Worst, Most Corrupt AG Ever

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That is all he has left. He just joined the ranks of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, John Conyers, Maxine Waters, Shiela Jackson Lee, and a miriad of othe poverty pimps in blaming everything on 'Racism'.

He is a product of the exact same system that spawned President Obama. What else would you expect?

I suspect that as the election draws nearer, the President will finally rid himself of this unwanted baggage.

That is, unless Holder knows where all of the skeletons are buried.
He played the race card again (in this weekend's NY Times interview), calling some of his (and Obama's) critics racists.
joe bloe's Avatar
The law firm Holder left to become AG did lots of pro bono work for terrorists.

Holder should be held accountable for that ICE agent that got killed with a "fast and furious" gun.

He should be removed from office for refusing to prosecute those Black Panther thugs that intimidated white voters. If it had been white thugs scaring blacks away from voting, Holder would have gone after them agressively.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
More Eric Holder corruption. These guys have to go!


John Mitchell
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! What an endorsement. "At least he's not as bad as John Mitchell." Well, we shall see.
Harry Daugherty

Alberto Gonzalez
I B Hankering's Avatar
And there is Harry Micajah Daugherty from the Ohio Gang. Christopher McDonald plays him in "Boardwalk Empire". To his credit, the AG position wasn't the job Daugherty wanted, but it was the only one Harding was offering. BTW, Harding and Daugherty both came to prominence during the 1920 Republican Convention - in Chicago.
In office when COG finished grade school and became a closet neocon republican.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
More disgust with Eric Holder


He really needs to go.