learned to be much more vigilant in protecting the President from the sick elements of society.
waverunner234's Avatar
The guy is an idiot and not representative of the TEA Party. TEA Party members would be first in line to stop an assisination of any politician. They want them defeated at the ballot box. The consquences of any other action are far worse than the temporary damage they can cause while they are in office. Originally Posted by Laz
I don't think he represents ANY Party, it's just a sick person who needs to be locked up probably for life, in prison or a psychiatric facility, whatever is best.
He should have made a movie; then everything would have been oky doky.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There are absolutely NO similarities between Barack Obama and JFK. None. Period.
The movie reference was about the killing of President GW Bush....not much outrage from the left when that movie came out in 2006.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Main stream Republican Party leaders have created the groundwork for this. It doesn't require crazies, when the leader of the US Senate has said his party's highest priority is defeating the freely elected President. The first African-American President. The message is not hidden below the surface, McConnell and Boehner need to speak up, but my bet is that they will not. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Yes, this is so out of line. I remember Tip O'Neal campaigning so hard for Ronald Reagan, and Harry Reid was unabashed in his support of GW Bush. It is simply shocking that a member of the opposing party would try to elect someone from his own party as President. It has never happened before, and we should all be outraged.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
That is merely your own personal perspective with no basis in reality and I can tell you where to put your period.

You make the most common of all mistakes when you presume that your plebeian opinion is somehow equal to the truth.

President Kennedy was a charismatic leader as is President Obama.

. . . They both had a subliminal ability to inspire people and bring hope to a nation.

There are absolutely NO similarities between Barack Obama and JFK. None. Period. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I B Hankering's Avatar
There are absolutely NO similarities between Barack Obama and JFK. None. Period. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Maybe he’s onto something there COG; think about it there are some interesting parallels. Kennedy approved the coup against Vietnam’s President Diem – a former staunch ally of the U.S. who was no longer of value to the U.S. – much like Obama has approved the overthrow of Mubarak in Egypt. Then there is the issue of Kennedy’s approval of the 1963 covert overthrow of Qasim in Iraq which paved the way for the rise of Saddam Hussein. Qasim was shot, and his body was put on display much like Gaddafi’s; there’s no telling what’s going to come up in his place.
President Obama is NOT a womanizing, prescription drug addicted, son of a Gangster.