What should I do?

Hello out there,this is Ultra. Look,I got a problem and I was wondering what I should do about it.I schedule a appointment with a provider I know from the past 7 years.The last time I was with her,we had a blast!I drove my 2 hr drive and gave her a heads up 30 min before I got there.She knows I drive 2 hours and she told me she will be ready.Well,I got there 10 min early,park my car and call her I was here.ONE HOUR LATER,i was still there.I know things happens and something must have turn up.It happen to me because I'm on call sometimes.So I left.I call the next day to see if she was ok.I wasn't mad because I made a good day out of it shopping.Now it has been 2 weeks and I still haven't heard from her.I want to call her to see if she ok but damn,you know.The times we had together was great,really great.And I don't really want to post her name because of those times.She does put an ad in BP.So,what should I do?Delete her phone number and move on or try to see what happened?Thank y'all and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!
Hell yes! You are a lot more considerate than she is. Why don't you hook up with some RGV based providers? There are several very hot down there who would not let you down.
I'm actually closer to Houston than the valley.I'm going to try one more time to contact her this week.
I'm actually closer to Houston than the valley.I'm going to try one more time to contact her this week. Originally Posted by ultraphobic71
I think this is wise of you. It's a very, very frustrating thing indeed and you're right to be upset. She is clearly in the wrong.

But over time, you'll find that extended grace is a good policy in this hobby. Even the best sometimes mess up. If this provider continues to manifest this behavior, delete her and move on. Many gents spend alot of time worrying over this and try to post alerts and ruin the girls rep. I would advise against this. Her rep will eventually suffer if she does this enough, you don't need to participate in her undoing. Just move on. I can assure you, there are plenty of ladies who understand TCB and do it very well. You'll find one you like, I'm sure.

Sorry for your trouble but all the best.
Since you have seen her for the past 7 years and never had a problem before and always had a great time, cut her some slack.

She has a "real life" and something probably came up. You tried to make sure she was ok. You did all you can do. Although you had to drive 2hrs, you still have whatever your donation was going to be in your pocket.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
If she hasn't posted on BP since that day, she might be on a vacation, or got picked up on some warrants and is sitting out some traffic tickets in jail.

I lost track of a girl I really liked for 23 days a year or so ago, then found her on one of the jail websites. She was fine.

In the whole scheme of things two weeks is nothing...
Mojojo's Avatar
Move on. There are plenty of woman out here in Houston that would cater to you if you're willing to shell out the cash.
.Now it has been 2 weeks and I still haven't heard from her.I want to call her to see if she ok but damn,you know.

The times we had together was great,really great. Originally Posted by ultraphobic71

no, don't call her back.... you'll come across like a pest and a weak man. even in the hobby with providers, we men still have to act like men with women...they are still turned on and off by the same things they are with non -clients.

she knows you 2 had something scheduled and planned yet something came up in her life that was more important.

she'd just give you a lousy excuse if you called her and she answered at this point and it would come back to you somehow where YOU could be the one to solve her problem.

the times you two spent were really great for you. that does not mean they were really great for her.

put her name up...

don't think being a ""white knight"" for her will help you or hurt you...
If you have been seeing her for 7 years....at least give her the benefit of a doubt and find out what happened. If it was the first time....or second...I would just move on.
Wise words tbone, 7years should get her at least more than a 14 day "benefit of the doubt grace period". S***happens....
But I must admit, I am still in awe at the 7 years...wow

If you have been seeing her for 7 years....at least give her the benefit of a doubt and find out what happened. If it was the first time....or second...I would just move on. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Let me put this way.I like Bran Flakes.Always have.I know there other cereals out there that might taste better,have a prize in it or might be cheaper.So why change if you like eating Bran Flakes?ANd I did check Backpage today.She haven't posted in 4 days.So,it could be possible she might have forgetten about appointment.So,here what I'm going to do.Since I'm not going back to Houston for at least 2 weeks,I leave it alone.On the day I do go,I call and let see what happens.Thanks to all that posted and once again,MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
Let me put this way.I like Bran Flakes.Always have.I know there other cereals out there that might taste better,have a prize in it or might be cheaper.So why change if you like eating Bran Flakes?ANd I did check Backpage today.She haven't posted in 4 days.So,it could be possible she might have forgetten about appointment.So,here what I'm going to do.Since I'm not going back to Houston for at least 2 weeks,I leave it alone.On the day I do go,I call and let see what happens.Thanks to all that posted and once again,MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Originally Posted by ultraphobic71
Good plan. Wise man, you are. We need more like you. Good luck.
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Don't delete her number she may come back. Then you can skip happily into the sunset. Or maybe not and you can bash your head into a wall over what you did wrong. Seven years?! Really, just put a ring on it at this point. No wait don't do that cause next time she disappears so will half/most your stuff.
  • Alli
  • 12-24-2011, 06:26 PM
I think you should try to call her again and see if she will talk to you. Sometimes things do come up at the very last min.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
If you have been seeing her for seven years and she really gave a shit she would have called you by now. Move the fuck on.