
See she is back.... If u see her watch ur wallet...and the back door..... Experience speaks!!!!
See she is back.... If u see her watch ur wallet...and the back door..... Experience speaks!!!! Originally Posted by Coyote83462
Wow. These are pretty damaging insinuations... Care to elaborate?

I noticed that you’ve started another similar thread in the sandbox.
Hey..Chloe, and Spanky r references.if u.needl...Wish we could meet someday... But to the point Candice (Namaste69) has been a friend and client for sometime... Just wanted any men out there to watch out for her..... She will take anything she can get.... She used to travel in ur area with "Long leg Lexie"(sic).....Anyway I talked to Spanky before Eccie shut down amid all of Chloe's problems and decided just not worth the "drama" to go out...but she out there today and just want the good clients not to get taken advantage... Know about u .. that we speak the same language!!!
Here’s what I can say. Coyote contacted me before the board went down and said she had taken advantage of him for a considerable amount of money (I don’t recall the specific circumstances) and he was asking my advice about what to do. We talked about posting an alert but he didn’t want to do that at the time because Staff Edit - GL # 15 - Biomed1. I really don’t know any more than that and I don’t know Namaste at all. I have no dog in this fight but I can confirm that Coyote reached out to me with his grievance months ago and sat on it all this time until now. I will have no further involvement in this as I have now said everything I know.
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Heard the exact same. Coyote hope you’ve learned and screen hard before you pull the trigger. Don’t hesitate to ask others.

Especially now, don’t like supporting those that take advantage of others.
My point and thanks for backup...She is not a bad person... Just will take advantage of the...situation... ur wallet....why do u think they travel in pairs ....??!!!!????? C
I have all the prooof he’s mad cuz I posted and won’t move in with him and be his gf!
I have people on here that will back me up. He’s crazy and is mad cuz he can’t control me.
I haven’t seen Lexi in almost a year. Sooo idk what your talking about.. but you need to chill tf out. I have all the proof and meaaages from you coyote!!! Don’t make me go there!
You exposed me to my family!!! YOU DID HAT TODAY BEFORE YOU POSTED ON HERE! Your mad I posted!!
We had a agreement that I would stop posting and he would pay me 300$ a week.. well I told him —— you. And I was going to post.. you can ask one of my friends who sees a lot of girls how many issues this guy has givin me over the last 6 mo.. I have all the proof he’s trashing my name cuz he can’t control me and I refuse to let him do so!
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Coyote83462 & Namaste69, If you can't settle this OFF Board issue between you - DO NOT Bring it on the Board.

I agree with Biomed, this should have been settled off the board… But Coyote posted both of these threads in an attempt to slander Namaste.

Namaste shared several screenshots of the texts between them with me.

Based on what I’ve read, Coyote offered to let her to stay at his place for a few months, and then became belligerent when she declined his offer and posted an ad. He chastised her for choosing instead to “make money as a whore.” Not verbatim, but he used those words. He then told her to be sure to call when she needed help. Which by his tone, he seemed to eagerly anticipate. He even threw in an I love you. The only scam I saw referred to in those texts by either party was Coyote feeling slighted because she didn’t reciprocate his feelings.

In the texts, it was obvious to me that she wants out of the relationship. She talked about working, and saving for her own place. Coyote is using the board as a tool to try to ensure that she doesn’t have options other than him.

I don’t know either of you and I don’t have a dog in this fight… But I felt compelled to share what I know, because it’s wrong to try to ruin a girl simply because she doesn’t want to be with you.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Wow....if what Ginger says is true, shame on you Coyote. SMDH....
I agree with Biomed, this should have been settled off the board… But Coyote posted both of these threads in an attempt to slander Namaste.

Namaste shared several screenshots of the texts between them with me.

Based on what I’ve read, Coyote offered to let her to stay at his place for a few months, and then became belligerent when she declined his offer and posted an ad. He chastised her for choosing instead to “make money as a whore.” Not verbatim, but he used those words. He then told her to be sure to call when she needed help. Which by his tone, he seemed to eagerly anticipate. He even threw in an I love you. The only scam I saw referred to in those texts by either party was Coyote feeling slighted because she didn’t reciprocate his feelings.

In the texts, it was obvious to me that she wants out of the relationship. She talked about working, and saving for her own place. Coyote is using the board as a tool to try to ensure that she doesn’t have options other than him.

I don’t know either of you and I don’t have a dog in this fight… But I felt compelled to share what I know, because it’s wrong to try to ruin a girl simply because she doesn’t want to be with you. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Not to pass my opinion on the validity of either of the sides here but isn't it sorta bs to post this after biomed said they will be banned if they further went on with this. Coyote can't refute your basic proxy post arguing her side for her. Seems like a pretty bs round about way to try and pin it on him without having any proof besides the things she provided you. Do you honestly think she would also send you screenshots that confirmed she had in fact stolen his wallet? Referencing your last line you don't have a dog in this fight however you sure are barking quite a bit, ruining a guy simply because you have gotten one side of the story without him having the ability to defend himself least he be banned. Effectively you have destroyed his credibility and pretty much ruined his chance of making any connections with other providers which is exactly what you dammed him of doing to her. Equality is a bitch but it goes both ways. The more you know 🌈.