Tinagirl69 NCNS nada, niet!

Smoke2nd's Avatar
At the request of 2 mods, I am going to start this thread...

I was NCNS by tinagirl69 yesterday, 10/9/2011.

I posted in the previous NCNStinagirl thread, and because that situation was resolved by the two parties, my posts belong in their own thread.
The purpose of this thread is to hopefully find resolution here as well.

I sent a message back on Thurs 10/ 6 to tinagirl requesting an appt on Sunday evening at 8 pm.
She promptly replied and told me she would get back to me to confirm that day. That never happened. I did not hear from her.

I messeged her again yesterday 10/9 in the late morning, asking if she could confirm. She replied asking me to call her, and gave me the same number as she uses in her ads.

I called her and confirmed an 8 pm appt.

Things changed in my schedule, and I had more free time than I thought, so I called her again, and at 4: 45 ish and asked her if we could bump up our meeting time to 6:30 pm. She asked me "what time is it now?"...thats how I remember what time I called her. She said yes that was fine to call her when I was on my way.

I showered and left about 5:30 for the 1 hour drive in the pouring down rain.
Got to her "nearby area" and called her about 10 minutes before showtime...no answer, and the VM thing never "beeped" to leave a message on.

I called her again every 5 minutes until 6:45. So yeah 6 times...every time same as first. I did this because I knew she had fallen asleep in a previous review, and I hoped that if that was the case with me as well, the sound of the phone would hopefully wake her. No dice.
So I texted her, emailed her, and pm'ed her via p411 as well.

So I drove back home in the rain for another hour. Thats 2 hours of driving in the rain for those who are keeping count.

This morning, I had not yet gotten a reply.

I tried calling her today around 1 pm, but the phone is now out of order.
I pm'ed her on p411 because I saw that she was "ONLINE", and felt sure she would contact me to let me know what happened.....but no, she has not made any attempt to contact me at this time, but I welcome any explanation from her.

I'm not here to create drama, nor "out" her...at the same time, my energy, gas, and time was wasted...and that sucks!

I'm hoping for a similar resolution to the last NCNS tinagirl69 thread.

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
That is not professional on her end. She does owe you an explanation or a discounted rate if you ask me.....This is a game for pros not hos.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 10-10-2011, 03:25 PM
Man, nothing pisses me off more than to drive that far and get treated that way. Yes, things can happen, but n/c is not acceptable. Sorry for all the crap, smoke.
Smoke2nd's Avatar

Tina contacted me via phone and has offered to "make things right".
I will not disclose the details of that offer, but I will be happy if all goes as planned.
We have scheduled another date for later in the week.
She is moving this week, and her phone was out of service, but is now back up and running.
I know Tina has made things right for other hobbyists, and I feel confident that she will do the same with me.
I will write a review of our visit...in a few days.
Poor ol feller,
Why A Duck?'s Avatar
Very impressive that she fixed two NCNS's!
Jack Flash's Avatar
Very unimpressive that she has had two NCNS alerts on her back to back. So if I want to see this girl I guess I should schedule, expect her to fall asleep and not see me and then post and alert and wait for my discount?
dearhunter's Avatar
Brilliant marketing?
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Well at least she's attempting to make it right.
And that I get the same treatment when I decide to reschedule with her.
Time is precious to us guys.
You ladies must understand that.
  • romab
  • 10-11-2011, 12:48 PM
Smoke Had similar happen to me month or so ago. Yes she made good on NS/NC but this still didn't take care of hours in car and irritation till fixed.

Sure things happen, but this is service business and this really wears thin. Had nice time but don't think would try again due to iffy sch. problems

IMHO, if she NCNS's then later said she would make it better, it best be at a discounted rate to make up for the time the guy wasted.

Even if it is only 50 bucks or offer him 90 minutes for the price of 60 minutes

Cause if she is not extending extras or a discount, and charging her normal fee.. then she is not "making up for anything" she is merely blowing people off .
Jack Flash's Avatar
IMHO, if she NCNS's then later said she would make it better, it best be at a discounted rate to make up for the time the guy wasted.

Even if it is only 50 bucks or offer him 90 minutes for the price of 60 minutes

Cause if she is not extending extras or a discount, and charging her normal fee.. then she is not "making up for anything" she is merely blowing people off . Originally Posted by Spirit13
90 for 60 is crap. It should be 60 mins for the price of 30 mins then subtract 25-50% off that amount.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
If you look at her last review you'll see what she offered the last NCNS.

If things go as planned, and she is on her game, my tail will be wagging by Thursday afternoon...and I will have no problem giving her a YES recommendation.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 10-11-2011, 05:31 PM
Hell, my "one and done" dumb ass would run out of things to say to her if all she did was offer me more time. I'm with Jack - 50% off the rate makes much more sense.
Of course, it's a mute point here anyway. I've rarely, very rarely, given one a chance to "make it right". I have very limited time to get loose to play, and if you fucked it up, we're done.
Jack Flash's Avatar
Yeah the whole more time for same money isn't a way to do it. I would want what I first scheduled for minus the Bullshit factor that she put me through.