mobile site

Is there any way we can get a mobile theme for the forum. The current theme with its billions of picture and ads really sucks to browse on a phone.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Blah bhah bhah!!! Y'all Are retarded

e retarded !!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
And just why is that SnL? I would love to have an m version of the site. Would make my job here a whole lot easier since I'm mobile so much.
TBONE's Avatar
  • 05-18-2011, 06:12 AM
It'd be neat and is on the list.

Shackle's Avatar
I am sure it would make it easier for some. I just can't see itunes allowing an app for ECCIE just call me skeptical.
Fastcars1966's Avatar
I am sure it would make it easier for some. I just can't see itunes allowing an app for ECCIE just call me skeptical. Originally Posted by Shackle
No need for an app, just can't use flash for and you can use your browers.
Is there any way we can get a mobile theme for the forum. The current theme with its billions of picture and ads really sucks to browse on a phone. Originally Posted by slickzero

There Kinda is away to make Eccie a Mobile already... there is an app called "forums" on Itunes..
eccie is a "vBulletin" powered forum so it should work on it....

There is another one called "TouchBB" thats supposed to be better but I think you have to pay for it....


I dont have any personal experience with ether of them btw
You don't need an app for this. You just need to install a mobile theme. I have run major forums for years and this is something that is very easy to do.
It'd be neat and is on the list.

T Originally Posted by TBONE
It's as simple as activating Tapatalk. It supports vBulletin 3.8.1 (which you're using) and it makes surfing forums SO much easier on a smartphone.

Oh, and it's free too.
lovinfun's Avatar
great idea
Guest021213's Avatar
It's as simple as activating Tapatalk. It supports vBulletin 3.8.1 (which you're using) and it makes surfing forums SO much easier on a smartphone.

Oh, and it's free too. Originally Posted by IDMT
+ 1
Calvinx's Avatar
That's a great idea.

There's multiple ways to achieve it. Regardless of the coding used to accomplish this, it modifies the theme based on identifying the browser/OS used by a mobile device to access the site. It's the same website, just changes the appearance based on the browser used.

The tricky part (for me, anyway) is usually deciding which features to be accessed by a mobile device and what gets left off.