Bitten not as sure as the leftwingers on this board about victory in November...

Seems like ol' senile joe has his legal team...THE LARGEST IN PERSIDENTIAL HISTORY... gearing up and ready to wreak havoc on this country if he doesn't win the election....with "peaceful" insurrection. This will go right along with the lawless "peaceful" anarchy across the country. I guess they will join forces with other marxist criminal syndicates and try and "peacefully" completely destroy this fine republic and turn it into another third world marxist country like Venezuela. The left is known for "peaceful" anarchy..."peaceful" death and destruction of anything they disagree with...I always thought they were the part of "tolerance"??

Biden Campaign’s Latest Moves Look Like Dems Know They’re Going to Lose, but Not Concede

It’s been something to see, watching media pitching this constant idea that President Donald Trump might somehow refuse to leave office if he lost the election.

Here’s CNN spreading the nonsense, yet again.

Now, the only party which has actually said they wouldn’t concede has been the Democrats, with folks like Hillary Clinton urging Joe Biden “don’t concede under any circumstances.”

It’s pretty clear they think they’re going to lose, at least as of election night, that they believe they might only win through a fight and/or that even if they can’t win, they’ll do all they can to throw the country and Trump’s re-election into chaos.

Now there’s more evidence that Democrats are gearing up to do just that.

According to reports, Biden is expanding his legal team, doing just what Clinton was advising him to do, lay in a big legal team to do what he can to fight the results of the vote. Does this sound like someone who thinks he’s ‘ahead in the polls’?

From ABC:

“For months, the Biden for President campaign has been quietly building a massive election protection program–the largest in presidential campaign history,” a Biden campaign adviser said of the new legal expansion. He added that the program involves integrated legal, communications and political strategies to ensure that jurisdictions are properly prepared to handle the challenges that come with holding safe in-person voting and also to combat misinformation about voting via mail.

The Biden campaign also said that the legal team will focus on an “aggressive” response to activity they view as voter suppression and will also include robust programs for identifying and countering foreign interference and misinformation from foreign or domestic sources.

The new operation announced on Monday will be helmed by Dana Remus, the Biden campaign’s general counsel, and Bob Bauer, a former White House Counsel who joined the campaign over the summer and was involved in the vetting process for Biden’s vice presidential selection.

The legal team also includes former solicitors general Donald Verrilli and Walter Dellinger, who will oversee the campaign’s national litigation team. A separate group at the law firm of Perkins Coie will be led by prominent election lawyer Marc Elias and will focus on state-by-state voter access issues and ensuring an accurate vote count.

Ah, Perkins Coie, the same guys who were used as go-betweens in the hiring of Fusion GPS to get foreign information to undermine Trump in the election in 2016.

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will also be involved, leading the communications operation.

But those are just the people in charge. Under them will be hundreds of other lawyers to ensure “voter protection.”

It’s the same old bad actors, hoping that they can grab power back.

Didn’t Hillary Clinton say in 2016 that the failure to accept the results was a “threat to our democracy?” Well, sounds like they’re gearing up not to.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous are losing it beebsy.

So is your lords and master, Herr Trump.
Yous are losing it beebsy.

So is your lords and master, Herr Trump. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Again you hijack a thread with your utter NONSENSE!!
You can't address the thread because you don't have the ability to dispute the FACTS...just your mindless dribble
Can't wait for the epic meltdown you are famous for on election day...
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous pulled your FACTS off of Twitter, big shooter.

Maybe Yous should source your WSND cornspiracies better. Maybe not. Fuck man, yous read it on Twitter! It must be the truth, eh?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yous pulled your FACTS off of Twitter, big shooter.

Maybe Yous should source your WSND cornspiracies better. Maybe not. Fuck man, yous read it on Twitter! It must be the truth, eh?

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I see yous comprehension is lacking like the rest of yous skills...stop make yourself a BIGGER joke...YOUS SHOT DOWN AGAIN!! The truth is something foreign and lacking to yous PEA SHOOTER

From ABC:

“For months, the Biden for President campaign has been quietly building a massive election protection program–the largest in presidential campaign history,” a Biden campaign adviser said of the new legal expansion. He added that the program involves integrated legal, communications and political strategies to ensure that jurisdictions are properly prepared to handle the challenges that come with holding safe in-person voting and also to combat misinformation about voting via mail.

The Biden campaign also said that the legal team will focus on an “aggressive” response to activity they view as voter suppression and will also include robust programs for identifying and countering foreign interference and misinformation from foreign or domestic sources.

The new operation announced on Monday will be helmed by Dana Remus, the Biden campaign’s general counsel, and Bob Bauer, a former White House Counsel who joined the campaign over the summer and was involved in the vetting process for Biden’s vice presidential selection.

The legal team also includes former solicitors general Donald Verrilli and Walter Dellinger, who will oversee the campaign’s national litigation team. A separate group at the law firm of Perkins Coie will be led by prominent election lawyer Marc Elias and will focus on state-by-state voter access issues and ensuring an accurate vote count.

Ah, Perkins Coie, the same guys who were used as go-betweens in the hiring of Fusion GPS to get foreign information to undermine Trump in the election in 2016.

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will also be involved, leading the communications operation.

But those are just the people in charge. Under them will be hundreds of other lawyers to ensure “voter protection.” Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
They'll be a new movie...weekend at bitten's!!!

Will the liberals be able to pull it off??
HoeHummer's Avatar
Another dubious source beebsy. Yous are slipping, bub.

Only in Trumps America are policy and political matters solved by legal battles.

The WSNDs don’t get that they were the ones who wanted to limit lawsuits but back the biggest fucking shyster ever.

Yous are not part of a body politcs, yous are members of a CULT, beebsy.

Can’t tell the difference between beans and bullshit.
  • oeb11
  • 09-15-2020, 08:32 AM
nazi Pelosi referred to Trump as "an existential threat to Our democracy" - referring to the racist, marxist state the DPST's plan to inflict on America.

The Union of soviet socialist states of Amerika.

Their plans are quite clear - they publish their resist at any cost plans publicly

It is the DPST's who are the 'existential threat to the representative democracy of America.

Pelosi knows - she is part of the Bernie AOC plan for Marxist rule in Amerika - anything to assuage the DPST hatred and TDS!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Expect Joe-mentia Hiden to test positive for the Covid 3 days before the first debate, thus not able to debate. Yup, they are that desperate folks. Like desperate enough to pillage and burn their own towns and forests desperate. Either way, it's just noodle soup floating around in his brain pan.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Expect Joe-mentia Hiden to test positive for the Covid 3 days before the first debate, thus not able to debate. Yup, they are that desperate folks. Like desperate enough to pillage and burn their own towns and forests desperate. Either way, it's just noodle soup floating around in his brain pan. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

it's a better excuse than the truth .. he's an idiot.

12 years ago i wouldn't have really cared if Biden had won the presidency so much, now it's a completely different story. he's let himself get pulled down the dark path of far left socialism as a Faustian deal with the Devil to get the nomination.

you could see this happening when everyone began bailing out before the race even really started, before Super Tuesday then all quickly kissed Biden's ass. they decided the nominee would be Biden in a classic behind doors derangement .. er .. arrangement.

they are banking this on Biden's name recognition and of course his tie-in as Obama's VP. in exchange for this Biden has to let Sanders set his policy agenda. this of course is a huge mistake and will blow up in the Democrat's faces bigly.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Bitten's going conservative to save middle of the spectrum votes. But will the left realize that? What will the left do?? It's to late to get Bernie back. I'm amused the left didn't see this coming. Classic and basic political vote for me lie-speak from cellar Joe.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yous are losing it beebsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Are you still claiming Enfield Drug is in Clarksville?
LexusLover's Avatar
Bitten's going conservative to save middle of the spectrum votes. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Actually, Bitten isn't going anywhere. He is a mental parrot, just like the LoonATicks on here. He lacks the mental stamina to do the job and lacks the integrity to conduct himself appropriately.

I believe he lacks the mental capacity to know the difference between right and wrong, which means when he makes statements that are patently false he really doesn't know what he's saying. He's just repeating what he is given to repeat. That's why he gets a teleprompter for media interviews.

It would normally emotionally destroy a person to realize that he's not wanted for his talents and the votes he gets aren't FOR HIM, but against Trump .... regardless of who is Trump's opponent. But he doesn't know any better.

It has also got to eat at him that he has to have a worthless POS as a running mate to appeal Black voters even though the person ISN'T BLACK! He's a FAKE and so is his VP running mate.

The only folks who would vote FOR those TWO LoonATicks are FAKES!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Actually, Bitten isn't going anywhere. He is a mental parrot, just like the LoonATicks on here. He lacks the mental stamina to do the job and lacks the integrity to conduct himself appropriately.

I believe he lacks the mental capacity to know the difference between right and wrong, which means when he makes statements that are patently false he really doesn't know what he's saying. He's just repeating what he is given to repeat. That's why he gets a teleprompter for media interviews.

It would normally emotionally destroy a person to realize that he's not wanted for his talents and the votes he gets aren't FOR HIM, but against Trump .... regardless of who is Trump's opponent. But he doesn't know any better.

It has also got to eat at him that he has to have a worthless POS as a running mate to appeal Black voters even though the person ISN'T BLACK! He's a FAKE and so is his VP running mate.

The only folks who would vote FOR those to LoonATicks are FAKES! Originally Posted by LexusLover

speaking of that worthless VP pick ..