Donald Trump is just not my guy

ICU 812's Avatar
I didn't/couldn't vote for DJT in 2016. I voted for the Liberation. Voted for someone else in the primary too. This time around I was hoping for a strong primary challenger; Ted Cruse perhaps . . . but no.

In any case, this time around I am not looking at the presidential candidates as the main reason for voting one way or the other. BOTH are deeply flawed men. For me it is not about voting for this or that politician. We have had other deeply flawed men in that position before/ Many of them accomplished pretty great things too.

No, this time it is about voting AGAINST; against those who would turn the USA into Venezuela or Cuba.
  • oeb11
  • 09-17-2020, 02:48 PM
Ditto, ICU!


Ted Cruz

all of us a imperfect humans.

DPST's are flawed by intractable, ungrounded, self-destructive Hatred.

Well - add a complete adulation for H... and marxist totalitarian control.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I didn't/couldn't vote for DJT in 2016. I voted for the Liberation. Voted for someone else in the primary too. This time around I was hoping for a strong primary challenger; Ted Cruse perhaps . . . but no.

In any case, this time around I am not looking at the presidential candidates as the main reason for voting one way or the other. BOTH are deeply flawed men. For me it is not about voting for this or that politician. We have had other deeply flawed men in that position before/ Many of them accomplished pretty great things too.

No, this time it is about voting AGAINST; against those who would turn the USA into Venezuela or Cuba. Originally Posted by ICU 812

you get the Robert Heinlein award

“If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for ... but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.”

― Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love
  • oeb11
  • 09-17-2020, 02:53 PM
HedonistForever's Avatar
It is painfully obvious that the vast majority of voters will be voting against the other guy. It's just where we find ourselves. No sense huffing and puffing and saying I'm not going to vote because they are both flawed, no difference between either because they are both terrible. Pick THEE most important issue to you and then vote for the person who will fight for that issue.

Fortunately for me, there is more than one issue, there are many as a matter of fact. It isn't even close for me and it has nothing to do with personalities, the weakest excuse IMHO.
texassapper's Avatar
My other favorite Heinlein quote is:

“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as "bad luck.”
Pretty much is the definition of NYC! LOL. all that crime increase, tax base depletion. stupid liberals.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
T R U M P is a little bit crazy, but there's no way in hell I'll ever vote for Joe Biden. It's either T R U M P or no vote for me.
texassapper's Avatar
It isn't even close for me and it has nothing to do with personalities, the weakest excuse IMHO. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Agreed. Some people never left Jr. High.

No war.
Peace in the ME
Market is good
Economy WAS great and is recovering (Thanks CHICOMS!)
Millions predicted dead from COVID = 10K died from the disease.. all the others were fat, old, hypertensive.
illegal immigration down
  • oeb11
  • 09-17-2020, 05:51 PM
All of which the DPST's vehemently oppose.

Thanks - ta.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Noam Chomsky: There’s Reason for Hope

I spoke with him over Zoom from his home office in Arizona, and our conversation touched on how climate change will create new jobs, the biggest myths about the Green New Deal, and why the Republicans in Congress are worse than the Nazis.

Here is our conversation, edited for length and clarity.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Noam Chomsky: There’s Reason for Hope

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

why do you bother? not even your fellow trump haters gives a shit what this old commie fossil has to say.

i have proven many times in this forum that Castro lived a life of opulent luxury at that expense of your beloved proletariat and was in fact as brutal if not more so than the dictator he overthrew.

so in fact Cuba gained nothing. one dictator replaced another and the people of Cuba are still repressed to this day.
I'm not gonna vote "for" Biden but I will damn sure vote for anyone but putin/trump. Real Americans cannot be that stupid to elect the Putin in chief again
HedonistForever's Avatar
I'm not gonna vote "for" Biden but I will damn sure vote for anyone but putin/trump. Real Americans cannot be that stupid to elect the Putin in chief again Originally Posted by Tsmokies

You're obsession with Putin is amusing. Even Democrats with the obvious exclusion of Biden are beginning to see that China is the problem not Putin. Russia is nothing more than a corner gas station with nuclear weapons that they can't use.

Right now at this very minute, China is actively promoting Joe Biden because they do not want to face a second term of Trump. If China is the problem not Russia and China is promoting Biden, how is that any different in what Russia did, mettle in our election without the help of Trump.

Right now the Democrat party and their media helpers are so far in the pocket of the CCP it is amazing that they don't seem to care. They actively defend the CCP on the Corona virus and Biden is on record saying that China, the second biggest economy in the world and will soon be number one, the second biggest military in the world and soon will be number one, is no competition to the US. Is he senile? That was rhetorical.

There isn't a damn thing Russia can do to advance their position in the world, nothing. There is nothing that Trump could do for Putin even if he wanted to which he doesn't. Trumps people are actually threatening Germany ( which I don't think was a good idea BTW ) for working with Russia on a new pipeline. In case that doesn't register, Trump is undermining the efforts of Russia. The US becoming the number one exporter of fossil fuels damn near crippled Russia. Trump, not Obama sold Ukraine javelin missiles for the expressed purpose of killing Russian tanks and since that time Russia has not advanced on Ukraine.

If ever there was a time for Putin to pull out that pee tape and use it to black mail Trump, that would have been the time to use it.

Quite literally, thinking that Putin has benefited in any tangible way from the Trump Presidency exists only in the minds of those obsessed with Putin and Russia, the corner gas station with weapons he can't use and an economy that is falling farther and farther behind with no chance in hell of catching either the US or China, the real threat to America and they want Joe Biden as President.

I find it amusing that one worries about how Russia, a nothing country wants Trump to be President but worries not a bit that China, the real threat to the world that even Democrats with the exception of Joe Biden are beginning to see, want Biden to be President.

Could it be that Joe doesn't want Hunter to lose the billion and a half he got from China?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you get the Robert Heinlein award

“If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for ... but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.”

― Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

he's talking about voting for the lesser of the two evils.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Noam Chomsky: There’s Reason for Hope
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

not going bother reading that fraud.