Erotic Hypnosis

Obiwan1's Avatar
I’m starting this thread because I felt an earlier thread “Hypnosis induced orgasms” was too narrow in its focus. Simply inducing orgasm on command is just the tip of the iceberg of delights that can be had through erotic hypnosis. The intense state of mental focus available through hypnotic techniques can be used in many erotic and sensual ways.
Imagine bringing your focus down to just the nipple of your right breast, then “turning up the volume” of the nerve endings so that even the slightest wisp of air sends shockwaves through your body. Or, imagine a warm ball of energy pulsing where the nerves bundle beneath the clitoris sending bolts of pleasure up your spine. You can shrink sensations down to a pinpoint or have every nerve of your skin sparking fire.
Hypnosis can change pain into pleasure and increase pleasure to the point of pain. It can redirect how nerve impulses are interpreted by the brain. I.E. You can change the interpretation of nerve signals from the lips, mouth and tongue to be felt has intensely pleasurable as nerve sensations coming from the vagina. You can make the convulsions of a gag reflex feel as pleasurable as the convulsions of an orgasm. The possibilities are endless and limited only by the depth of the imagination.
I’ve never done any work with men but the principals are the same. Even if the much sought after “no touch” ejaculation may be difficult to achieve it could still be a phenomenal adjunct to all forms of sensory play. A provider combining hypnotic technique with physical touch could really take a man (or woman) to the next level of mind/body sensuality.
I’m open to discuss, here or by PM
I can speak from experience, hypnosis amplifying sensations on top of physical stimulation will yield ultimate releases of both body and mind. I fell under the addicted spell of a very unique and powerful provider who showed me this new realm. And every time I see her, the sensations are far greater than that of the normal release. When letting go to another who will intently make you experience ever nerve and extend for 10x the norm in pleasure, it's worth it. Over and over again, it's worth it... even when you know they have control over you when it happens and after, you'll go back for more knowing you shouldn't Be safe and well, Obiwan!