A matter of rates--

Grace Preston's Avatar
There is an age old argument when it comes to rates 'round these parts. You have one far side screaming that if ladies lowered their rates, they would always be busy. You have the other far side arguing that all the ladies should raise their rates because we're all "cheapening" ourselves.

So why, with countless threads about it already, am I making this post?

I have been around here for a while now. By all accounts, most people who know me, like me. I have great reviews and I've never had any major problems. Most people would expect me to raise my rates due to such attributes.

But instead.... I'm considering lowering them. I need consistency. I need to be able to be generally assured a certain level of business My expenses stay static whether I have business or not-- so I'm thinking of lowering rates to ensure a consistent flow of business, as opposed to my "feast or famine" that seems to happen now.

I'm returning to school in September. I already have a degree, so financial aid is not an option (for those of you who know me.. no, I am not doing what was originally planned... I'm going in a different direction). I have to be able to cover bills, cover school, I have two kids who will both be college bound within the next 3 years. I'm getting to a point where it feels like consistency would be a better option.

Some may say it is a sign of "desperation"--- to those I say.... I'm not doing poorly.. I'm just not CONSISTENT. And I really have too much riding on me to continue to be inconsistent.

So what do you gents think? If you see a well known lady suddenly lower rates, do you automatically assume she is "high volume"? I really don't intend to increase my volume.. I just want to make sure that each day I am available I can "fully book" for the day, based on my preset standards of acceptable volume.

Thoughts? Opinions? Arguments for or against such a move?
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
No need to justify yourself. Your life, your business and you do what you need to do.
jdough1211's Avatar
With the recent influx of newbie providers charging established provider rates, I think it's a smart move on your part to ensure a more stable clientele base. My hobby budget isn't what it used to be since my divorce, and as such I tend to stick with quality providers around the $200/hour range. I will occasionally go to $250/hour, but the session needs to be all-inclusive. As long as there is no drama surrounding a providers decision to lower her rates, I see it as an opportunity to meet a provider I wouldn't have even considered in the past due to her high rates. Best of luck to you darlin.
If I lowered my rates I'd need a sphincter transplant within a month.

So much more factors in to consistency than rates. Availability, location, activity on the board to keep one self in front of the the buying public, reviews to pique interest etc.

With that being said, it's your business and you should market yourself at a rate that suits you and improves consistency over time. The overriding factor here is that logic is not always at the center of the decision making process. Look at the drama queens with their loyal white knight followers. You'd think that the drama, GPS syndrome would drive business away, yet it seems to do the opposite. The there are those who create the mystique around them, and drive business that way even though they may or may not be a desirable as the pretend to be.

Hard to make sense out of nonsense I guess...and if creating buying consistency was easy, real world retailers would have already figured that out!
Intriguing post and support from two of Eccie’s more articulate young ladies. Hope the best for you Gracey!
hemiman's Avatar
Here is my $.02

Rates too high will eliminate a certian client pool.
Rates too low will scare some clients away bacause they think it's "used & abused".

Try experimenting with a special @ $25 lower than your current rate. Then try a little more. Adjust the price till you find the volume/income you desire.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 02-28-2014, 09:33 AM
I think that having a consistent business is a lot better to plan with. Personally, It would worry the hell out of me if I felt like I was on a roller coaster as far as "work", busy one day, slow for two days, no calls on some days. Consistency just makes sense, and if you feel by lowering your rates to get it, then I say do what you need to do with your business. Good Luck with it.
corona's Avatar
I sent you some thoughts in PM.
corona's Avatar
If I lowered my rates I'd need a sphincter transplant within a month. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
LMAO at your gif!
verygood69's Avatar
Grace, I have not had the opportunity to meet you due to my schedule. I would like to say, Sweet heart, you do what deems to meet your destiny in life. If you want to do this ..Do It. If you are really in question about it, think a little longer my Dear!
I myself had to step away from the hobby for several months due to unforeseen circumstances.
With this being said, I am back and still have not had any hobby time due to the fact of .....just can't find the right one .
BUT if you ever change your working hours........
Grace, I wish you the best of luck with the final decision you make!!!!
Grace- you might also consider giving repeat visitors a lower rate to increase their frequency. You can mention privately to them and keep your standard rate for newbies. I have seen other providers that have raised their rates, but are grandfathering regulars at their old rate. Maybe you can take it a step further and give a reduced rate to repeats even if they are not "regulars".
I know I appreciate the ladies that have made reduced price offers for return visits. A grandfathered rate if you will. They have sometimes run a special and then just extended that rate permanately with a gentleman's agreement to return regularly. On occasion the offer is even lower than the special. We know we click and a business / friendship builds from there. She feels comfortable and I feel a little special.
Another option is to offer extra time or go to lunch to these regulars. We go close and I buy. Again I feel like I am being treated special.
DallasRain's Avatar
Great post/answers!!

My dear friend Grace...I know how you feel!

New Orleans can be feast or famine during certain times of the year...that is why I travel.....I think my rates are a little low for my reputation and for what I have to offer.....But I feel that it's working for me,so I stay there.

I think you should market yourself in accordance to with what makes you feel comfortable...You have a great reputation and offer a great service.....So if you think your rates are working now,cool...if not,then I would offer my regulars a special rate to keep them active with you.

Maybe we can get some doubles when I visit!

Rock on sexy lady!!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Diddle--- I often go to lunch with gents I see. That is nothing new for me... as long as my schedule allows it, who am I to refuse a meal with a gent I enjoy spending time with?