ron paul vs. the caucuses, the end of it as we know it?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

looks the establishment republicans are venting a spleen about Ron Paul winning the Iowa caucus.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We can't have a candidate that doesn't obey the establishment. Any candidate that thinks for him/herself is a threat to the system.
I believe Ron Paul just may be setting himself up as being "The Decider" in this years General election. I do not believe he can win the Republican nomination but if he decides to run as a 3rd party candidate in November, he could easily be a major factor in who will win in November!

Stay tuned, this could get really interesting!
Iowa the gateway to Nebraska
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What I have not heard mentioned is the cross over voters. Democrats (some may be sincere) who have registered as republicans in the last six months. Since there is no democratic primary they can go next door and mess with the GOP.

This is how the country ended up with McCain in 2008. Cross over democrats in New Hampshire. Hillary was not supposed to win in NH but won by 7 points. Those Obama supporters were told to go for McCain who was already positioned to win in South Carolina. Two states and McCain never looked back.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
What I have not heard mentioned is the cross over voters. Democrats (some may be sincere) who have registered as republicans in the last six months. Since there is no democratic primary they can go next door and mess with the GOP.

This is how the country ended up with McCain in 2008. Cross over democrats in New Hampshire. Hillary was not supposed to win in NH but won by 7 points. Those Obama supporters were told to go for McCain who was already positioned to win in South Carolina. Two states and McCain never looked back. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It wasn't just the democrats doing the cross-over primary votes. Asshole hannity, was telling his listeners to switch parties to vote for Barack, during the "stop hillary express" campaign, because of his "we can't beat hillary" diatribe. All that did was ensure that there wasn't enough votes to keep out mclame.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
DFW, I think you missed my point. Voters (democrats) who were going to vote for Obama, the polls got this right, jumped parties for one election to vote for McCain. It is an open primary. Those votes went to ensure that McCain won which also allowed Hillary to win against expectations. McCain was already known to be ahead in South Carolina so this created momentum for McCain but didn't create any for Hillary since Obama had won Iowa. It was still one and one for the democrats and Obama was already ahead in South Carolina. In short, the primary election was rigged because people took unethical advantage of the rules.
Gee, you think.

Of couse, that will guarantee President Obama's re-election.
