The New York Times An Experimental Drug Protects Covid-19 Patients, Eli Lilly Claims

  • oeb11
  • 09-16-2020, 09:54 AM

A single infusion of an experimental drug has markedly reduced blood levels of the coronavirus in newly infected patients and lowered the chances that they would need hospitalization, the drug’s maker announced on Wednesday.
© Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Among 452 newly diagnosed patients, only 1.7 percent of those who got the monoclonal antibody were hospitalized, compared with 6 percent of those who received a placebo. The drug is a monoclonal antibody, a manufactured copy of an antibody produced by a patient who recovered from Covid-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus. Many scientists hope that monoclonal antibodies will prove to be powerful treatments for Covid-19, but they are difficult and expensive to manufacture, and progress has been slow.

The announcement, by Eli Lilly, was not accompanied by detailed data; independent scientists have not yet reviewed the results, nor have they been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
The findings are the interim results of a trial sponsored by Eli Lilly and the National Institutes of Health. Officials at the N.I.H. could not be reached for comment.
According to Eli Lilly, 452 newly diagnosed patients received the monoclonal antibody or a placebo infusion. Some 1.7 percent of those who got the drug were hospitalized, compared with 6 percent of those who received a placebo — a 72 percent reduction in risk.
Blood levels of the coronavirus plummeted among participants who received the drug, and their symptoms were fewer, compared with those who got the placebo.
Every treatment so far shown to help coronavirus patients — the antiviral drug remdesivir and the steroid dexamethasone — is intended only for seriously ill hospitalized patients. Those with mild to moderate disease have had to wait and hope for the best.
Dr. Myron Cohen, director of the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said he was impressed.
“It’s exciting,” said Dr. Cohen, who was not involved in the study. The clinical trial appears to be rigorous, and the results are “really compelling.”
Other companies, too, are developing monoclonal antibodies to combat the coronavirus, he noted: “This is the opening of a door.”
The study will eventually enroll 800 patients of all ages and in all risk categories at sites across the United States. So far the research has proceeded with unusual speed.
In six months, Eli Lilly isolated an antibody from one of the first Covid-19 survivors, turned it into a drug and began a study, enrolling the first patients on June 17. “It was an all-out effort,” said Dr. Daniel Skovronsky, the company’s chief scientific officer.
The goal was to enroll patients as soon as they were infected, but that meant accelerating the usual selection process. Trial sites administered rapid diagnostic tests and moved quickly to enroll eligible patients.
Eli Lilly is also testing the drug in nursing homes to see if it prevents infections in residents and staff members.
In addition to constantly measuring the amount of the coronavirus in blood, the investigators also sought to understand whether the pathogen was mutating to avoid antibodies.
They found that the virus was changing, to some extent: 8 percent of the viruses had mutated in participants getting the drug, compared with 6 percent in those receiving the placebo. (Presumably, the virus also was trying to dodge the natural antibodies that placebo patients were making on their own.)
The investigators expected that their drug might produce a reduction in the amount of virus in patients’ blood. They did not anticipate a sharp reduction in patients who needed hospitalization.
“This is the first time we have ever seen anything of this magnitude,” Dr. Skovronsky said.
The antibody drug did not produce significant side effects, he said. Patients received a single infusion, providing antibodies that should last about a month.
There is good news regarding a vaccine in these findings. If monoclonal antibodies had not worked, then the finding may have cast doubt on the notion that the virus can be stopped with antibodies.
On the other hand, the results — if they are proven accurate — do not guarantee that a vaccine will work. Eli Lilly’s monoclonal antibody is a temporary treatment; a vaccine is designed to elicit long-lasting natural antibodies and thus immunity.
Like other companies, Eli Lilly has been manufacturing large quantities of its drug — 100 million doses — in hopes that it turns out to be effective.
The company will be discussing its data with the Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Skovronsky said, along with the possibility of obtaining an emergency use authorization allowing Eli Lilly to market the drug.
Monoclonal antibodies are expensive to make and carry high price tags, often thousands of dollars per dose. But if the findings hold up, there will be comfort for the public in knowing there is something doctors can do to head off dire illness, Dr. Cohen said.
“For my wife and I, who are older and fatter — we are waiting for drugs like this so we can see our grandchildren,” he added.

Interesting - and a NYCrimes article without the usual DPST histrionics and political slant.
My, My - what is NY coming to?????

And the Good - hopefully another medication for seriously ill patients. and - gives credence to harvested antibody use from patients who have recovered from wuhan virus.

Which has been sharply criticized on political grounds by the "ideology leads science" NYCrimes.

What will the Desperate DPST's - and the biden/harris nominees Do - without their millions of wuhan virus deaths to blame on Trump ordering the military to manufacture it and blame biden's main source of income - China!!!

Note- biden ain't for long - harris is the effective nominee .
HedonistForever's Avatar

Note- biden ain't for long - harris is the effective nominee . Originally Posted by oeb11

Funny you should mention that. Did you see the clip of Commala saying "A Harris administration". She realized what she had said and quickly added "together with Joe Biden as President".

And then either by mistake due to oncoming senility or on purpose, Biden did the same thing not long after saying "Harris/ Biden administration". Maybe he just wants to get comfortable saying what every other Democrat is saying.

Kamala Harris accidentally refers to ‘Harris administration’ during roundtable

Now Biden refers to the ticket as the 'Harris/Biden administration' - days after Kamala Harris made the same slip
  • oeb11
  • 09-16-2020, 10:24 AM
biden admits his own unfitness for office.

If harris gets POTUS, and the senate - she will pack the SC with radical leftists -ignoring the traditional number of nine SC justices - and then it is over for freedom in America.

Civil War will result - middle America against the marxist West coast and NYShitty.

I am amazed that any capitalist/business person in NYshitty could support the marxists who will destroy free enterprise in America.
rexdutchman's Avatar
James Woods yesterday said " Joeys gonna come down with covid around sept 25 to be in quarantined for 6 week to miss debating , and with recover right before the election"

I agree 100% something will stop him from debating live?? The wokescolds -something just saying
Sounds like the same style treatment for ebola: give ebola antibodies from survivors to those recently infected.

I think if Biden comes down with COVID during these last few months he'll be trounced. If he does use some type of COVID excuse then Trump will volunteer to debate Kamala. Her performance in the Democratic debates, other than to call other candidates racists, was unimpressive.