Last visit info

Some members are able to turn off or disable the last visit info and others don't have this option. This question has been asked before in this forum, and never answered. (And clicking invisible doesn't do it). I am starting to suspect that only mods can do this and only do it for certain members. This feature should be available to all if we are to have a level playing field. I hope this is not the case and someone can explain how or who to ask to do this.
? No one knows?
vicinms's Avatar
Hey RM

As far as I know there is no button or setting that will do what you're asking. The best way I can think of to get the same results would be to uncheck the 'Remember Me' box at the login prompt. Then if you click the 'Logout' tab when you finish browsing, you will get a meassage saying the cookies have been cleared which I think is what most sites use to track visits. Try it and let me know if that's what your talking about!
Sorry Vic, tHANKS FOR TRYING It seams to be a sercet function certain Mods have the power to disable this feature
FOR A FEW FAVORED PEOPE and they refuse to address this
I SMELL A RAt! and it stinks! , OWNER MODS,Favortism is not a level plaling field giving certain members special priviloedged makes the rest of us ask why? and more importantly whats up with Eccie? We would like a fair forun where all have the same opportunities to contril how their info is displayed
Got it Thanks for your help Johnny..
gman44's Avatar
so are you talking about when you go to someones' profile right above "about me" it says last visit? Maybe its the same as when you go to members it says when they joined, how many posts they have, and for last visit it says N/A. About that its not only mods that have the N/A. There was another thread about this and I could look for it
Flashbang's Avatar
Can you please help me accomplish the same goal. I have also asked folks at eccie how to do this and have gotten no help. Obviously, there is a way to get this changed. Thanks for your help.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-11-2011, 10:37 AM
I have asked the Techies about it and will report back here when I get an answer.