"Vaginal Knitting is here ..."

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Boy! I know what is going through your heads reading that title. Pervs!

(I thought the same thing!)

But it's performance art.

Here is an excerpt from the article and the link is posted below.

Interesting. Odd, too!

Quoted from the Huffington Post article:

Two words: Vaginal. Knitting.

This curious form of performance art comes to us courtesy of feminist artist Casey Jenkins, a self-professed "craftivist" who is knitting using wool placed -- you guessed it -- inside her vagina.

"I'm spending 28 days knitting from wool that I've inserted in my vagina," the Melbourne-based artist explains in the video above. "Everyday I take a new skein of wool that's been wound so that it will unravel from the centre and I stick it up inside me... and then I pull out the thread and knit."

Only in Another Realm could I share this! lol



Happy Friday!
And I thought I was odd. :-)
notanewbie's Avatar
there is something fishy about this....
WHY ? how and the hell did this woman come up with this idea.....I would imagine that some of the wool would come off and you would have pieces of fuzz left behind...definitely wouldn't want to go down on her ....come up with fuzz in teeth..lmao
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

I believe that some performance artists are more into shocking the public rather than providing a cultural experience.

Or perhaps, creating a scene so bizarre helps to compensate for a lack of talent elsewhere. Who knows?

It's certainly a unique idea.

I thought it was pretty wild. And is it appealing to any of the men here?

I have never met someone who had a crocheting, or knitting, fetish.

Hey, I would wear one of her sweaters when hobbying. When SO ask where you been I can say "Fishing".
talk about too much free time...

i think she needs another hobby.
birder22's Avatar
This is why you always wash clothes you just purchased before you wear them
Who's doing the knitting to make one?
jimmylbob's Avatar
I immediately thought that I would want her to knit me a dick warmer, but then I realized that would be redundant...
OOOHHHH! I Have been waiting for her vagina wool clothing line to hit the market. move over yeezy I'm getting me a vagina t-shirt and some vagina sweat pants.
Alrighty then.. I guess, if anything, I'm intrigued by the level of dedication.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... I guess, if anything, I'm intrigued by the level of dedication. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Level of dedication. lol

Best. Statement. Ever.
I would rather have an original Annie Sprinkles boobie watercolor.