The proof is in the pudding

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The left on this site has always been of the belief that what they believe is what we believe; that anyone with a R behind their name is good by us. To that end the left ALWAYS supports the democrat/socialist/progressive/marxist against the traditional American values. So here is the proof that they are wrong or lying to themselves or us.

A Transgender, Satanist has won the GOP primary in New Hampshire with her slogan of Fuck the Police.

She is not my candidate and I'm pretty sure that she is not Trump's candidate. I'm waiting to hear the left jump on board her train showing how low they can go or they can attack her because of the R behind her name and demonstrate that they are political hacks.

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In the article, she literally states that she won because republicans don’t research and blindly vote for anyone with an R after their name. She has proven the very opposite of what you’re claiming.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yeah-- the whole point was to prove the danger of straight ticket voting. I've seen some real bastards on both sides of the political aisle who keep getting elected based on the letter next to their name.

I mean, even Trump was a Democrat until he decided that he wanted to run-- and knew he wouldn't make it onto the Democratic ticket because of the way the system is.

The system is fucked and flawed to hell.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
In the article, she literally states that she won because republicans don’t research and blindly vote for anyone with an R after their name. She has proven the very opposite of what you’re claiming. Originally Posted by snark_sandwich
No, that doesn't prove anything except that both parties have fools in them. The difference is that the fools that elected her never knew what they were voting for. They did vote for the R. The democrats pretty much know what they're voting for or should be now, and they voted for socialists anyway.
Further research says that this piece of shit wanted to run as a Libertarian but was stopped by state rules designed to prevent opposition to democrat candidates. So she tricked her way onto the republican ballot which has extremely small voter turn out. The current sheriff is a democrat and very popular. He is going to win come November as both democrats and republicans will vote for him.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So . . . another failed attempt at humor? A . . . pseudo "psycho-academic" attemp at satirical social criticism?

  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 02:07 PM
Even the anarchist nut admits her belief system is not Cosnervative - i do agree - the republican party got defrauded by this nut case.

She would make a great bookend for 9500- Both plitical Loon-atics.
Grace Preston's Avatar
She proved something that many folks already know-- people who vote-- by and large-- are very uneducated about what they are voting for and just vote party lines.
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 02:14 PM
you do speak the truth on this matter!
Same for Biden harris - who are effectively hiding their agenda from America.
Biden hs no clue - due to his senility

The Agenda is driven by Bernie/AOC and their marxist manifesto.

Lizzie will take Treasury secretary - and with harris destroy Wall street and the American economy.
Grace Preston's Avatar
How we got to the point where our choices are Trump or Biden... is the long loud system of voting straight ticket--- and even worse, single issue voting.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
How we got to the point where our choices are Trump or Biden... is the long loud system of voting straight ticket--- and even worse, single issue voting. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
If I may ask, what do you think the single issue is, or has been, for each party?
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 02:21 PM
Republicans - Constitution , Bill of Rights., Equality under the Rule of Law

DPST's - violent overthrow of the representative democracy.

In a nutshell -perhaps the DPST sheeple can comprehend simplicity.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Republicans-- Abortion
Democrats-- Gun Control
pleasurem's Avatar
I guarantee it’s Democrats that are least educated!!!
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 02:28 PM
if betabeto thinks he will ignore the second amendment and come for my weapons -

i will die with my cold dead hands around a warm gun - with piles of DPST;s in front of me.
Grace Preston's Avatar
And thank you for illustrating what else comes with single issue voting. Grossly overstated examples... which are pushed by the opposing camp.

While I can't call myself a liberal-- I'm far more liberal than the majority in this forum. I also own several guns and can field dress a deer. As can many other liberals I know. I don't know a whole lot of liberals that want all guns eliminated. But any time there is a Dem President-- there is a ton of rhetoric about them "coming for your guns". Hell, Reagan did more in the realm of gun control than Obama did.